Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 130 Some plans about time magic!

Chapter 130 Some plans about time magic!

Witt stared at the stone wall in front of him that was shattered but not fully restored, and in his claws, he held a dragon scale engraved with a magic ball array.

The stone wall was shattered because Witt used the magic ball released by the magic circle to bombard it.

And not restored means that he had just used time reversal, but the object of his spell was not the stone wall, but the magic circle in his hand!

At this time, the magic core on the magic circle in his hand contained no less elemental power.

Time reversal took effect, and the magic circle was restored to its state before it was used, but the stone wall destroyed by the magic circle was not restored.

"It's not like that!

This is not simply cutting off a possibility in the future!

Since it has already happened, then, to cut off this possibility, you still need to go back to the past, so time reversal should be both!

First let time go back to the past, and then cut off this possibility, so that it is a complete time reversal."

Witt murmured, his thoughts were constantly churning.

Time is a very abstract concept. Before he figured it out, he didn't dare to use the power of time on himself.

So, Witt did a series of tests.

Finally, it was determined that the time reversal he used was a real time reversal, not just cutting off a certain timeline to achieve a similar effect to time reversal.

The experiment is naturally not as simple as it seems. In order to get this result, Witt deliberately used his mental power to mark all the elemental powers contained in the magic core in advance.

After the elemental power shattered the stone wall, it did not disappear. It just returned to the surrounding air.

And Witt could still clearly feel the elemental power after being marked.

Then, he used time reversal on the magic circle, and then all the magic elements marked by Witt returned to the magic core according to the previously scattered trajectory.

And this also means that time magic can be used on himself!

As soon as he thought of it, Witt added the "sharp" magic to his claws, and then he began to repair the cave. As long as the shaping magic was not removed, it would continue to consume the elemental power.

When Witt felt that it was almost done, he removed the shaping magic.

Then, he cast a time reversal on himself, and soon, Witt felt that the elemental power he had consumed before was fully restored.

And, most importantly, time reversal will not affect objects that are not considered as the object of casting.

The cave that was previously repaired by Witte still maintains its appearance after the repair.

In other words, there will not be an embarrassing situation where Witte and another dragon fight, both dragons are seriously injured, and Witte casts time reversal on himself, while the opponent also recovers to full health.

"Tsk tsk!"

Realizing this, Witte couldn't help but sigh in his heart. His father, who sounded a little unconventional, really left him with the strongest means of life-saving.

As long as he is not killed instantly, as long as the power of the law in the time rune is sufficient, he can always stay in the best state.

Moreover, thinking further, he may have obtained the ability that almost all creatures dream of-immortality!

Uh... well, this is unrealistic!

Professor Lofa's alchemy told him that equivalent exchange is the eternal law in this world.

Witte believes that now he can indeed achieve immortality.

By using the magic of time reversal, he can make himself stay at a certain point in time forever, and the power of the law in the time rune is enough to support this consumption.

Because now he is not very strong, and the overall energy contained is very small.

Compare the power of the law in the time rune to a person, then now Witt is a ring, you let this person wear this ring forever, no problem!

However, as he grows older, Witt's strength is increasing, and his overall energy will also increase.

This means that he will change from a ring to a mobile phone, a brick, a large bluestone, or even a car.

However, this person will not change.

Can a person live with a car forever?

Just kidding, I can't even lift it!

This shows that one day in the future, when Witt grows to a certain extent, time reversal will lose its effect on him!

Of course, the premise is that he has not made any progress in the field of time.

So, this is just a kind of opportunistic immortality.

Witt doesn't want to stay like this for the rest of his life, even if he can live forever.

If he really wants to live forever, he has to jump out of the long river of time like his father!

However, when it comes to the long river of time, Witt remembered the time dragon that Winters had told him before.

Now, he sincerely suspects that the dragon is probably his father.

The power of time is so strong that it is unlikely that another time dragon will appear.

Just like Desidero, there may be dragons who know some space rules or laws, but she is the only space dragon.

"I can ask next time we meet."

Muttering, Witt controlled his mental power and probed into his heart again.

If he didn't sense it carefully, he could hardly detect the existence of the time rune, which meant that his father didn't lie to him. Time magic consumed the power of the time rune, that is, the power of the law of time.

From the beginning of using time reversal to now, he has used time magic seven times in total.

And from the initial state of the time rune to the almost imperceptible state now, it can be inferred that in three more times, the time rune will fall into a deep sleep.

This is definitely not possible. The first time closed loop was caused by the fluctuation of the time rune about to wake up, which affected him.

Therefore, he must not let the time rune fall into a deep sleep completely.

And after ten times, the time rune will wake up completely, which will also affect him and let him see the future or past scenes.

This is not possible either!

And he also needs time reversal to save his life, so the best choice is to keep enough power of the law to use eight times of time reversal.

At the same time, he also needs to pay attention to the recovery speed of the power of law.

In addition, as he grows older, his tolerance for the impact of time fluctuations will become greater and greater.

One day, even if the time rune is completely awakened, it will not have any effect on him.

And at that time, the upper limit of the power of the law of time stored in his body will also be raised.

Of course, these are later stories, and Witt can't analyze any results now.

So, he decisively gave up thinking.

After taking a look at the water level below, Witt took out the previous spoils, that is, the blood of the Kaslong beast.

Compared with blood, it can be preserved longer after preparing the magic solution.

It just so happens that he has nothing to do now, so he plans to use all the blood of dragon beasts in the dragon scale space to prepare a magic solution...

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