Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1471 Tao follows nature

Feng Zhilin's strength should be weaker than that of Fu Hai, a warrior who has actually survived the second level of Nirvana.

To be honest, before the establishment of the Kingdom of God, Long Chen tried to fight with her once. The other party made him use all his strength with every move he made. It was indeed very strong.

But now, Long Chen also wanted to test whether he, who had already surpassed the other party with the power of the Nirvana World in his body, was stronger than the other party.

Judging from the last confrontation, Feng Zhilin had already seen the glimmer of hope. There were not many people watching last time, and Long Chen had something serious to do, so she had waited until now.

There are more and more people watching. Basically, there are many figures from the three major factions, except for the top three martial arts masters. Wen Ren Jingtao and Nangong Lie are also among the crowd.

The reason why Feng Zhilin knew that Long Chen had just sent the kitten out was probably from their mouths.

Nangong Lie knew what happened to Long Chen best. He smiled and said: "This girl is really good at tossing things. She was defeated by him more than once, and now she is making such a fuss. She is just looking for abuse."

Wenren Jingtao was confused.

What does seeking abuse mean?

Except for them, everyone started talking as they saw that the boy and girl in the middle were already confronting each other. There are many people from Hanwu Palace among them.

The rules make concessions for the strong. They are all new generation strong. This competition is highly anticipated, so no one can stop it.

Long Chen is someone who has been summoned by Emperor Zhenwu. Who doesn't want to know how valuable he is to be summoned by Emperor Zhenwu?

"The Witch of Wind has reached the realm of Nirvana. I heard that her understanding of the way of wind is relatively deep in the two wind attributes of 'tearing' and 'clone', far surpassing those of the same level. , relying on this extraordinary understanding alone, is incomparably superior, and the situation of Long Chen is weird. Although the power of nirvana is strong, the soul is hidden too deeply, but the body is very strong. Each has its own strengths. If we really want to fight, in fact, I I think Miss Feng will be stronger, after all, Long Chen is only just stronger than Huang Yu." Among the crowd, a Hanwu general who had experienced the Nirvana Tribulation said.

"I don't really believe that Long Chen is capable. Look, fists are the last word. Wen Renxi Martial Lord obviously wants Long Chen to replace Huang Yu to compete for the Holy Martial Emperor. If he doesn't have this ability, He has no qualifications, no popularity, and is just an outsider. Who would be willing to let him be the Holy Martial Emperor? Even if he is, who can listen to his orders?"

"That's true. The only chance Long Chen has is to have superior strength. But in terms of strength alone, the Martial God Palace has already had a more suitable choice than him. Wenrenxi Martial Lord must be worried now. Last time the Emperor The tide of spiritual energy flows, and only his people have not survived the Nirvana Tribulation.”

"Even if we survive, there is no way. No one can defeat the immortal body of the little Valkyrie."

To the people in the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace, Long Chen was like an outsider when he burst out of nowhere. The person who has just integrated into Zhenwu Emperor Palace has no popularity, foundation, contribution to Zhenwu Emperor Palace, etc., and he has not even been trusted. If he is not the strongest among all competitors, then he is basically There is no such opportunity in the past.

They did admit that Long Chen was extremely talented, but so what, there might not be anyone of his type in the Martial God Palace. Although Long Chen was a dragon warrior, it was only a rumor, and they had never seen Long Chen truly transform into a dragon.

"Did you hear what they said? They said you are no match for me." Feng Zhilin raised her white chin slightly and looked at him provocatively.

"It's not always like this. Hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Long Chen glared at him and said.

She enjoyed the feeling of Long Chen getting angry in front of her.

Yes, she was favored every time, but she lost every time!

This was almost the shadow in Feng Zhilin's heart.

Suddenly there was a noise from the crowd. It turned out that Long Chen did not wait for the other party to take action. He took action first. His whole body was filled with the power of Nirvana, and his body became extremely terrifying. He was no longer at the same level as a few days ago. This time When his strength was first revealed, it was his speed that few people present could catch up with.

All his skills now focus on the art of double swords, and of course the God-Slaying Sword and the Lingxi Sword are inevitable.

The two slender divine swords, with their weird sharpness, gave everyone a shocking blow. As long as this young man fought, a strong smell of blood would appear on his body. It was almost impossible to stare at him, but everyone was still not impressed. When it comes to trusting his strength, what everyone trusts most is their own eyes. Long Chen is too young and too legendary. The legend is a bit false, so everyone wants to see if he is as mysterious as the rumors say.

"You are indeed still so strong!" Feng Zhilin was a little annoyed. Long Chen was still like that, without any grace at all. Don't expect him to hold back. Generally speaking, when he comes out, he will not give his opponent a chance to rest.

But Feng Zhilin was not afraid, because she was at a higher level than Long Chen, and he had already come into contact with the way of heaven.

Her delicate body jumped up and floated in mid-air, and the strong wind began to sweep Feng Zhilin away. She was the darling of the wind, with the longest hair, and like her long and unfolded skirt, it was flying in the mid-air, making a hunting sound.

The diameter of the first layer was thirty miles in total. Everyone quickly ducked and retreated more than ten miles away, scrambling to watch the battle.

