Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 129 Time Magic!

Witt was awakened by a cold touch.

After waking up, he noticed that the water level had risen by about three meters compared to when he dug the cave, and it had already flooded his cave.

Seeing himself lying in the muddy river water, a trace of disgust flashed in Witt's eyes.

Then, Witt got up and dug diagonally upward inside the cave. Soon, a "Z"-shaped passage was formed. The first cave was 5 meters above the first cave, and the waterfall could still be seen.

Only in this way could he feel the change in the water level.

In the new cave, Witt first cleaned the mud and sand in the cracks of the scales. After lying down again, Witt looked at the waterfall that still had light coming through, and frowned.

Then he checked his body.

All the fatigue has disappeared, and even the water and fire elements in the dragon crystal have fully recovered.

In other words, Witt is now in full bloom.

Witt's brows furrowed even deeper.

So how long did he faint for?

When Witt thought about this, a time suddenly appeared in his mind.

Four magic hours!

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then his mental power swept to his heart.

Sure enough, the time symbol was emitting slight fluctuations. Of course, he couldn't see the time symbol, but could only vaguely feel its existence.

Then Witt began to think.

It is not difficult to see from his father's actions that for him at present, the existence of the time symbol is more disadvantageous than beneficial.

And this disadvantage is the time closed loop.

Thinking about the previous experience, Witt still felt powerless.

The fact that he knew what happened but was powerless to change it made him miserable.

If he came here a few more times...

Thinking about this, Witt's pupils trembled.

No wonder his father specially crossed time to teach him time magic.

However, when he thought of the other party's words, he couldn't be grateful at all... OK, just kidding.

Even though the other party talked nonsense and only taught him a time magic in the end, those nonsense showed him a more wonderful world!

Warcraft, humans, all races, Dragon Island, other worlds, abyss, and even the existence of gods.

Dragons are curious, and Witt is full of expectations for these.

However, expectations are expectations, being a dragon still needs to be down-to-earth. If he doesn't want to experience the pain of the closed loop of time again, he needs to learn time magic well!

Thinking about this, Witt began to sort out the information in his mind.

The more he sorted, the weirder his eyes looked.

A moment later, Witt turned his head to look at the rock wall he had opened, and a rough and awkward syllable sounded from his mouth, and the meaning was also very simple and straightforward-time goes backwards!

As the last syllable fell, a hidden and huge force broke out.

Then, the rock fragments that Witt had thrown into the water, under the traction of this force, flew back along the trajectory it had originally fallen, and then returned to the position where it was originally.

More and more broken stones returned to their original positions, and soon, a stone wall full of cracks took shape in Witt's shocked eyes, and the cracks on it gradually disappeared.

When everything was settled, Witt knocked on the rock wall in front of him, and the solid touch made him understand that this was not a dream.

Witt's eyes gradually lit up.

Is this the power of time?

If he could completely control time, how powerful he would be!

In addition, even if he has not yet completely mastered the power of time, he can still do a lot of things by using time reversal.

For example, when the elemental power in his body is exhausted, he can use time reversal on himself.

In this way, when there is no limit to the white breath, the Abeyi dragon beasts in front of him can't be his opponents at all.

But soon, Winters's parents' words rang in his head, making him gradually calm down, and Witt shook his head fiercely.

"Those who play with time will eventually be played by time. Time is a double-edged sword.

And whether it is time magic or time symbol, they are the power left by his parents, and they do not belong to him, at least not now.

If you rely too much on power that does not belong to you, you will eventually get lost in it."

Thinking of this, Witt calmed down completely.

He touched the position of the reverse scale on his chest. There was only one scale that didn't fit in with the surroundings. It didn't belong to him.

He was just a young dragon!

After calming down, he looked back at his previous thoughts. It was extremely childish.

Let's not talk about whether that method can work. If it works, it is a giant dragon nest with countless dragon guards.

And his blazing white breath can only threaten the gold-level dragon guards when it is unexpected.

Once the opponent finds out the rhythm of the breath, he will either flee back in embarrassment or be killed and become the opponent's food.

Moreover, his father said very clearly that time magic is used to consume the power of the time symbol.

Since it can be consumed, it means that the power of the time symbol is limited.

Apart from anything else, after the time reversal just now, he, who was very sensitive to time before, returned to normal again, which further proved that the power of the time symbol was limited.

It couldn't do what he thought before.

Witt calmed down and looked at the stone wall in front of him, and his character of liking to explore was also revealed.

He was able to use this magic directly, not because he understood this magic very well, but because this magic was not elemental magic.

Although the magic spell was still in dragon language, it did not mobilize the power of elements.

The power of the law is that the law follows the words, which is beyond Witt's understanding, so he is not going to delve into it.

What he wants to study is the principle and effect of this magic.

Is time reversal really just time reversal?

Witt thinks it is not!

Because the reversal is only the scope of affairs that he has determined when he casts the magic, and the time in other places is not affected at all.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, for an object that has reversed time, after the magic is completed, time returns to normal, and it should experience the previous experience again.

However, the stone wall in front of him did not collapse again because of the completion of the magic.

So, the principle of time reversal is not to make the object's time flow backwards, but to interrupt its original timeline and let it enter another unknown timeline.

As his father mentioned before, there are countless functions, and time reversal is just to interrupt one of them.

So why does it show a reversed posture?

This question is very important to Witt. It is related to whether Witt can use time magic in future battles...

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