Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 499 All trump cards revealed

Fujimaru Ritsuka once admitted it personally.

Valhalla, which Odin holds, Valhalla itself, which he obtained through despicable means, is indeed the strongest army on the planet.

Even if it is a degraded heroic spirit, it is still its true form, and it also has mysterious blessings, as well as historical Noble Phantasm prototypes and the blessings of the Nibelungs. In terms of the combat power it displays.

Above the heroic spirit, below the body.

And if there is this quantity


No one can defeat these monsters.

Even Fujimaru Ritsuka, arguably the most dazzling hero since the birth of this planet, may not be able to do so.


"I don't want to kill all the heroic spirits, but I only want to kill you."

"In other words, when I know that the opponent is a heroic spirit - for the heroic spirit, I only need to avoid all attacks."

In the center of the battlefield, the girl turned sideways and raised a finger.

Her body was straight, and the holes in her eyes were like black spirals, sucking in all light and shadow.

"And this means to me—"

"It's as easy as asking for QQ from a girl on the roadside~"

"Stop teasing me!!"

Before Odin's roar could reach the ground, he had already controlled those heroic spirits to attack.

The flowing shadow of the aurora suddenly penetrated the air, and countless colorful lights and shadows drew straight lines of lightning, like artillery coming out of the barrel, like lightning flashing, outlining complex and interlaced lines in the air, covering the sky above Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The girl also suddenly disappeared from the spot after grinning.

The moment the battle started, it was a feast of fanaticism.

boom! ! ! ! Bang bang bang! ! ! ! ————


Round hot melt.

A loud tremor that exploded like ripples.

Cracks kept blooming in the sky, as if the dome was really torn apart by countless collisions of magical torrents.

But that's not the case.

All of this is just the aftermath of all the members of the Hall of Heroes chasing, intercepting, and attacking a young girl.

Dodge, avoid, deflect.

If it was Fujimaru Ritsuka in a normal state, he would probably choose not to resist any attack head-on, but instead shuttle through the crowd, completely avoiding everyone, just to kill Odin.

Such a path will not work.

Because even if Fujimaru Ritsuka activates the Achilles overclocking state and enters the extreme speed close to light, he will still be caught by Odin who has "intuition" or simply future vision.

No matter how fast she was, she was still not as fast as Odin, the King of Sky and Wind, or at most the same speed.

And the other party can load zero time or even an instant on people other than himself, and the heroic spirits who do not use speed as a selling point can instantly bloom the feet of light flow. Under such a siege, Fujimaru Ritsuka has no chance of winning.

However, at this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who is being swallowed by [evil], what is her fighting method like?


The sharp laughter was in the air, and the voice was filled with pure joy, just like a girl who sang loudly while riding a roller coaster. The wind blew her white hair back, while the gorgeous and picturesque girl looked ferocious. Faces kept moving through the crowd, and then——


The blood flows out in the still space and time, blooming like wings.


Fujimaru Ritsuka sighed and pulled his hand out of the hot hole.

——With it, the heart of the enemy.

At the moment when the aurora was flowing back, the girl put her hand on the back of the heroic spirit, then penetrated without hesitation, crushing the other person's heart directly.

Even if those beings are the people I once cared about the most.

For Ritsuka Fujimaru, whose views have undergone a huge change at this moment.

Dead person?

It's just a piece of meat that exists there.

As for the souls bound within it?

Just let me help them out.

It doesn't matter.

Everyone will forgive me~

The moment of pause allowed the girl to be captured by other heroic spirits, and the light cannons and curses of the Noble Phantasm were applied one after another. However, the girl avoided most of them in a way that was terrifying and unreasonable. After deliberately being hit by some of the attacks, she immediately left the battlefield.

The wounds continued to accumulate, but the number of heroic spirits indeed began to decrease.

Faster, faster.

Everything visible to the naked eye becomes blurry. Light, wind, sound, any element turns into an ever-prolonging mime in the ears. Black and white reflections sway on the water. What can synchronize with itself is just the high speed of the brain. of rotation.

(As mentioned before, the action mode of the Heroic Spirit Army is actively controlled by Odin himself, and he will enter a "sluggish" state the moment he focuses on other things.)

(Literal meaning - lying dead.)

(In other words, Odin's Valhalla is equivalent to him personally playing a real-time strategy game with hundreds of combat units)

(This is absolutely impossible for humans, but it is possible for dragons - after all, Lu Mingfei's performance when playing StarCraft with me has proven this.)

(But - when operating hundreds of units at the same time, flaws will still appear.)