Long Chen took the lead. The Lingxi Sword was the ultimate move, and the one he used most was the God-Slaying Sword. This sword of the God of War was invincible. The shiny gray slender sword body and the sharp tip made people feel their scalp. It was numb, and the gray air flow swept over it, flowing like a long snake on the nostrils, ear holes and mouth of the skull at the hilt.

The God-killing Technique is an innate Taoist method.

Long Chen didn't come into contact with the Heavenly Dao, so he couldn't figure out the complete God-killing Technique for the time being. He could only imitate the trajectory of the first word, but despite this, it had already shown a power that exceeded ordinary innate Dao techniques.

In the eyes of everyone, Feng Zhilin dodged wherever the gray sword energy struck. Feng Zhilin was already fast, but Long Chen was more like a gray phantom, so powerful and domineering that people could not figure out his figure. .

"One of the attributes of wind is tearing. This is an attack attribute belonging to wind..." What Feng Zhilin has temporarily practiced is the way of tearing. The strong wind she controls has the most terrifying tearing ability. The surroundings seemed to be in her domain, everything was under her control. She could even control the strong wind to form a wind wall composed of the power of Nirvana, blocking Long Chen's attack!

"Violent Wind Blade!"

In an instant, Feng Zhilin gave a sweet smile and flew high into the sky. A total of more than a dozen huge wind blades were flying around her like sharp knives. Each wind blade was more powerful than when she was in front of Fu Mansion. What is shown is even more powerful. This wind blade contains Feng Zhilin's complete understanding of the tearing power of the wind. The tearing ability of each wind blade exceeds that of ordinary Tao tools, even the one that covers the sky and the sun. The giant beasts of the monster clan may be torn apart by this tearing force.

A few days ago, when Long Chen dealt with a wind blade, he almost needed both swords to launch the strongest move at the same time.

"With so many violent wind blades, can you still block them?" Feng Zhilin's chuckle echoed in Long Chen's ears.

This was her estimate of Long Chen's limit. She slightly overestimated it. After all, Long Chen had a hard time dealing with a wind blade before.

"Come on." Long Chen held the Lingxi Sword with his backhand, and moved the God-Slaying Sword forward. His expression remained unchanged, and he used strength on his legs to rush towards the opponent quickly!

"Very good!" Amidst the noise of the crowd, Feng Zhilin was very proud. She flew high into the sky and controlled with both hands. Under her control, more than a dozen wind blades around her came towards Long Chen one after another!

The same killing move as last time!

Each wind blade gave Long Chen the feeling that it was like the claws of a huge beast, and the windy beast was grabbing at him!

But this time...

Long Chen smiled coldly. With enough strength, a huge amount of the power of the Nirvana world surged towards the God-Slaying Sword, almost squeezing the God-Slaying Sword to burst. With his current powerful body, it was comparable to that of someone who had survived three levels of Nirvana Tribulation. , infinite power!

The wind blade tore through the space, emitted a terrifying scream, and in a short period of time, started to fight towards Long Chen one after another!


Long Chen shouted loudly, exerted all his strength, and without using any moves, the Divine Sword opened the world, turned into a gray sword shadow, swept with his backhand, and struck the center of a wind blade!


There was a terrifying loud noise, and the warriors present subconsciously covered their ears!

They opened their eyes wide and looked over in shock. They saw Long Chen using his explosively powerful body and a huge amount of power from the Nirvana world to directly chop the first wind blade into pieces!

This halberd is much more powerful than last time.

Feng Zhilin's heart was shaken, and her mouth opened slightly. The tough man in the storm was still so hard, making her whole body soft. When she came back to her senses, other wind blades were overwhelming, and they all pounced on Long Chen in an instant!

Everyone exclaimed repeatedly, this is the rhythm to kill Long Chen!

But then, Long Chen's movements increased tenfold again. He only used the God-Slaying Sword. Every time the wind blade came, he used pure power to draw out the sword. The terrifying speed of the movement was almost instantaneous. , causing all the wind blades to be shattered into pieces immediately!


After chopping the last wind blade, Long Chen pointed his swords down, looked at the other party coldly, and asked disdainfully: "Is there anything more?"

That proud gesture made Feng Zhilin tremble all over, but her eyes became brighter and brighter.

"I originally thought that today you can no longer make me fight to the point of going crazy and collapse, but it turns out it is still possible..."

Feng Zhilin entered a weird state, crying and laughing.

Long Chen had known for a long time that she was sick and had the disease of being abused. If she didn't torture her to her satisfaction, she would continue to be entangled with her. He stopped being polite to her. He kicked off his heels and the ground shook. He suddenly rushed up and jumped. The sword reaches the sky!

"I have practiced a total of two innate Taoist techniques, and both have achieved some small results." Feng Zhilin said excitedly. Under her execution, all the strong winds converged towards the palm of her hand, and finally formed a two-meter long line. The transparent blade is composed entirely of violent wind.

"This is the innate Taoist method, the Sky-Splitting Sword."

The Sky-Splitting Sword is an understanding of the wind attribute that is suitable for tearing.

Feng Zhilin waved her other hand, and at the same time, the way of clone that she had practiced in the wind attribute was unfolded.

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