Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1455: Long and boring journey!

Werther was no stranger to Seldelu, or in other words, his memory was quite profound.

Except that on the way to the continent, he almost played himself to death again and again, and when he arrived on the ground, he almost played himself to death.

Of course, after all the fun, all the trouble, Seldelu's plan was one of his rare moments of glory.

A legendary Cyclops was successfully captured by Boredia under his lure.

Boredia learned a lot of information about the abyss from his opponent.

In addition, on the Seld Continent, he reunited with his friend Yanlong Sikuo, who had been separated for hundreds of years.

Thinking of Si Kuo, Werther could not help but feel a little more sentimental in his eyes.

I don’t know if that guy Si Kuo has found his other half on the Fevers Land...

"It seems you have determined the location."

The voice of Cocoon brought Werther back from his thoughts.

Werther nodded.

"Basically I know where it is..."

As he said this, a flash of thought flashed in Werther's eyes.

If he remembered correctly, Si Kuo was not planning to return to the Fast Continent through the saltwater lake, but was planning to go to an undersea dragon's lair in the western part of the Seld Continent.

The underwater dragon's nest was a dragon's nest that was submerged by the sea, and for various reasons, a teleportation space was formed leading to the southeastern coast of the North Sykes Continent.

This teleportation space is not important, what is important is the underwater dragon's nest!

It was originally a normal dragon's nest until it was submerged by sea water, and the cocoon's shelter fell into the depths of the ocean due to geological changes.

If there were no other large-scale geological changes on the west coast of Seld Continent, the cocoon's shelter should be in the same area as the underwater dragon's nest.

This is good news.

In the past, he was weak and didn't understand space. Therefore, in his eyes, those teleportation spaces were as ordinary as the other surrounding environments.

But it's different now. Now he has mastered the rules of space jump and has a keen sense of space.

The teleportation space in the underwater dragon's nest will be his natural landmark.

In this way, a lot of searching time can be saved.

Of course, it would be better if Cocoon could directly point the way, but...

To be honest, Witt didn't have much confidence in this.

From the moment they met until now, Cocoon's image in his mind has changed from a mysterious legendary strongman to an unreliable legendary strongman.

Speaking of being unreliable, coupled with the various performances of 뀘, could Cocoon be just...

As if he thought of something, Werther's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he suppressed all his thoughts.

There is no substantial evidence yet, so we need to take another look.

With these thoughts in mind, Werther's speed didn't slow down at all.

The Guangming Sea and the Olivia Continent are not very far away. With Vittor's speed, he once again set foot on solid ground in a few days.

This land looked a little hot under the "daytime" sunlight, but for Werther, it was a kind of enjoyment.

The only pity is that he can't enjoy it too much.

Werther did not stay too long. After a short rest, Werther entered the long and boring journey.

Now that the target location has been determined, the route has also been determined.

Return to the Fast Continent through the ice bridge, use the Ice Mist Valley to go to the Sykes Continent, and then go to the Bloody Rainforest, and use the teleportation space there to reach the Seld Continent.

He is very familiar with this road!

Of course, this time, Werther did not go directly through the Frozen Abyss, but chose to take a detour.

The dragons in the Frozen Abyss are different from the Muggle dragons above.

Once he enters the Frozen Abyss, then, after returning to his original time point, when he goes to the Frozen Abyss again, he might hear an old voice, pointing at him and saying: "It's you. , I’ve seen you!”

After that, they might be imprisoned in the Frozen Abyss and tortured, uh...

Not necessarily, but it's not impossible.

Werther didn't want to see such a scene, so he took a detour very carefully.

By the same token, Werther also avoided the ice valley where Ace was.

However, at this point in time, Ace has not been dragged out of his slumber by the abyss strongman, so as long as he avoids the ice valley, there should be no problem.

After all, when he saw Ace in the future, the way 뀘 looked at him was extremely strange.

And even if Ace is a legend, a dragon that can time travel should be very rare. If you have seen him, you won't look at him with that strange look.

In addition to the above, Werther did not forget those preparations and questions to ask Cocoon.

For example, if you don’t have an affinity with an element but have understood the rules related to that element, is there any other, easier way to practice 늌 other than forcibly comprehending it?

Another example, how to cultivate a blank dragon crystal in the body...

But it is a pity that Cocoon did not give the answer that Witte wanted. According to Cocoon, he is just an ordinary dragon with a little talent and is only interested in the real realm.

Although he was strong in strength, he had no research on alchemy, magic circles and potions, and could not give Witte any advice.

Werther could only give up, and then heard about the hiding place of the gold coins.

This time, Jian did not play tricks and directly said a location, but unfortunately, that place is located in Alpha Continent, that is, Fives Continent!

Witt has no time to go to that continent now.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Witt doesn't know where he should go after the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

Now he has a goal.

Fives Continent, while looking for treasure, also go to visit Squaw.

As for whether Squaw can be found... we'll see when the time comes.

Compared with these, Witt is more concerned about another thing.

I don't know if it's his illusion, although Jian's voice is the same as when they first met, but Witt vaguely heard a hint of weakness in Jian's voice.

However, Jian didn't mention it, so Witt didn't ask.

Although the journey was boring, it was not that difficult for Witt to concentrate on the journey. The time of a year is like flowers on a tree. If you don't pay attention, the flowering period will pass quietly...

"We're here!"

The sound of the waves was like thunder and drums, pouring into Witt's ears, making him frown subconsciously.

The west coast of the Saild continent is different from the coasts Witt has seen before.

There is no flat and comfortable golden beach that is as dazzling as gold under the sun, only strange gray-black reefs eroded by the sea.

The surging waves hit the reefs vigorously, broke into pieces in an instant, turned into white foam all over the sky, returned to the sea angrily, and then merged into a new round of waves.

Wild and dangerous...

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