Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1436 Understanding the rules!


After a long breath, Witt slowly opened his eyes. In his golden pupils, golden light surged like water, and rich spiritual power poured into Witt's eyes.

The surrounding world showed a different scene in Witt's eyes.


The scenery of the surrounding mountains and forests disappeared and completely transformed into a world of light. The milky white light gathered into a sea, and Witt was wrapped in the sea of ​​light.

A warm feeling penetrated his limbs and bones!

This is the power of light.

However, these lights have a strong sense of rejection for Witt's spiritual power.

Witt was not surprised by this.

The essence of elemental affinity is the degree of fit between elements and spiritual power.

Elements have no intelligence and are not living beings, but they will show some avoidance behaviors similar to living beings. The more spiritual power fits a certain element, the closer this element will be to spiritual power.

On the contrary, either ignore the contact of spiritual power or simply avoid it.

But Witt has no affinity with light elements, and his spiritual power has never been liked by "light elements".

In addition, Witt's spiritual power has been in contact with fire elements and water elements for a long time, so it will naturally carry the breath of these two elements.

And elements will not live in peace with each other.

This can be seen from the harsh climate of the Olivia continent.

In this case, how could these light elements show closeness to Witt's spiritual power.

Facing the repulsion of light elements, Witt's spiritual power is also quite direct. With the help of the powerful power contained in itself, it directly resists the repulsion of light elements and explores in the direction of the common flow of light elements.

In an ideal state, there are only two directions for the flow of elements, one is to move away from the corresponding element law, and the other is to move closer to the corresponding element law.

Either way, the location of the element law can be identified.

The Frozen Abyss is the former, and what Witt is facing now is the latter. As for the elemental law, why does it cause the elements to flow in two completely different ways...

Witt only knows that this seems to be related to the way the elemental law is revealed. What is the specific situation is not something Witt can study.

In short, in the situation he is facing now, he only needs to follow the direction of the light element flow to find the revealed law.

In this process, the surrounding elements constantly repel Witt's mental power.

Fortunately, Witt's mental power has broken through to the high level of purple crystal. Under normal circumstances, a dragon of this level has reached the minimum limit of borrowing the power of rules.

But Witt is not!

When Witt was in the middle level of purple crystal, he had already reached the level of borrowing the power of rules.

Now that he has broken through to the high level of purple crystal, his mental strength is even stronger.

Compared with the last time he came into contact with the thunder element law, Witt is now qualified to forcibly drive these "not very friendly" elements away from him.

Of course, in this process, Witt's mental power is inevitably consumed.

In order to retain more mental power to deal with the law of light elements, Witt's mental power extension method is racing against time.

Soon, a warmer and more comfortable breath was reflected on Witt's mental power.

Witt only felt that he was floating, like a leisurely cloud, free and unrestrained, and the warm feeling spread throughout his limbs.

Is this light?

I really want to integrate into it like this...

A feeling of burning pain and coldness suddenly spread throughout the body. Witt woke up with a start, and then he was afraid!

Is this the power of the law of light elements?

It is completely different from the law of thunder elements. The law of thunder elements contains a will to destroy the world and judge everything, while the law of light elements inspires the yearning of living beings for light.

The method is different, but the consequence is the same. Once brought in, his will will be completely integrated into the law and become a part of the law.

This is also the danger that all high-ranking legends need to face when they break through the legend.

Unfortunately, Witt only touched it for a moment, while those dragons who want to break through the legend need to actively put their will into the law, get familiar with it, and run in until they can use this power.

And if they cannot maintain their own will under the will of the law, the result is to merge with the law and completely disappear in this world.

Therefore, when Poredia left immediately after Redek died, it was not because he did not value the relationship between them.

On the contrary, at that time, his will was probably in the law of thunder elements. Risking his own integration into the law, Poredia persisted until Redek left, which just shows how much Poredia valued him.

When Witt was still in shock, he was also slightly grateful for the two extreme powers in his body.

They probably noticed the threat of the light element law to Witt's consciousness, and subconsciously fought back, and by accident, they actually awakened Witt.

After sorting out the situation, Witt's mental power stayed in the original state and began to make the final adjustments.

The accident just now showed that he was very close to the law of light elements.

If you look closely, you can also find that the light elements around are gathered together, and there is no concept of space and time around, which is also the characteristic of the law.

As an independent law, its power has transcended the limitations of space and time, and there is only the purest light around it!

And Witt was just affected by the purest light, and almost lost his consciousness.

After adjusting, Witt resolutely turned his mental power into an arrow and shot it at the indescribable existence.

Then, when he felt a torrent of information flowing toward his consciousness along the mental power, Witt cut off that mental power without hesitation.


Witt stared at the void with lifeless eyes, and his breath suddenly waned, and then he fell on the ground, and there was no movement.

In the days that followed, Witt woke up and slept, and the information stolen from the law of light elements, like the violent waves, constantly impacted his dragon soul.

Every collision would cause great damage to his dragon soul, spirit, and will, and sometimes a part of the knowledge would quietly integrate into Witt's dragon soul.

Just like that, before he knew it, ten years had passed quietly...

Opening his eyes again, feeling the last bit of information merging into his dragon soul, Witt's spirit was exhausted, but this time, he did not fall asleep.

However, after ten years of mental torture, Witt's condition was quite bad.

The dull eyes lasted for a long time, and now there was some spirit.

When Witt's consciousness returned, he couldn't wait to search through his memory. After a while, a burst of laughter floated away with the wind...

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