(Odin can surpass me in speed, but now that he is constantly accelerating, what the other party has to do is not to surpass my speed, but to surpass my thinking.)

(Predicting my position is a combination of future vision and high-speed analysis of the brain. The former can be offset and erased by the oracle, and the latter.)

(If you can catch me, come and try!~~)

Accelerating again, the super speed that once destroyed thousands of Noble Phantasms in one breath reappeared in the Finbulwinter.

The aurora created by the Valkyrie couldn't even match one ten thousandth of the brilliance at this moment. The heroic spirit could barely keep up under Odin's control, but it was always just a little short of being able to capture it. Instead, it was caught by the opponent again and again. Seize the opportunity and instantly kill the heroic spirit.

A manipulated puppet.

There is no resistance.

Light is able to extract the output of the heroic spirit during its lifetime without thinking.

Just a glass cannon!

Opposite the increasingly excited Fujimaru Ritsuka, the God King had only one thought in his mind -

(..Isn’t it too fast?!!!)

Odin looked at that scene, his hands trembling, but his body could not move.

He was forced to freeze here.

Not because you want to.

But I have to!

The brain rotates at high speed, breathing, the circulation of elements, the operation of internal organs, everything is modulated to the highest level.

He should have fled immediately, but this was the Valhalla he operated, and it was an area where he needed to pay.

Just relax a little.

Fujimaru Ritsuka will catch the moment when the heroic spirit is stagnant, and then - chase him and kill him.

This is simply a devilish prop that will kill you in the plot as long as you remove your eyes!

And if time continues, the poison of Hydra in my chest will erupt again!

Odin could not understand, could not predict.

Why did Ritsuka Fujimaru, who had freed himself from his restraints and didn't care about killing at all, become so strong?

However, there is one thing to say.

After entering the mysterious side, Fujimaru Ritsuka was actually subconsciously suppressing his abilities in all the incidents.

Before Tokyo Tower, she will try to persuade some of the fierce ghosts who still have the possibility of repentance to take the initiative to admit their sins and make amends for their guilt.

During her missions with Angers, she would try to communicate with those pure-blood dragons.

That's because the girl knows she has this ability.

She has the luxury of "even if she spends her time communicating with others, she can win in the end."

As it turns out, she has done just that to this day.

Although she stumbled sometimes, she did get the best results.

Even Norton, if she had the intention of completely erasing and killing the opponent from the beginning, she might not be able to get Odin's information and subsequent assistance from the opponent.

In his normal state, Fujimaru Ritsuka always tries to do his best.

And now Fujimaru Ritsuka?

She would hand in a paper with a score of 70% on a 100% test paper.

And correspondingly

I only take the exam for ten minutes.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Another acceleration.

But this time, even Odin, who had Time Zero and Setsuna working at the same time, couldn't help but sweat dripping from his forehead.

I can't catch it anymore.

The deaths of a dozen heroic spirits are just the starting point.

If this continues, it will be a competition between Fujimaru Ritsuka's physical and mental strength, and his own physical and mental strength.


Before the consumption of both ends.

Will all heroic spirits be destroyed?

On that day Odin saw.

in this world

no one knows yet

Fujimaru Ritsuka, the real

Full strength.

The end is approaching.

Worn spirit.

Broken soul.

Will lose.

Odin clearly felt threatened.

If Ritsuka Fujimaru kills them one by one like this, all the heroic spirits will be consumed!

To destroy such precious combat power in such a crude way?

He would never allow that kind of thing.

At a certain moment, after an unknown amount of time, Odin finally trembled and opened his mouth.

“When are you going to see it again!!”


At this extremely urgent moment, in a battle situation where even blinking would be an obstacle, Odin couldn't help but plan to speak, knowing that doing so would risk being caught by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

And as expected -


Looking back, the girl showed a healthy and extremely twisted smile.

puff! !

Once again, she directly used the instantaneous Noble Phantasm to evaporate the heroic spirit close to her into ashes. The moment the girl noticed that Odin was distracted by talking, causing the heroic spirit's movements to lag, she had already calculated the best movement path from her brain.

Dozens of words and spirits act simultaneously.

In front of him are multiple defensive spirit spirits spread out.


The empty pupils turned into blue in an instant.

【Devil Eye of Direct Death】

Click! !

The defense was shattered in an instant, and the girl was far away from Odin——

Only a few meters!

And this is done simultaneously.

are the words of Odin.

"If this continues, the plan will fail!!!!"

"How long do you have to wait!!"


The next moment.

Blades crisscrossed.

New character, debut!

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