Chapter 500 Kirshtalia Wodem

【Why? 】

A person's life is run through by these three short words.

The more she carries the responsibility called "pleasure", the more she wants to pursue herself, and the more she wants to take responsibility, the more the girl has to be bound by these three words.

After birth, there are doubts one after another, suspicions one after another.

Some hypotheses can bear fruit.

Some thoughts eventually came to nothing.

for example.

[Why is Lu Mingze unwilling to return Fujimaru Ritsuka’s last memory to her]

That's probably because——

This contains factors that may lead to a girl's self-destruction.


The essence of spiritual elements is the recording of information. Fujimaru Ritsuka, who has become the new White King, already possesses the trait of "self-attraction" at the core.

Moreover, the information is not unique.

Among the three elements of human beings, the only one that is clearly designated as irreproducible is the [soul].

Whether it is physical or spiritual, it can be copied - the most direct example is the artificial human being of the heroic spirit, and the Hall of Valor itself.

Fujimaru Ritsuka exists in this world as the "only" soul, so it is possible that one day, his "spirit" will suddenly go back. This is a phenomenon.

She is the new White King.

In this world, the creature with the greatest "mass" in the spiritual realm.

There are many factors that can prevent her from awakening her memory, such as Lu Mingze's obstruction. If the little devil is unwilling to let Fujimaru Ritsuka think of her past, then there is really nothing she can do.

But now, the little devil was forced to settle his spirit due to the forcible awakening of his physical body.

there is none left.

The chain that prevents the girl from recovering her memory.



boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Fujimaru Ritsuka's attack was very close to Odin, but it suddenly deflected.

It was like being stopped by something invisible, [Karma] forced Ritsuka Fujimaru's movement to a stop, and the force of the feedback was so strong that Ritsuka Fujimaru's arm was bounced and thrown back.

She stared in a daze at Odin, whose arm was torn apart by herself, and was a little unable to understand.

The dead line has not been cut?

At that moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka reached the limit of what he could do.

Odin has a firm grip on Gangnir, which means that Fujimaru Ritsuka can only rely on the Oracle of Words to twist [Defeat] into [Invincibility]. No matter how sophisticated the attack is, it is impossible to kill him. Die Odin.


Not absolutely.

For Fujimaru Ritsuka, options still exist.

Or it could increase the output of the Word Spirit Oracle to a level of mystery that surpasses that of Gangnir and distort reality.

Either that

Kill [Cause and Effect].

Directly to the devil's eye.

At the moment when she was killed by the King of Bronze and Fire, the girl awakened with her own Buddha nature and divinity, reaching beyond true knowledge!

Awareness is born from the spiral that takes everything in visually.

The evil eye that kills everything.

During the battle with Odin, Fujimaru Ritsuka always believed that his victory was due to his two trump cards.

【1. Endless total amount of elements】

That's right.

Although from the beginning of the battle, Fujimaru Ritsuka has always emphasized that the focus of the task is on Chen Motong and saving himself physical strength, but in fact-Fujimaru Ritsuka's physical strength is almost endless.

After the battle with Norton, Fujimaru Ritsuka once sparred with Eriki, and she probably understood it at that time.

After witnessing the existence of White King and accepting part of his memory, Fujimaru Ritsuka's use of elements has reached a new level, even surpassing the conventional four supremes.

The efficiency is too high - her magic consumption is almost zero!

So why hasn’t it taken action since entering the North Pole?

Of course it's to show weakness.

If Fujimaru Ritsuka had gone all out from the beginning, Odin would have yo-yoed.

The purpose of deliberately giving Odin the illusion that Fujimaru Ritsuka needed to conserve his physical strength was to seduce Odin into showing up so that he could continuously deploy [Chaldeas] at that moment.

During the battle, Chu Zihang, Caesar and others continued to exchange cards with Odin.



Odin may have felt that he was consuming Fujimaru Ritsuka's cards.

But in fact--

It's the other way around.

It was Fujimaru Ritsuka who was creating the opportunity step by step to make Odin willing to appear.

Although the girl did not hide her strength at all when she appeared in the Hall of Valor, the explosion was interpreted by Odin as "extraordinary performance under anger."

Big mistake.

And the second point of winning.

【2.The Demonic Eye of Direct Death】

Like the above-mentioned spiritual power, they were all gifts received after Fujimaru Ritsuka completed the process of enlightenment. Because he had only used it freely in the space of the Gate of Truth with Norton, Odin could not completely confirm it.

And even if Odin knew that Fujimaru Ritsuka had this magic eye, it wouldn't matter.

This is an attack that cannot be avoided if necessary.

For example, that moment just now.

She used all the cards in her hand at that moment.



Why was the dead line cut?

But he didn't kill Odin.

Fujimaru Ritsuka would have killed both [Gangnir's Victory Karma] and [Odin's Thread] at the same time.


Overlapping cause and effect?

In the girl's field of vision, the blue World Cup was divided into countless fragments, and the god-king named Odin was soaked in cold sweat at this moment, but he still drained the elements from his body and used super-fast movement to distance himself.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's first reaction was to pursue.


"Ah, Fujimaru Ritsuka, it should be said that this is the first time we meet, or..."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

That voice, that sealed memory, that last fragment were forced into the brain, slowing down Fujimaru Ritsuka's thinking for half a second.

Therefore, if the girl misses the opportunity to chase Odin, it means that she has been targeted by a new enemy.

I can't catch up, so.

She just looked at Odin, the death line on his body remained unchanged.

No incision.

What he cut completely overlapped with Odin's death line, a certain layer of causality?

In addition to [Victory upon Touch], someone superimposed a layer of [Immortality] to give Odin?

Although it is true that the human brain cannot handle dead lines completely accurately, but...


The answer was quickly revealed.

"What a critical moment."

In the distance, the girl vaguely heard the man's voice.

That voice was neither impatient nor mellow, and even had the warmth of a big brother next door when he said it.

That was a voice that was fairly familiar to me.

No, the moment you hear this sentence, this ‘familiarity’ becomes the progressive tense.

Fujimaru Ritsuka slowly raised his head.

Here, facing the remaining light of Fimbull's winter, she saw.

Those few blurry but familiar figures.

A thin young man with eyes that looked like dark circles, menacing eyes, and a slightly pursed mouth.

With eyes as blue as the sea and long brown hair as smooth as high-grade velvet, she looks cold and sassy, ​​like a Valkyrie-like woman.

There is a strange atmosphere, like a silent bookworm, full of "intellectual" senses, a rather delicate face, a dark-haired woman wearing glasses.

A mature man with pink hair, Italian appearance, and makeup that looks like he escaped from the set of One Piece, Ladyboy Island.

They seem to be devoid of humanity, a three-dimensional human being with no words, no emotions, no expression.

A bunch of monkeys.


No matter how he looked, he looked like a noble man, but his eyes contained warmth, gentleness, and an aura of incomparable reliability.

Fujimaru Ritsuka somewhat understands these people.

Kadok Zemlups

Ophelia Famsoronne


Scandinavian Pepelongino

Debit Zem Void

Dog Beryl Garter

as well as

Fujimaru Ritsuka closed his eyes, feeling a little impatient and inexplicably irritable.

"Hey, don't get in the way."

"Kirshtalia Wodem."

ps: No, I really didn’t think of it, but just as it was written normally, the captain appeared on the 500th chapter.

That’s weird (scratches head)

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