Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 146 The Great Flood!

Chapter 146 Flood!

Seeing that the stone turned into a lump of ice that broke at the touch, Antavaan looked at Witt with a strange expression.

"Are you in a bad mood?"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said helplessly: "I missed the only chance to return to the dragon's nest in advance."

After a pause, the smile on Witt's face became relaxed.

"But, it may be that I took it for granted.

Who can predict what has already happened? For example, even if I know what will happen later, can I stay there?"

First there was a copper dragon, and then there was an unknown dragon with affinity for water elements. During this period, it is unknown how many adult dragons have approached the rift.

After all, there are an unknown number of adult dragons active in the Yaka Hills.

It is normal for them to go over and check the situation when the dragon nest on this side of the rift disappears.

In this case, even if Witt knew clearly that Karen would be back in a short time, he would not dare to stay there.

What's more...

"If I really stay there, you will become the most frustrated sky dragon in the world!"

Hearing this, Antawana, who was still concerned about Witt's emotions, couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"There is no need to mention this matter again!"

As she said, Antawana turned her head and looked at the broken stone and some dragon beast corpses exposed in it.

"So, the shadow I saw in the river before, is it this stone?"

"That is the dragon nest of the Abeyi dragon beast..."

As she was talking, Witt was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at Antawana.

"What did you just say?

Dragon nests were floating on the water at first?"

Antawana nodded somewhat confusedly.

"I came here thinking about hunting some food from the water, and then I saw a shadow floating down from upstream. I thought there might be danger, so I left.

But not far away, these dragon beasts flew out of the water dragging the stone, and there were a lot of them.

Then they started to attack me."

Witt looked at the still rising water level, his face a little ugly.

After thinking for a moment, Witt gritted his teeth and said: "We can't stay here, we have to leave as soon as possible. Abeyi dragon beasts don't like water, and they can't take the initiative to enter the water. There may be a flood in the Moon Shadow River!"


Antawana turned her head and looked at her wings with some doubts.

"The flood is over, it won't affect us anymore!"

Witt shook his head and didn't answer immediately, but spread his wings and flew high into the sky.

After comparing the momentum in the east and west, he called Antawana, who was following closely behind him, and flew to the west where the momentum was higher.

Then he explained to Antawana: "The flood is indeed not a problem for us, but it will be troublesome after the flood.

Remember what I said before, will you die from the dragon plague?

That's not a joke.

I'm fine. Although I'm still a young dragon, my physical fitness is no less than that of a young dragon, and the dragon plague is ineffective against me.

But you are not.

You don't have the physical fitness of a young dragon.

Moreover, because of long-term malnutrition and poor development, your physical fitness is more than one level worse than that of an adult dragon.

After the flood, no I don't know how many dragon beasts will die in the flood.

Whether their bodies are soaked in water or washed up on the river bank, they will inevitably attract a large number of Morse dragon beasts to eat and reproduce.

This kind of dragon beast has dragon plague on its body. "

After a pause, Witt continued: "Moreover, the flood brings not only dragon plague, but also some scavenging dragon beasts. These dragon beasts are cunning and have great patience.

If you are targeted, it will be a big trouble and it will be very difficult to get rid of it!"

Antawana nodded solemnly. As expected of a dragon from a dragon nest, she knows a lot.

But the problem is...

"Where are we going now?

According to you, we use the Moon Shadow River and the Starry Night River as guideposts.

If you leave the Moon Shadow River, do you still know the way?"

Hearing this, Witt sighed helplessly.

"I don't know him!

So, we have to leave the Moon Shadow River completely, at least we can't hurry.

I plan to find a place nearby and stay for a day or two, and then continue on the road after the subsequent impact of this flood subsides."

Antawana thought about it and said helplessly: "That's the only way."

At this time, there were bursts of rumbling sounds from the direction of the Moon Shadow River.

Witt and the others turned their heads to look in the direction of the Moon Shadow River, but saw a yellow line, like a tsunami, carrying boundless power, coming from the upper reaches of the Moon Shadow River.

Due to the slow momentum in this area, the yellow line quickly spread in all directions.

Where it passed, the trees fell, and there was a yellow ocean!

The dragon beasts that couldn't fly all took off into the air, and those that couldn't fly ran desperately, just to avoid the ruthless torrent that swallowed everything behind them.

But in the blink of an eye, two waves formed on the surface, chasing each other, life was so fragile!

At this moment, under the might of nature, predators and prey, strong and weak, are so equal, because there is only one life, and if you lose it, you are really gone!

The flying dragon beast became the winner!

But, in this case, how long can it win?

No one knows!

"They are not strong enough!"

Witt turned his head and looked at Antawana in surprise.

"At this time, you still have the mood to feel sad?

Let's run!

We are being targeted by some guys!"

As he spoke, a sound of breaking wind came from not far away. Witt spread his wings and his figure instantly rose. A wind blade flew past his belly.

"That was close!"

Feeling the elemental power contained in the wind blade, Witt cried out in his heart.

Then he looked in the direction where the wind blade came from, but saw a golden-level Elkin dragon beast rushing towards this side.

Of course, there was more than just this Elkin dragon beast rushing towards them.

Witt didn't hesitate and turned around to run away!

Let's not talk about whether he and Antawana could take down the Elkin dragon beast together.

Just the group of dragon beasts who were not martial and were ready to beat them up made Witt give up the idea of ​​fighting.

Dragons are warlike, but not stupid!

Antawana, who was still sighing, came to her senses after hearing Witt's words.

After seeing the Elkin dragon beast, her face changed and she hurriedly chased after Witt. She had lived in the wild for so many years and was bullied by this kind of dragon beast.

Seeing the two dragons flee, the dragon beasts did not mean to give up. In their view, the young dragons were no longer food, but a way to improve their own potential and strength.

In this way, as they ran away and chased each other, they left the flood of Yueying River behind them...

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