Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1454 The next target...

"Let this be your goal from the beginning!"

Cocoon "watched" Witte seal the dragon and asked in an incomprehensible tone.

Victor nodded.

"A friend of mine was looking for something to do with him in the future, but the whereabouts of Morris in the future are a mystery. I happened to meet him, so I helped her by the way."


Cocoon secretly thought in her heart.

He had previously felt that Witte's attitude towards the golden dragon before and after he obtained the laboratory was a bit wrong.

If he was just venting his anger before, then when he really faced the golden dragon, Witte's actions became more purposeful.

Thinking of this, a strange surprise emerged in Cocoon's heart.

"Whoever goes against you will be really unlucky!"

Hearing this, Witte said with a bit of laughter: "It's so powerful, this time it just happened at the right time. More often, this kind of uncontrolled time journey will only bring me a lot of trouble... …”

With that said, Witte put away the sealed dragon, and then took out the air-piercing thorn and inspected it with a distressed look on his face.

The air-piercing stab was only used twice, once to deal with Egbert, and then this time, to attract Morris's attention. Compared to Egbert, Morris was much more powerful.

It was obvious that 놆놋 was prepared for that action.

Although he only stayed in the opponent's dragon for a few breaths, he still caused huge damage.

However, when he thought that he even cut off the left side of his opponent, Werther became much more angry.

After the inspection found that the damage to the hollow thorn could not be repaired in a short time, Witte put it away.

In fact, after the legendary level shaping magic circle and the lost magic level space slash, the half-finished air-piercing thorn is relatively useless.

녊It’s better to put it away this time. After he breaks through to the legendary alchemist, he can complete the legendary alchemy item while repairing it.

After putting away the air-piercing thorns, Witte turned his attention to the "big night light" on his chest.

"Okay, now I'm done with my anger. Although I still can't forgive you for deceiving me with gold coins, gold coins are not part of the transaction in the first place!

Let’s forget it this time, let’s do it next time…”

At this point, Werther paused for a moment. Considering the relationship between the cocoon and himself in the future, Werther did not choose to completely fall out.

"Just go and soak in dragon beast excrement!"


He was speechless, this kind of punishment...he would rather fall out.

Of course, Werther finally lost his temper, but he was not ready to say these words directly.

"Okay, let's not mention these for now..."

As he said that, Witte glanced around, and then continued: "Since I promised to help you find that shelter, I will not break my promise.

Tell me which continent the sanctuary is on, and I can decide the next direction. "

He said so, but when Werther spoke, he was already flying towards the east of the Sea of ​​Light.

That's right, he is going back to the Olivia continent.

The only continent connected to Olivia is Fast Continent. Next, no matter which continent the shelter in Cocoon's mouth is located on, he needs to return to Fast Continent first.

He didn't have much time, and he didn't want to waste his precious time crossing the endless sea.

The teleportation space is not fragrant!

However, after Werther finished speaking, there was only an awkward silence in response to him.

After reacting, Werther's face suddenly darkened.

"Don't tell me that you don't even know which continent your sanctuary is on!"

"Ha ha……"

Cocoon smiled awkwardly.

"With my strength back then, I didn't care about this at all, so I just randomly found a continent, randomly found a place, and then started busy with my own things.

Moreover, the name of the continent that I know may be slightly different from the name of the continent that you understand. "


Witte was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the cocoon and the lone dragon might not necessarily know the names of each continent.

While Werther was thinking, Cocoon began to raise examples on her own.

"Olivia Continent..."

"I know this. It's the continent next to the Guangming Sea."

"Then Fast Continent..."

"The continent connected to Olivia."

"What about Alpha Continent?"

Werther's mouth twitched.

"Which continent is this?"

It seemed that he finally said a name that Witte didn't know. Cocoon actually breathed a sigh of relief secretly, and then explained: "Alfa Continent is the largest of the nine continents in the Dragon Realm. Many large earth dragons live there..."

Werther curled his lips.

Isn’t this the mainland of Feifus!

Suddenly, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly spoke.

"Wait a minute, what did you just say, Dragon Realm's nine continents?"


Cocoon is a little confused.

Werther began to think.

The number of continents in the Dragon World that he knows is eight, and his knowledge comes from "Traveling in the Dragon World" written by Earth Dragon Ignatz.

Compared to Ignatz, the cocoon with the legendary truth is obviously more credible.

In other words, Ignatz, who vowed to travel all over the Dragon Realm, actually missed a continent.

Thinking of this, Werther became very interested.

"As far as I know, there are eight continents in the Dragon Realm. Of course, I believe that you will not talk nonsense based on your experience, so I am very interested in this ninth continent.

And what I know..."

However, before Werther could finish speaking, Cocoon said: "There are eight continents, so I can probably guess which continent you don't know.

The continent where Trenir, ranked first among the top ten dragon lairs, is located - the Dark Ruins.

Of course, that continent was not originally called that.

In the dark hour, the dragon clan went on a war, and legendary level experts all participated. Each continent suffered varying degrees of damage.

The most serious continent has been literally scarred with holes.

After ending this protracted war, Trenier led the Dragon Nest to station on that continent in an attempt to save that continent.

The ruins left behind by the darkness, also known as the Dark Ruins, became the new name of that continent.

Because the situation there was too serious, Trenier separated the dark ruins from the Dragon Realm and transformed it into an auxiliary space of the Dragon Realm.

But the scale of that space is too large, so it still retains the title of Continent.

In fact, the Dark Ruins was originally the largest continent in the Dragon Realm, but unfortunately...

Trinir is inherently mysterious, and the dark ruins are the consequences caused by the Dragon Clan themselves. The Dragon Clan Young Master mentioned it, and the time is too long...

It is extremely common for nine continents to become eight continents. "

When Werther heard this, he nodded thoughtfully.

"It's exactly what you said, the only thing I don't know about is this continent.

However, I will ask you about things about this continent later. For now, let me solve your questions first. What is the natural environment of that continent and what are the various elements like? "

"Mainly forests, plains, hills, and some larger mountains. In terms of elements, the various elements are relatively balanced."

Witte nodded. He was familiar with this kind of environment. Fast Continent, Seilder Continent, Fussell Continent, and Fives Continent all had this type of natural environment.

However, judging from some of the information just mentioned by Cocoon, Fast Continent and Favors Continent (Alpha Continent) can be ruled out, then...

"There are no ice fields in the northern part of the mainland?"

"Probably, I didn't pay much attention to it, but the temperature in the area where I built the shelter was indeed lower."

Understand, Seld continent!

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