Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1434 The experiment is over...

Elvis left after a party that was not very grand but quite lively.

Of course, the price of the fun was that Finger was almost going crazy.

He provided Werther and the others with enough food.

Although Finger kept complaining, his pace back and forth never stopped for a moment.

Werther was lying on the beach at the seaside, watching Elvis leave, a flash of emotion flashed in his eyes. The other dragons didn't know, but he knew best what the farewell would be like!

As for Elvis...

Speaking of which, Werther really just wanted to trap an island from the other party at the beginning.

He watched Elvis choose this island, watched him drive away the light element dragon, watched his great light spell drive away the light element dragon's breath...

He saw all of this, otherwise, how could it have been such a coincidence.

After seeing the Great Light Technique, Witte became suspicious. Of course, it does not mean that dragons from a city-state or a dragon's nest are worthy of trust.

However, the dragons coming out of these two places will most likely follow certain rules.

Therefore, believing that he will not regret his love is just a test conducted by Werther in order to find out his character.

Only when there is no problem with his character can Witte be able to contact the law of light element here with peace of mind.

If there is a problem with his character, Werther is not willing to kill him.

Elvis just happened to meet Werther's criteria of not killing. The follow-up... As 놌껣 said before, there is no acquaintance without fighting.

When he came back to his senses, Elvis was no longer in the horizon. Werther looked away, with a trace of expectation in his eyes, looking forward to a formal meeting at the right time.

Today, Werther is no longer so afraid of revealing that he can time travel.

It's not because he's getting stronger, but because he's not strong enough.

Any dragon with some common sense knows that, let alone the rules of time, even those who master the laws of time cannot conduct time travel, because this is not an act allowed by the laws.

The dragon that can do time travel is not borrowing the power of the law of time, but controlling the power of the law of time.

And the law of control...that's a myth!

Is Werther a myth?

Of course not!

Therefore, even if a dragon knows that he has conducted time travel, there is a high probability that he will automatically think of it as a special phenomenon caused by special events that occurred in a special place.

And Werther is just the unlucky dragon who was affected.

As for why it only affected him...

Werther can do time magic, isn't he?

Everything can be explained in a reasonable and reasonable manner, plus Witte's own strength is not very weak. No dragon will be obsessed with the illusory time travel that happened to Witte.

Withdrawing his expectations, Werther planned to find Finger.

It’s time to make some things clear.

But before he could get up, a sound broke through the air from behind him. Witte's movement to get up paused for a moment, and then he lay back down.

After a few breaths, Finger landed next to Werther.

Neither dragon spoke immediately, but just watched the rising and falling of the tide not far away.

After a while, Werther chuckled.

"Are you paying attention?"

Werther's voice brought Finger back from his wandering thoughts, and then he nodded.

"I'm not stupid. I can naturally sense that something is wrong in the atmosphere. Elvis is preparing to break through the legend, but you have stopped talking several times..."

Speaking of this, Fenger paused for a moment, and then his originally flat voice became a little more rippled.

"You left?"

Werther was silent for a moment.


After finishing his words, Werther paused for a moment, organized a language in his heart, adjusted his emotions, and then turned around and said: "Don't stand so far away, come a little closer."

Finger was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand what Werther meant, he still moved closer to Werther.

However, just as he was getting close to Werther, Werther suddenly jumped up and grabbed Finger with a claw. Finger consciously tried to avoid it.

But how could he be faster than Werther?

In just a moment, he was like a puppet, easily held in Werther's claws.

"Witt, you..."

Finger's eyes were full of confusion. He looked at Werther's eyes consciously, only to see that there was nothing but endless coldness in those golden pupils.

Werther raised his other paw, and a light blue ice cone condensed on it out of thin air. The coldness emitted by the ice cone almost froze Finger's blood.


His eyes were full of confusion, he didn't know what Werther was doing, he didn't know what Werther was thinking...

His mind was blank as he watched Werther grabbing the ice pick and stabbing him hard in the chest.

However, the severe pain imagined did not come.

The ice pick penetrated his chest like a phantom, but it did not leave any wounds on him.

"Haha, your expression is great!"

Fenger, who was let go by Werther, flapped his wings consciously and stayed in place blankly, staring blankly at his chest while Werter laughed out loud.

Finger reacted and looked at Werther speechlessly.

But soon, he was stunned for a moment. He noticed something strange in his body, and his mental power quickly followed the strangeness to explore.

Then he found the source of the strangeness in his water element lungs.

It was an ice cone!

Floating quietly in the water element lungs, the elemental power belonging to Finger was hiding from the ice cone.

"This is..."

"Blue ice magic, I researched it myself, it is water magic with extreme cold attributes, and...

This is my last lesson for you, never put your hope on the kindness of your enemy, I didn't do anything to you, it doesn't mean that other dragons won't do anything to you.

Be careful about everything, at least you won't be killed by other dragons, and you won't know why you died.

You can only rely on yourself!

Okay, this magic system has been handed over to you, then..."

Speaking of this, Witt smiled and looked at Finger.

"The experiment is over, you are free!"


Finger was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but repeat this word softly in his mouth. For him, he didn't even dare to dream of it, but he felt empty in his heart.

The experience of more than two hundred years since he met Witt emerged in his mind.

Study, train, fight, be fooled, be fooled, be fooled...

Finger's face gradually darkened. Why did all the scenes that emerged in his mind were the scenes when Witt fooled him?

Thinking this way, it seems that it is not difficult for him to accept Witt's departure...

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