Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1500 That guy got cheated!

Thinking of this, Witt took out the half of the finger he had obtained before.

However, after checking it, Witt did not unlock the seal, but put it back into the Ni Lin space. Now is not the time to study these.

There are too few materials and the number of experiments is limited. He needs to consider carefully.

Of course, this research is not for this metal, but for dealing with Egbert.

Witt does not know whether the perfect alloy exists, but he knows that the best alloy in the dragon world, Metenulus alloy, has some weaknesses that cannot be ignored.

Although these weaknesses can be compensated by alchemy technology, weaknesses are weaknesses. No matter how they are compensated, they will exist.

The best way to deal with a dragon like Egbert is to get rid of the opponent at one time.

If there is no such opportunity, some trump cards cannot be used casually.

And Witt needs to prepare this trump card before the next encounter with Egbert. After all, the opportunity is reserved for the prepared dragon.

Putting this aside, Witt continued to read it.

After the alloy experiment, Witt's expression immediately became serious.

Because after the alloy experiment, Witt wanted to see the experiment related to the dragon soul.

After a rough look, Witt's eyes flashed with surprise.

Even though there are countless dragons' lives behind this experimental result, Witt still admires the dragon who proposed this idea and put it into practice.

In the basic logic of this dragon, dragon crystal is not important, mental power is not important, and even dragon soul is not important. The most important and core consciousness!

On the premise that mental power is born from consciousness.

Based on the above two theories, the general process of this experiment is to open the dragon crystal, extract the consciousness based on the dragon soul, and integrate the consciousness into a special ancient dragon text.

Based on this ancient dragon text, a special magic circle is constructed with the mental power created by consciousness as the energy source.

The purpose of this magic circle is to amplify consciousness.

Then the amplified consciousness is integrated into the metal dragon body prepared in advance, and then it is controlled.

In this way, a new dragon race called the mechanical dragon was born.

The consciousness directly controls the body, and it has a much faster reaction speed than other dragons.

A special metal reconstruction magic circle that has never been seen before makes the mechanical dragon have a faster and stronger "healing" ability than ordinary dragons.

The dragon crystal has not been replaced. On the contrary, it has become the source of power for the mechanical dragon. Eight different elemental dragon crystals enable it to achieve full element affinity in another way.

When the consciousness directly controls the dragon body, there is no need to engrave the magic array in the puppet core in advance like the elemental puppet, and the consciousness directly controls the elements to form the magic circuit to release the magic.

Not only that, the consciousness is objective, while the dragon soul is objective, so the elemental affinity of the dragon comes from the dragon soul rather than the consciousness.

After removing the dragon soul, the consciousness residing in an ancient dragon text can completely absorb all elements.

In other words, the charging of eight elemental dragon crystals does not require external forces at all.

The only trouble is that with consciousness as the main force and mental power as the auxiliary force, the absorption of elements by eight elemental dragon crystals can be slower.

After noticing this, Witt showed a look of realization.

No wonder Egbert would target him.

If the secret of elemental plunder is obtained from him, the problem of elemental recovery will also be solved.

As for the memory problem, it is actually very easy to solve.

Memory itself can be seen from the special arrangement of mental power, which condenses the image of things experienced in the past.

And mental power is indeed related to consciousness.

When consciousness exists, mental power will exist with it. Whether it is past memories or future experiences, these can be preserved.

The above, especially the view that "consciousness exists, mental power exists", if it were in the past, Witt might have a question mark in his mind.

But after having the golden holy fire, Witt knew that this thing was true.

The existence of the golden holy fire can stabilize Witt's dragon soul and strengthen his mental power.

In addition to the principle that the golden holy fire can devour impurities and condense essence, there is another one that constantly stimulates his will, allowing his will to produce mental power faster.

In most cases, will is the manifestation of consciousness.


After reading it completely, Witt frowned.

On the surface, the mechanical dragon does have a higher upper limit than the ordinary dragon, but there is a big and obvious problem here.

This problem also lies in the consciousness level.

Consciousness is changeable and has a carrying limit.

I didn't think of it before, but now it seems that the function of the dragon soul should be to buffer the consciousness. When the consciousness needs to rest, the dragon soul will stand up to maintain the health and good operation of the body.

Just like Witt used to watch his dragon soul from a third-person perspective to make a mental breakthrough.

If the dragon soul is removed as a buffer...

A familiar figure suddenly appeared in Witt's mind.


Witt didn't understand why Os was always awake before, and after seeing these, he suddenly had an idea.

Then, will the principle of Oss and the mechanical dragon in this experiment be the same? Will Oss also be removed from the dragon soul during the manufacturing process, leaving only the consciousness?

However, unlike the mechanical dragon, Oss has the help of the golden holy fire.

Although his consciousness has been roasted by the golden holy fire, he can persist longer.

If there is no golden holy fire...

"Egbert has been cheated!"

While muttering, a strange look flashed in Witt's eyes.

Just like Witt's previous evaluation of Taber, if the knowledge obtained itself is problematic, then even if there is a problem later, Egbert, who regards this knowledge as the truth, will most likely not notice it.

And when he is able to notice it in the future, half of his neck will be buried in the body!

But soon, Witt's expression brightened.

Egbert was cheated, which is a good thing for him.

Of course, this does not mean that Witt does not need to care about Egbert.

Consciousness consumption is an extremely slow process, and Egbert will also notice this and find ways to alleviate consciousness consumption.

In this process, it is difficult to ensure that the opponent's strength is declining instead of rising.

If he is left to fend for himself, it will take a long time.

Therefore, the best way is to kill the opponent.

However, this is also a later story!

Egbert was pitted by this knowledge, but Witt was different.

Whether it is extracting consciousness from the dragon crystal or making eight elemental dragon crystals, it involves what Witt wants, the structure of the dragon crystal...

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