Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1501 There is news!

"So that's how it is..."

While flipping through the experimental records, Witt nodded thoughtfully and muttered softly.

From his relaxed brows, it is not difficult to see that Witt has gained a lot.

Of course, the experimental records only contain relevant knowledge about the structure of dragon crystals, and there is no method for making blank dragon crystals. Well... Actually, after all, the mechanical dragon has eight elemental dragon crystals.

However, the method that Egbert used to make blank dragon crystals is what Witt is familiar with. It is a method that dark alchemists used to use other dragons' dragon crystals to cultivate blank dragon crystals.

Therefore, Witt needs to carry out related experiments on the production of blank dragon crystals himself in the future.


Witt took out a metal book, compared it with the experimental records, and began to write and draw.

In his opinion, some of the knowledge in this experimental record is much more important than the experimental record itself.

For example, the ancient dragon text that can carry consciousness.

Another example is the special magic circle that can release consciousness.

These things are recorded in detail in the experimental records.

Although Egbert added materials and omitted some things in Taber's experimental records, the most important things were left behind.

Obviously, he still expected Taber.

Even if this expectation was full of malice.


Time passed by little by little in Witt's research, and in a blink of an eye, it was half a month.

"Why do I feel a little bit worse?"

In the laboratory, Witt muttered a little irritably.

The appearance of the new ancient dragon text gave Witt the opportunity to become a legendary alchemist.

However, no matter how he studied and struggled in the past half month, he felt that something was missing, and his alchemy level was stuck there, without any breakthrough.

This feeling of being unable to cough or swallow made Witt very uncomfortable, and the breath on his body gradually became more violent.

This made Witt look from a distance, with a little more meaning of "stay away from the dragon".

The thick dragon tail behind him was waving unconsciously, and the metal floor behind him was full of traces of being whipped by the dragon tail.

"No, I have to vent!"

Muttering, Witt's eyes gradually surged with a layer of fierceness, and the surrounding environment became more and more unpleasant.

Then, he simply let his temper do what he wanted.


Looking back at the back, Gabriel's eyes showed a few sighs.

Nearly a thousand years have changed many things.

The familiar dragon is gone, the familiar streets and shops are gone, replaced by new faces and pairs of vigilant eyes.

Of course, some things have not changed, but this is the number after all.


Looking back at the huge shadow hanging down from the distance, Gabriel couldn't help but let out a long breath, and there was a little more relief on his face.

However, no matter how many changes there are, they have nothing to do with me.

In this life, I will never step into this place again.

This trip is not only a farewell to the City of Darkness, but also a farewell to the past.

"No more, darkness..."


Just when Gabriel was about to sigh, a huge explosion suddenly came from the distance ahead.

Then the huge shadow hanging upside down, in Gabriel's stunned eyes, collapsed and fell.

The dense collision sound of the gravel hitting the ground finally woke up the stunned Gabriel. After coming back to his senses, his face changed slightly and he hurried over there.

Enemy attack?

Gabriel was guessing in his heart while flying towards the laboratory.

Seeing Witt there, he really couldn't think of what other factors could cause such a large-scale explosion except for the enemy attack.

However, when he came to the vicinity of the laboratory, he saw Witt carrying an alloy building and fell heavily to the ground.

The splashed gravel even hit his forehead and embedded in the gaps of the dragon scales.


Gabriel silently picked out the stone from the gaps of the scales.

By the way, can you pretend that you didn't see anything?

Just when Gabriel had this thought in his mind, he found that it was too late because Witt had already looked over.

On the other side, Witt, who was in the state of "demolition" with an excited look on his face, suddenly came back to his senses and noticed that there was a familiar breath around him.

Turning his head, he saw Gabriel looking at him thoughtfully.

Witt's face froze.

Then, the white line in the "X" stigma on his chest suddenly lit up, and then a white flame rose from Witt's body.

In a short while, the entire laboratory turned into a standard small metal cube.

After Witt put away these metal cubes, he flew to Gabriel's side.

"It's a waste to stay here, so..."


Gabriel hurriedly expressed his attitude.

Hearing this, Witt's tense face relaxed a little.

"There is nothing here anymore, let's just leave, what do you think?"

"No problem."

So, the two dragons flew towards the entrance and exit of the Dark City.

After flying not far, Gabriel remembered that he had gained something, so he said: "By the way, Witt, I have some news about the two dragons you asked me to listen to before."

Hearing this, Witt didn't care about the embarrassment of the previous things, and quickly turned his head to look at Gabriel.

"Whose news?"

"It may be the black dragon named Finger!"

When Gabriel saw a flash of anxiety in Witt's eyes, he said directly without any hesitation: "I went to see a few old friends, one of whom had a slight impression of the adult black dragon.

He mentioned that thousands of years ago, when the abyss had not yet revealed its traces on the land of Olivia, he had been to the secret realm of water for some reasons.

And there, he happened to experience a battle for territory.

One of the fighting parties was an adult black dragon.

It was an adult black dragon who called himself a wanderer. He was extremely powerful. What impressed the dragon the most was the unknown ice magic he used..."

Hearing this, Witt's eyes suddenly condensed.

The dragon world has been around for many years, but there are dragons that have developed alternative magic. However, if it is just alternative magic that simply improves power, it is the best.

Witt's blue ice magic is developed based on permafrost, and its power far exceeds that of ordinary ice magic. This is an extremely obvious feature.

Just based on this point, even if Witt is not sure, he can be more than 90% sure.

That is Finger!

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