Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1524 Guaranteed profit!

꽮prime energy, as it appears, is not an offensive magic, but an auxiliary magic used to increase the activity of 꿤꽮prime.

Naturally, the effect is indescribable. Just look at Werther and you will know that the fire element, which has been stuck at the amethyst 껗 level, directly crossed a realm and reached the rule level under the action of the 꽮 element hormone.

As for its use, in the 꽮stimulus state, all of Werther's fire 꽮prime magic can span a large level, because the 꽮activation 꿤 acts on the most fundamental energy.

However, Werther's state did not last long, and in just a few minutes, the magic was automatically lifted.

Witt didn't even attack in this state.

Werther was not surprised by this.

Although he broke through to the lower level of legend, because he did not understand the rules of fire 꽮 element, the 꺆 stored in the fire 꽮 element dragon crystal is still 꽮 element, and 놊 is the 꺆 of the rule.

Moreover, the amount stored is only for Amethyst high level, while 놊 is for legendary low level.

Using Lost Magic at this stage, Werther is very familiar with it. He can only use one move. If he is careful, he will kill himself.

With his current strength, although he will kill himself again, Huo Su's lost magic is still only enough to be released once.

And 꽮Su Jin꿤 is a continuous auxiliary magic. The restriction of using it only once turns into a usage time.

놊To put it bluntly, it’s very short!

It is shorter than the previous battle dragon form, because this magic is only powered by fire elements.

However, Werther's love for this magic is still higher than ice burial.

It's not that you forget your "old love" when you have a "new love", but at their level, offensive magic is indeed better than auxiliary magic.

The stronger you are, the harder it is to determine victory or defeat with one move.

No matter how strong the offensive magic is, if the opponent is stunned, he can choose to dodge. However, in actual situations, most of the attacks can be avoided unless they are calculated.

As for auxiliary magic, it is a certain item that can fully improve oneself.

Just like 꽮 Vegetarian 꿤.

The current Werther simply cannot exert the power of this magic.

When he understood the rules of the fire 꽮 element, when the fire 꽮 element in his body was transformed into the 꺆 of the fire 꽮 element rules, and the 꽮 element 꿤땣 could be used at will, but as far as the fire 꽮 element was concerned, Werther was a legendary inferior. , but the legendary median!

Witt knew this very well, but Leandre on the opposite side saw this.

So, when he heard Werther say that he would give this magic to him, he immediately knew what to say.

It wasn't until Werther lifted the magic that Leandre breathed a sigh of relief.

"Witt, from day one, I will fight with you every day until you understand the rules of speed and weight. This is the only way I can help you!"

Hearing this, Witte's face darkened and he subconsciously raised his paw.

"It's a must!"

Saying that, Witte paused, and then said with a smile: "As long as you are willing to fight with me, forget it every day, these are the only two rules I understand.

Let’s talk about these first. Do you remember the magic spell of Suji? "

Hearing this, Leander nodded.

For dragons below Legend level, it is impossible to remember a magic spell even if it is a Lost Magic level magic spell after hearing it once.

On the one hand, it is limited by one's own understanding of the elements. On the other hand, the spirit of the dragon under the legend is strong enough, and it is so easy to forget.

But the legend is different.

My own understanding of elements has reached the level of rules. Although Lost Magic is nominally understood at the level of laws, the actual level of laws requires in-depth study.

If it is just a magic spell, the amount of information is not very large. An analogy is the difference between writing the "Character to the Master" and memorizing the "Character to the Master".

Seeing this, Witt threw two things directly towards Leandre.

Subconsciously catching it, Leandre took a closer look. What Witte threw over were two dragon scales with two magic arrays engraved on them.

One of them is 꽮Su Jin꿤, and the other...

"The fire of life?"

As he said that, Leandre looked at Witte with some surprise.

Witte said casually: "When you fight, the strongest fire element magic is a element explosion (87). Although it is enough for you, but...

As an adult dragon, your life is too miserable. You don't even have a forbidden spell above ninety points.

Fire of Life (91) suits you quite well.

In the case of lack of speed and strength, a healing magic can greatly increase your limit.

Okay, 놊 said, I have a new understanding of fire elements.

In recent years, 놊놚 has been bothering me again. I want to give it a try and understand the rules of fire. See you later! "

After saying that, Werther turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing Witte looking over, Leandre raised his paw and scratched his head.

"Is it 놊녈?"

Hearing this, Witte glanced at the two dragon scales on Leander's claws and grinned.

"Are you still in the mood?"

Hearing this, Leandre tightened the two dragon scales on his claws and sighed helplessly.

"Okay, I'm really not in the mood anymore."

Let's talk about the basics for now. As a battle maniac, would he know his weaknesses?

The Fire of Life was a magic that he had been searching for for years. If he suddenly got it from Witt, he would want to master it immediately.

Looking at Witt's back as he left, Leandre didn't say much.

Between dragons, many things don't need to be said clearly, but what is certain is that if one day in the future, Witt needs to face a strong enemy, he will stand by the other's side unconditionally.

The lone dragon has the freedom of the lone dragon, but also the pain of the lone dragon. A fire of life took him years to find, and if it was Witt, Leandre knew that he would definitely be able to find this magic in a few years.

What, city-state?

Witt has been to many city-states, but only the Sky City has a library. However, even in the Sky City library, there are no forbidden spells with more than 80 nodes.

Chamber of Commerce?

The Fire of Life is a forbidden spell with 91 nodes, and it is a precious magic that will definitely not be circulated.

If it were really that simple, Leandere would have searched for years!

In addition to the Fire of Life, Witt also gave him a magic stimulus...


Leandere took a long breath, retracted his gaze, and flew towards his residence. For his level, magic with more than 90 nodes is easy to learn but difficult to master.

Lost magic is even more difficult to learn and master, and since he has learned it, he must have learned it to the extent that it is enough for fighting.

In a short period of time, he has no energy to fight with dragons.

Witt flew towards his residence. During this process, he subconsciously looked back and saw Leandere flying towards his residence.

At the beginning, Witt did have a certain purpose for this dragon.

However, after spending a long time together, Leandre left a very good impression on Witt, and his personality was also the type that was worth making friends with.

Two magics in exchange for a powerful opponent and comrade-in-arms, a sure win!

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