Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1523 The Second Lost Magic!

After sighing, Witt did not restore his mental power immediately, but checked his mental power dragon crystal.

He clearly remembered that something in the first information flow was integrated into his mental power.

For this kind of thing, it must be figured out.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause big problems.

And when Witt put his consciousness inside the mental power dragon crystal, Witt's heart first emerged a little surprised, and then ecstasy.

There are indeed more things in the dragon crystal, but it is not some other unknown things, but memories!

Contains the memory of the perception of the fire element.

No wonder it felt a little familiar before. Witt's consciousness at this time, the first information flow he came into contact with was most likely the perception of the legendary dragon on the law of the fire element.

In other words, that information flow is the law of the fire element borrowed or mastered by the legendary dragon!

Therefore, his mental power cannot break that information flow.

That is the power at the law level.

But it doesn't matter if it can't be broken!

Just the perception of the fire element that was integrated into his mental power during the collision between his mental power and the information flow was enough to save him a lot of effort in his understanding of the rules of the fire element.

In terms of the understanding of the rules of the elements, this information flow is even greater than the book that Kronos gave him.

Witt opened his eyes suddenly, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

"What a surprise!"

Moreover, this is not a one-time thing. As long as the power of the law in this dragon crystal is not completely dissipated, he can continue to obtain the perception of the legendary dragon on the law of the fire element.

Look clearly, it is the perception of the law of the fire element!

Therefore, no matter which rule of the fire element he comprehends in the future, these perceptions can provide great help to his understanding of the rules.

"Tsk tsk, I feel a little embarrassed... Bah, go play with Linsda!"

Witt smacked his lips, and the excitement in his eyes was beyond words.

Jian really left him a great gift!

And it's not just for him.

After the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, gather those guys together, and Ao, Isa, and Billy can all get a lot of benefits from it.

Maybe we can add Neil (the red dragon I met in the Scorching City).

The last time I went back to the Sky City, Witt didn't go to the Scorching City, and I don't know how much this guy has grown.

Moreover, Witt doesn't know whether Neil will participate in the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

If he doesn't participate, he can go to the Scorching City to visit this guy.

As for the other dragons...

There is no way, who made this dragon crystal only a single fire element!

However, Gedra, Moshi, and Antawana, who have an affinity with water elements, can lend the book that Kronos gave him to the three of them.

Witt is not afraid that they will become stronger because of this, but he is afraid that they will not be strong enough before the abyss invades!

Retracting his thoughts, Witt began to restore his mental power.

I won’t go into details about what happened next. Witt’s life is only about finding the magic and restoring his mental power.


Leandre was soaking in the lava pool, looking at Witt’s residence opposite, which was still motionless, and couldn’t help but wail.

Witt has been learning this new magic for almost three years.

And in these three years, he could only vent his excess energy on other dragons nearby.

As a result, it didn’t take long for the surrounding dragons to go to “sleep”.

After a wail, Leandre's eyes turned to the opposite side again, but his empty eyes meant that his attention was no longer on Witt's cave.

He was thinking whether to fly farther and expand the "hunting" range.

Just when this idea came to Leandre's mind, his eyes suddenly condensed and his attention was instantly focused on the opposite side.

And in the cave opposite, Witt walked out slowly.

"You finally came out!"

Witt, who had just walked out of the cave, felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then a big head filled his entire field of vision.

Witt's head moved back unconsciously.

"Calm down, by the way, it's not so exaggerated after not seeing you for three years!"


Leandre's voice was full of resentment.

"I haven't fought for a month!"

Hearing this, Witt looked at Leandre with some meaning.

Not to mention, for Leanderi, even if he hadn't fought for three days, let alone a month, he would feel uncomfortable.


"Are they scared by you again?"

Leanderi curled his lips.

"They all went to sleep. I never saw them like to sleep before. They were always looking for opponents everywhere."

The fire dragons are more impatient and have a strong desire to fight.

It's normal for the water dragons to be scared by Leanderi. The water dragons don't have a strong desire to fight, but Leanderi can beat a group of lawless fire dragons into autism. This is really strong.


Thinking about those things in his mind, Witt nodded and agreed, and then flew towards the flying island suspended above the lava pool.

Seeing this, Leanderi's eyes suddenly lit up, and the whole dragon was on fire... It was really on fire.

Rich fire elements gushed out of his body, forming a flame-shaped energy film on the surface of his body, which was a sign of fully activating the fire element.

In fact, Leandre did not fight only with shaping magic.

When fighting with all his strength, shaping magic was the main one, supplemented by fire and earth magic.

It was obvious that Leandre, who had been holding back for a month, was going to go all out this time.

Standing on the ring, watching Leandre, who was on the opposite side, posing in such a posture, a strange look flashed in Witt's eyes.

However, he did not say much.

Witt knew very well that soon, Leandre would not care about fighting with him.

Thinking of this in his heart, Witt grinned, watching the moment when Leandre was about to take action.

"Leandre, look at me carefully!"

Hearing Witt's words, Leandre was stunned for a moment, and then unconsciously stopped the attack and focused his attention on Witt.

In an instant, a complex and twisted chanting sounded into his ears.

As the spell sounded, Witt's silver-white dragon body suddenly released a terrifying heat wave, and the fire element breath that was originally only at the high level of purple crystal suddenly soared, and in just an instant, it was raised to the rule level.

And Witt's body turned into a bright yellow like lava.

"This is..."

Witt chuckled, spread his wings, and a terrifying heat wave swept the surrounding space.

"You accompanied me to comprehend the rules of speed and strength. In return, this magic called Elemental Ascension, the fire element 105 node, is given to you!

Did you see it clearly?"


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