Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1437 Witt's Trouble!


Witt couldn't hide his excitement.

He finally mastered an element dispelling rule, and it was the light element dispelling.

It's not because the light element is so special, the point is that he himself has no affinity with the light element, but he can master the light element dispelling rule.

Element dispelling was originally Witt's own expansion of mental magic at the rule level. "Winter also pushed mental magic to the rule level through element dispelling" was something he learned later.

So, at first, the element dispelling rule was just a guess of Witt, and Winters' success only proved the feasibility of this guess.

Only this time, Witt realized the light element dispelling, which made him more certain that this road could be taken, and the way to take this road was also correct!

It can be said that the realization of the light element dispersal is a milestone for Witt.

Thinking of this, even if there is a constant feeling of weakness in the spiritual dragon crystal, it still cannot affect Witt's good mood.

He is eager to find a light dragon to verify the power of the light element dispersal.

Fortunately, Witt finally suppressed this dangerous idea.

As for why it is dangerous...

The best way to verify the light element dispersal is of course to find a legendary light dragon to try the water.

But in fact, in a battle, the legendary dragon uses the power of rules, half of which is borrowed from the outside world, and the other half is stored by itself.

And like Witt, the purple crystal level can fight the dragon with the power of rules, and the power of rules that can be used is all from its own storage, not from the outside world.

Because they are mentally weak, they cannot control the borrowed part of the ownerless rules.

No matter how powerful the elemental dispersal is, it can only disperse the ownerless rules. It can only slightly suppress the owner rules.

If the power that a legendary dragon can exert in battle is considered to be 100%, then the elemental dispersal can only suppress 60% of its power at most.

It sounds a lot, but in fact, there is not much difference between 40% and 100% of the legendary power for purple crystal.

To put it more intuitively, when a legendary can kill a purple crystal with one breath, there is not much difference between four breaths and ten breaths.

Again, the gap between legends and those below legends is not just the gap in power level.

After thinking about this, the boiling suicidal intent in Witt's heart subsided a little, and at this time, he reacted and checked his body.

You don't know if you don't check it, but you will be shocked when you check it!

Understanding the rules is a spiritual action, so there is no problem with the three energy dragon crystals of the body, water element, light element, and space, but...

Witt's spiritual dragon crystal is cracked!

This time it is not like the dragon crystal splitting before. Witt can clearly feel that the dragon soul is weak because of the cracking of the spiritual dragon crystal.

Not only that, his memory also has problems.

Past memories can be regarded as fragmented under this sudden and massive knowledge of light elements.

Some recent memories are still intact.

It is because of this that he failed to react in the first place.

And memory problems are quite troublesome. It is not as simple as "I don't remember", but "I don't know what I forgot", which is the most troublesome!

However, Witt can no longer take care of these. The most urgent task is to sort out the messed up memories. As for what to forget... there is no way to solve this problem.

Fortunately, dragons always forget, and the most easily forgotten part of the memory is also the most fragile. Witt is most likely to forget these things.

And magic, combat, alchemy, etc., these parts of Witt's knowledge are not so easy to forget, and the probability of them going wrong is very small.

Moreover, this part of knowledge is a huge system. Even if it is forgotten, it is only a detail. At that time, it can be picked up again with a little deduction.

Of course, this is a matter for the future.

At this time...

Vite put all his attention on his spiritual dragon crystal. The cracks on the dragon crystal need a lot of time to heal.

And the healing of dragon crystal requires a lot of spiritual participation.

After all, in essence, the so-called dragon crystal is actually a one-way solidified spiritual body, and the dragon beast crystal core is the same.

This is why dragon crystals and dragon beast crystal cores can bind energy.

And the one-way solidified spiritual body cannot be restored, so Vitt must ensure that he gives up a part of his spiritual body without affecting his own spiritual realm.

This is very difficult for Vitt now.

Because he had just given up a part of his spiritual body when he came into contact with the law, and that part of his spiritual body was very large, which had affected the stability of Vitt's spiritual realm.

If his spirit goes wrong again during the process of repairing the dragon crystal, not only will his spirit realm drop, but his own realm will also fall from the high level of purple crystal to the middle level of purple crystal.

Although he can cultivate again, it is still quite troublesome.

Therefore, when using his spirit to repair the dragon crystal, he must be careful, careful, and careful!

But just when Witt was about to repair the dragon crystal, a strange stream of knowledge suddenly emerged from his mind, which contained information that gave Witt a headache.

This stream of knowledge came from the law of light elements, but it was not about light elements, but about spirit.

The specific content is the relationship between spirit, consciousness, dragon soul, memory, and emotion.

The dragon soul is the foundation, consciousness is born from the dragon soul, emotion is attached to consciousness, and spirit is the special energy produced when the dragon soul is active.

As for memory, it is quite special!

The activity of consciousness comes from external stimulation, and in this process, the emotions attached to consciousness will also react, and this series of activities, with the help of spirit, left traces.

This trace is memory!

As for more specific, this information flow did not explain.

This incomplete knowledge gave Witt a partial understanding of himself, but it was a bit vague.

He felt that this part of the knowledge was correct, but it seemed a little wrong.

According to this part of knowledge, it seemed that it was entirely possible to create an independent life for him, but if you think about it carefully, it was full of impossibility and uncertainty.

But soon, Witt put all this behind his mind.

Witt couldn't figure out the origin and meaning of consciousness, self, and individual for the time being, but what he could figure out was that the spirit was involved in the production and maintenance of memory.

If he put his spirit into repairing the dragon crystal, in the already chaotic memory, who knows which aspect of the memory would be eliminated by itself due to insufficient spirit...

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