Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1423 Arrangements before enlightenment!

Noticing the expression on Werther's face, Elvis smiled, which was his acquiescence.

In addition, Werther can see the origin of 놛, and he can also see the origin of Werther. The amount of knowledge that Werther has is basically beyond the grasp of the giant dragon.

Both sides guessed the origin of the other, but they also understood each other.

Soon, this article was quietly revealed.

Afterwards, Elvis looked at Werther, and in addition to a touch of awe, there was also a hint of regret.

I have seen Werther's spiritual magic before.

The feeling of using 놊 to create magic is really uncomfortable.

But don’t forget that 깊, 놛놙 has an affinity with the light element. By coincidence, Verte’s spiritual magic 놊녦땣 is aimed at 놛’s light element magic.

There is no doubt that hidden under that miraculous neural magic is Witte's in-depth study of the entire magic system. It is clear that it is the entire magic system and not a single type of magic.

In this case, Witte tried to use the elemental dispersion laws to continue the dominance of this magic. The only way was to master all the elemental dispersion laws.

And what is contained in this light sentence is the investment of thousands of years, and even it must be successful enough.

Thinking of this, even though Elvis was a bystander, he still couldn't help but ask: "Are you really going this way? Your talent..."

However, before Elvis could finish speaking, Werther smiled and shook his head.

"You understand what this road means to me. I gave up on this road!"

In the past, when the physical body was not fully developed and the physical body plundered the elements, it was impossible to learn and use magic like Celine and others. It was spiritual magic that provided an alternative magic path.

Unless this road really reaches the point where there is no progress, no matter what, I will give up spiritual magic.

Hearing the determination in Werther's tone, Elvis said nothing more.

Moreover, the relationship between the two parties is not good enough to interfere with the other party's spiritual path.

For Werther's choice, 놛놙땣 expresses blessings and expectations.

I wish Witte success and hope that after the other party succeeds, I can feel the power of this unprecedented special magic.

With this thought in his mind, Elvis gave himself a healing spell (92).

And Werther also gave himself a treatment.

Then the two dragons flew towards the island where Witte was.

On the island, a black dragon, covered with dark scales and much slender than a normal black dragon, was standing on the beach, looking at the battlefield in the distance.

놛The shining golden eyes are full of excitement and yearning.

The former is the dragon's desire for battle, and the latter is the desire for the power to easily stir up boundless waves.

Yes, 놛 is Finger.

More than two hundred years have passed, and he is about to leave the juvenile dragon stage and enter the world of adult dragons. Although his body size is larger than that of dragons of the same age, his body of nearly 100 meters is still enough to show the majesty of a giant dragon.

Of course, this majesty was quickly suppressed by the two behemoths that fell next to him.

"Completed training?"


Finger replied subconsciously, but when he saw Werther's eyes, he felt wonderful in his heart.


"Now that the training is completed, it's just right. We have a battle. It's quite tiring. Go and help us get some sea dragon beasts to eat... 놊놚 Put on that resisting look. This is part of the training. 놊It's me Being lazy."

Finger rolled his eyes, then turned around and flew towards the sea.

This dragon is getting more and more excessive. In the past, he would find some reasonable excuses, but now, he doesn't even bother to find excuses, and just does whatever he can to deal with it.

Watching Finger leave, a complex look flashed in Werther's eyes.

Over the past two hundred years, while preparing for formal contact with the law of light elements, he has also tried his best to cultivate Fenger.

The projection of the time rune is in 놛's heart, and 놛 can observe the changes of the time rune at any time.

The last time 녦땣 brought 놛 to this time period, it consumed too much. More than two hundred years have passed, and the time rune has no intention of waking up.

But just recently, 놛땣 clearly felt that a vague force appeared in 놛's heart.

If something goes wrong, the time rune will wake up after a while.

The time fluctuation caused by the awakening of the time rune has a probability of taking 놛 away from this point in time.

Thinking of this, a flash of hesitation flashed in Werther's eyes.

But soon, this hesitation disappeared.

The power is discovered, and it is used by the dragon. For example, Finger is still very weak. If he has this power, he can better deal with the crisis that may arise at any time.

Thinking of this, Werther retracted his thoughts, and then he saw Elvis looking at him with a strange expression.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Hearing this, Elvis turned his attention to Finger.

"Are you ready to let 놛 become independent?"

Werther was shocked.

"You can see this too?"

Elvis curled his lips and said slightly speechlessly: "You can see what this means. To be honest, you almost have the word worry carved on your forehead.

Speaking of which, I have always been very curious, what is the relationship between you two?

Say 꿵子......

Race is so right!

Speaking of subordinate...

Finger's magic level is very high, and it can be seen that he has been taught by you with all his efforts.

Speaking of teacher and student..."

At this point, Elvis paused slightly, and then continued: "I think back to the past two hundred years, and it seems that I have never heard you call me teacher."

As he said, Elvis looked at Witt with interest.

I am really curious about this matter, but I have never had the opportunity to ask before.


Witt murmured softly, and then smiled helplessly.

"To be honest, I also know that I saved you from a red dragon, and I have been keeping you with me for some reasons of my own.

I have suffered a lot before and have a strong sense of vigilance against any dragon. I am no exception...

Forget it. After I comprehend the law of light element dispersal, I will probably leave here. Things are a bit urgent. I will definitely wait for you to break through.

Finger will definitely guard this island. I will let you leave after waking up from the juvenile sleep.

I also know where you will go after leaving here.

But if you stay in the Sea of ​​Light, I hope you..."


Elvis refused without waiting for Witt to finish. Seeing Witt looking at him in confusion, he said helplessly: "I will also leave the Sea of ​​Light after breaking through the legend.

I don't belong here and I will stay here. "

Hearing this, Witt nodded helplessly.

"Well, it depends on your own creation!

However, as a dragon, there is always a time to face this cruel world.

Let's go, Finger will be back soon.

After this time, the next time we meet... Hehe, I don't know when it will be! "


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