Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 147: Fierce Battle in the Valley!

"Vette, this won't work!"

Because it was magic flight, even though there was a huge gap in the strength of the two dragons, Antawana could barely keep up with Vitte's speed in flying.

Of course, Vitte also let him off.

On the one hand, it was to take care of Antawana. On the other hand, Vitte knew very well that he was flying purely on his physical body, and there were certain limitations in his endurance, so he needed to preserve a certain amount of physical strength!

After hearing Antawana's words, Vitte turned his head and looked behind him.

The gold-level Elkin dragon beast was still following behind them slowly, and the other dragon beasts might not have caught up because of their physical strength.

Then, Vitte looked down again.

There was a valley with lush trees just ahead.

Vette hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go to the valley ahead, get ready for battle!"

Hearing this, Antawana's eyes suddenly lit up, and then her face became solemn.

After all, the opponent's strength is also gold, and the two of us, one is in the middle bronze and the other is in the upper black iron, it is very difficult to defeat the other party!

In this regard, Witt is more clear that with the existence of the dragon egg, he will not use the Blazing White Breath unless it is absolutely necessary.

This battle can only be won by wits!

While thinking, after reaching the sky above the valley, Witt called Antawana, and then plunged into the dense forest below.

The adult body length of the Elkin dragon beast is about 20 meters, but the gold-level one chasing behind us is about 30 meters long.

It is much larger than Witt, and it is still difficult to move in the dense forest.

In addition, the opponent is wind element affinity.

The advantages and disadvantages of the wind element are quite obvious. In an open space, the wind element can exert a strong power, but in a dense forest, with trees blocking it, it is uncertain how much power the wind element can exert.

Therefore, Witt chose to fight in the dense forest of this valley.

One in front and one behind, the two dragons plunged into the dense forest one after another.

The two dragons looked at each other and nodded. Antawana covered the elemental fluctuations on her body, and then jumped into the layers of branches and leaves. The dragon body of less than 10 meters, under the cover of dense branches and leaves, quickly lost its trace.

Witt landed directly, then raised his head and opened his mouth. A stream of cold air leaked from the corners of his mouth, brewing a breath, and his eyes were fixed on the branches above.

Suddenly, accompanied by a violent elemental fluctuation, dozens of wind blades overlapped and fell from above.

In an instant, it cleared the dense branches and leaves to form a huge hole, and flew towards Witt without slowing down.

Accompanied by a tearing sound, a burst of dust was raised.

Then, Witt suddenly jumped out of the dust, and then turned his head directly to the forest layer that was opened, and the long-brewing zero-degree cold current was sprayed out.

The Elkin Dragon Beast that had just flown in from the hole was sprayed directly.

However, after the opponent roared, the wings closed in front of the body, and then suddenly opened, and another wind blade flew out, and Witt's zero degree was directly pushed back.

Seeing this, Witt's pupils shrank sharply, and he stopped breathing, then the wings behind him were close to his body, and he jumped into the nearby forest with extremely flexible steps.

And the place where Witt just stood, including the surrounding trees, was swept away by the wind blades, and was instantly cleared!

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Elkindramon roared and then chased after Witt.

But its huge body was obviously not suitable for activities in the dense forest, and it had to avoid the big trees that suddenly appeared from time to time.

But Elkindramon, who could grow to this point, had very skilled flying skills. Although it encountered some obstacles, it did not make any mistakes such as hitting trees.

But it was obviously impossible to catch up with Witt.

Seeing that Witt was getting farther and farther away from it, Elkindramon could not help but become irritated.

Suddenly, it hovered in the air, and then frantically flapped its wings in the direction of Witt's escape, and wind blades splashed like a rainstorm.

All the trees and boulders blocking the front were smashed to pieces by the wind blades!

After Witt sensed the violent elemental fluctuations coming from behind him, he turned around and ran sideways. He turned his head and saw that the forest between him and the Elkin Dragon Beast had been completely cleared.

Even he himself was almost affected.

However, such a powerful magic naturally consumes a lot of energy.

After noticing that the Elkin Dragon Beast stumbled slightly, Witt turned around and rushed towards the opponent without hesitation. At the same time, three gray-white magic circles appeared around his body.

However, this time Witt did not use it immediately, but let the magic circle float around him.

This is another advantage of using the magic circle to cast magic. As long as it is not actively activated, the magic circle will remain in this state until the best opportunity to use it is found.

Of course, it is not without disadvantages. If the opponent has a certain amount of research on the magic circle, he can easily see your intention.

However, this disadvantage is more reflected in elemental magic.

There is no need to worry so much about shaping magic.

Let's not talk about whether the other party can recognize the more niche magic such as shaping magic. Even if they recognize it, they have no way to use it against Witt.

Because the shaping magic is for oneself, unless the opponent interrupts the spellcasting, there is no way to stop it!

On the contrary, this can also confuse the opponent and distract part of the opponent's attention, because the opponent needs to pay attention to which part of the body the shaping magic is strong.

However, this is used to deal with other dragons, and there is no confusing effect on dragon beasts, and the opponent does not know what it is at all!

Seeing Vit rushing towards it, Elkin Dragon Beast hurriedly turned around and flapped its wings violently at Vit again, and a series of wind blades rushed towards Vit.

But Vit did not dodge, but one of the three magic circles quietly floated behind Vit, and then suddenly passed through Vit's wings.

As the magic circle dissipated, Vit's wings suddenly grew rapidly, from more than twice the original body length to about three times in an instant.

The muscle group on the back also bulged!

But Witt didn't feel his wings getting heavier, but felt much lighter.

Seeing the wind blade approaching, Witt raised his lips, shook his wings violently, and disappeared from the spot. When he appeared again, he was already directly above Elkindramon!

The speed was very fast, far exceeding the normal flying speed.

Looking at Elkindramon below, Witt opened his mouth without hesitation, and the zero-degree cold current washed Elkindramon's back crazily.

The breath-wrapped path nailed it to the ground below...

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