Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1472 Wind Slave

Everyone has heard about Feng Zhilin's training in these two aspects. Ever since the Sky-Splitting Knife, which was ten times more terrifying than the ordinary wind blade, appeared, the violent wind on her right hand gradually condensed into a high enough A five-meter-long man, this man is tall and strong. He has only a little bit of human shape, more like a beast. His whole body is composed of sharp wind-green blades. His body is in an unstable state and is completely independent. It can fight freely. At this time, it is like a real person. It makes a tiger-like roar, turns its body into thousands of green blades, and then rushes towards Long Chen crazily. It instantly condenses into a human form beside Long Chen, and punches at Zhu Longchen is calling!

Innate Taoism is much more magical than ordinary combat skills and magical skills. For example, the Sky-Splitting Sword can integrate the understanding of the Tao of Tear, and this clone is also an innate Taoism, named 'Wind Slave'. Feng Zhilin's current understanding can only condense one 'wind slave'. According to legend, if you understand the way of clones to a profound level, summoning billions of wind slaves is not a problem!

The combination of the Sky Splitting Sword and Feng Slave gave Feng Zhilin unparalleled fighting ability. At this time, the battle was completely reversed. Feng Zhilin was extremely excited. She held the Sky Splitting Sword and, with the assistance of Feng Slave, started fighting with Long Chen. Melee.

Long Chen was originally full of awe for the way of heaven.

Now when he saw the attack performed by Feng Zhilin, who had understood the way of heaven, he was even more in awe.

The Tao of Heaven is endless, and the Tao of Wind alone has countless branches. The Tao of Wind will have as many branches as there are attributes of the wind. Violent, tearing, elegant, clone, roar...

These are all properties of wind.

To learn all about the Way of Wind and realize the Great Perfection, it would probably take Feng Zhilin's lifetime efforts. After all, the Way of Wind is a great avenue.

For example, the way of counter-chaos is a small way. You can get started quickly, but if you are not good at it in the future, you will have limitations.

Long Chen's way of killing is the largest way, the most common way, with countless branches. The way of killing itself is just a branch of the way of fighting. The way of time is the highest but rare way.

No matter what the Tao is, if you practice to the highest level and achieve the rules, you can become a god.

While lamenting the terrifying power of Heaven, Long Chen was not idle either. Heaven was terrifying, but Feng Zhilin's understanding was at the level of ordinary second-level Nirvana Tribulation, and she was not as good as him in terms of body and Nirvana power.

"Compared with me in close combat!" Long Chen became more and more proficient in the art of double swords. His speed was terrifying, and he was able to withstand the attack of Feng Zhilin's Sky-Splitting Sword with ease.

"Isn't it okay?" Feng Zhilin hit the excitement point, and the water in her eyes flashed, full of charm.

She came up close, her graceful body fluttering in the wind, so moving.

At this moment, countless green blades formed a wind slave behind Long Chen!

Feng Nu roared, and the punch filled with green blades suddenly hit Long Chen's back of the heart. If he was hit by it, Long Chen's whole body would probably be strangled and shattered!

He had already expected that at this moment, the God-Slaying Sword Wind suddenly stabbed behind him, and he used all his strength to unleash the Nine Dragons Devouring Heaven. This was Long Chen's strongest attack at present, surpassing the lethality of the incomplete God-Slaying Technique. , the nine terrifying divine dragons turned into sword energy in the formation and surged out. They immediately entangled the wind slave. The bites of the nine divine dragons made the wind slave scream repeatedly and was pushed to the ground. , struggling crazily, but unable to move!

"Broken!" Long Chen roared, and Feng Nu exploded under his sword move, unable to move!

When the God-Slaying Sword started to suppress Feng Nu, Long Chen's Lingxi Sword was not idle. He kept using the Lingxi Sword sparingly just to use it at this critical moment!

When Long Chen was dealing with Feng Nu, Feng Zhilin seized the opportunity. The two-meter-long Sky Splitting Sword soared into the sky and suddenly struck down, causing the earth to shake. The strength of this Sky Splitting Sword gathered Feng Zhilin's ability to tear apart. With all his understanding, the lethality far exceeds that of Feng Nu!

"Can you stop it?" Feng Zhilin seemed to be talking in sleep, her full chest heaving.

Long Chen's eyes were cold, and the Lingxi Sword turned into black light from bottom to top. The black light transformed into four sword energies, two of which blocked the Sky-Splitting Sword, while the other two were directed towards Feng Zhilin rushes!

The sword light of the two God-Slaying Techniques was not enough to block the Sky-Splitting Sword, but Long Chen was not only capable of this attack. When he launched the God-Slaying Technique, he held the God-Slaying Sword with his left hand and had already killed Feng Nu. Returning for a moment, Zhou Ji pointed out the second level of time stillness!

Time stood still, without any suspense, and the Sky Splitter was frozen. The power of the Sky Splitting Sword cannot be used.

At this time, Long Chen escaped from the fighting range of the Sky-Splitting Saber. Two black sword lights escaped from the Sky-Splitting Saber and stabbed directly at Feng Zhilin. Feng Zhilin held the Sky-Splitting Saber in her hand. She couldn't move. If she didn't run away, she would be hit by the light of the Lingxi Sword. Being hit by the Lingxi Sword would be a big deal. With the soul she had just gathered, she might not be able to withstand it.

So, she suddenly retreated.

At this moment, Long Chen was right behind her. At that moment, he protected the other party with one hand, and put the God-Decapitating Sword on her neck. With his strong physical strength, he hugged her like this, and the strength of his thick arms Le De Feng Zhilin was completely unable to move.

Feeling the cold temperature on her neck, Feng Zhilin's cold body suddenly softened, like a ball of cotton held in Long Chen's arms.

The two of them soared into the sky.

Long Chen didn't know whether the other party was admitting defeat, so he didn't dare to let her go lightly. You must know that he had also put a lot of thought into defeating this difficult guy.

The onlookers watched this scene with pale faces. Everything happened in a flash of lightning. Long Chen won too quickly. When they found out that Long Chen had restrained Feng Zhilin, everyone didn't believe them for a moment. s eyes.

However, this is the fact.

At this moment, everyone had an idea of ​​Long Chen's strength. Those who had gossiped before felt like they had been slapped in the face.

Long Chen's fighting style was strong and passionate, and his powerful body gave everyone a huge visual impact.

The fierce confrontation suddenly stopped and the scene became quiet, but soon thunderous applause erupted. The applause was so loud that Feng Zhilin had no choice but to admit defeat.

The two fell to the ground.

Everyone suddenly felt that Feng Zhilin lowered her head and her face was slightly red, as if she was enjoying the feeling of Long Chen protecting herself so tightly. She was...

Long Chen also felt that the woman in his arms was particularly soft, just like Ling Xi nestling in his arms. She had given up resisting long ago. Fortunately, she was still holding her so tightly to prevent her from counterattacking.

Feng Zhilin has a very good figure, with a curvy front and back. She is plumper than Ling Xi and Li Xuanji. When held in her arms, she has another fleshy feeling. The tempting aroma can easily trigger reverie.

However, Long Chen felt that the other party had given up resistance and was not being intimate with each other, so he quickly let go, while also guarding against the other party's counterattack. She is a person who likes to play tricks. If she doesn't pay attention and lets the other party defeat her with tricks, which will affect the killing of Fu Hai, she will be in trouble.

Long Chen is still very measured.

Sure enough, he guessed correctly. Just when he let go, the other party suddenly turned around and rushed towards him without hesitation.

This is an extremely thrilling moment!

Long Chen snorted coldly. He had been on guard for a long time, which would allow the other party to succeed. He suddenly strangled the sword in his hand and swept it towards the other party's neck. If she dared to pounce on him, Long Chen would make her The head flew out.

But at this moment, Long Chen saw Feng Zhilin's eyes that were not malicious, even a little innocent. He was shocked and quickly stopped his attack. The next moment, Feng Zhilin threw herself into his arms and stretched out her arms to hug him. On his waist, waist-length hair swayed, and her delicate cheeks were buried in Long Chen's chest.

Long Chen raised his hands, with two swords in his hands, and almost stabbed Feng Zhilin to death.

If he didn't stop in the end.

Long Chen was stunned. What was this woman doing? Why did she throw herself into his arms?

Not only him, but others are also confused. What is Feng Zhilin doing? Could it be...

No matter how you look at this scene, there seems to be something wrong with it. Could it be that Feng Zhilin actually has a crush on Long Chen?

Those who like gossip can't help but speculate that the two of them are having an affair.

"What are you doing?" Long Chen put down his swords and stretched out his hands to pull away the opponent's delicate body that was clinging to him. However, Feng Zhilin held her very close, and Long Chen was afraid that if he used any more force, he would tear off her arms. .

Just when he was troubled, Feng Zhilin naturally left his arms. She stood up straight in front of Long Chen, her eyes filled with moving mist. Because she was a little nervous, her face was rosy, which was indeed a bit intoxicating.

She said word by word: "I just thank you. Don't think too much about it. I just want to tell you that I also hated my old self. You saved me, and I am very grateful to you for letting me have a second life." , give me the opportunity to experience life again. I think I will let you see another version of myself, and I will not let you down."

This was what she wanted to say to Long Chen since she came back last time, but unfortunately she never had the chance.

Today, she still lost.

But this was the easiest defeat she had ever had, because she didn't have any pressure anymore. Such a defeat and Long Chen's strength made her even more happy.

"Let's talk when we have time."

Hearing the ambiguous discussions beside her, Feng Zhilin finished saying this, her long skirt fluttered, and she headed towards the method of the Zhenwu Emperor. In a few flashes, she had already left Long Chen's sight.

Long Chen's mind wasn't very clear. It was strange that a woman's heart and a needle in the ocean could be figured out so easily, but he finally understood it. Feng Zhilin probably wouldn't go against him in the future, and might even be able to help.

He understood it so simply.

With Feng Zhilin gone, this scene should be over.

Long Chen saw Wen Renxi among the crowd. At the same time, he also saw another Martial Lord, Ye Futu.

They were all alarmed.

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