Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 105 Lesson!

When Feng Wutian had already started to kill Long Chen, that powerful aura directly pressed on Long Chen. The aura at the peak of the human elixir realm was indeed not something that could be blocked!

At this time, Feng Wutian, in Long Chen's eyes, was like a huge mountain, pressing towards him. Long Chen tensed his body, and was able to resist the pressure exerted by the other party.

Long Chen was very angry at being bullied like this by Feng Wutian, but he knew that he was not his opponent yet.

"This Feng Wutian, you still underestimate me. Although I am not your opponent, it is very simple to escape from your hands. However, if I just run away like this, I won't leave you any luck. If you see me again , it will still be so noisy!”

Although Long Chen is not Feng Wutian's opponent, the gap between them is not too big. Moreover, Feng Wutian also had to take care of the Qingyang Hall team and the Taiqing Sword. It was impossible to abandon everyone and pursue Long Chen alone.

Long Chen felt confident, so he felt much more relaxed.

At this time, Feng Wutian was already in front of him, less than ten meters away.

"You killed Huang Feiyang. Today, I can avenge him..."

Having said this, Feng Wutian clenched his fist, and a powerful wave suddenly formed in his fist.

"I don't even need any combat skills to deal with a kid like you who has just entered the human elixir!"

Feng Wutian said coldly, and then, the whole person was like a whirlwind, rolling towards Long Chen. The turbulent punch actually felt a bit overwhelming!


Long Chen felt at a glance that if he wanted to block this attack head-on, not only would he have to transform into a dragon soul, but he would also have to use the Taixuan Dragon Seal, which was tiring and laborious, so Long Chen slipped his feet and fought with him as quickly as possible. With the strength of his feet, he used the Nine Heavens Wandering Dragon Step, and when Feng Wutian made a move, he "swimmed" directly past him!

Long Chen accomplished this without dragon soul transformation. One of the reasons was that Feng Wutian thought that he was just entering the human elixir realm for the first time, so he didn't use much effort. The other reason was that Long Chen was almost formed now. With the Lei Yan battle body, the physical surge greatly increased speed and agility. Therefore, although Feng Wutian was indeed strong, Long Chen still managed to dodge him!

Seeing that Feng Wutian was going to kill this annoying guy Long Chen, Qingyangtang and others were looking forward to it.

Especially Liu Ling, she was about to see Feng Wutian, who was invincible in her eyes, killing Long Chen with a single move, but she didn't expect that Long Chen would just blink and slip from the side to Liu Ling's side!

"How is that possible? He is faster than me!"

Thinking of this, Liu Ling's eyes suddenly showed a look of disbelief.

As for the others, their faces were full of surprise as Long Chen was able to dodge Feng Wutian's attack.

However, what no one expected was that when Long Chen dodged Feng Wutian again, the next moment, he soared towards Liu Ling at a faster speed!

The distance between the two was not very far to begin with, and Long Chen's actions exceeded all their expectations.

Liu Ling didn't react for a while, but in this short moment, Long Chen came to her eyes, a pair of light red eyes, looking at Liu Ling playfully!

"Little thief!"

Liu Ling cursed loudly and was about to attack Long Chen. In her opinion, although Long Chen was faster than the average human-level Xiaocheng, his attack would definitely be slightly lacking!

In the rush, she shouted, nervously punched Long Chen!

If Long Chen had encountered an attack from a small person in the human elixir realm before, he would have been beaten half to death, but with the fusion of nine thunder crystals, it was not afraid of Liu Ling's level of attack at all!

Moreover, Liu Ling is a young girl. Without the training of life and death, she would definitely be deficient in combat. Qia Shaolong Chen could tell that she basically had no actual combat experience!

Therefore, in just this moment, Long Chen punched out explosively, and the light red Qi in his dantian, carrying the power of thunder and fire, suddenly spurted out and shocked Liu Ling's fist!

The two fists collided. What was shocking was that Long Chen, who originally thought he was going to lose, was unscathed, but Liu Ling let out a cry of pain and almost shed tears.

In Long Chen's true energy, the power of thunder and flames struck her fist, and her pink fist immediately turned a little charred!

She had never experienced such pain in her life, and she burst into tears with tears streaming down her face.

At this moment, Long Chen suddenly jumped up behind her, his hands turned into claws, and he suddenly clamped down on Liu Ling's white neck, and slammed her back!

"Thief, you are seeking death!"

When Feng Wutian turned around and saw such a scene, her face turned red immediately, and an overwhelming attack was launched towards Long Chen!

The other seven people also had angry faces and attacked Long Chen, immediately creating a pincer attack!

"This kid, who is obviously new to the human elixir, was able to avoid Feng Wutian's attack, and also kidnapped Miss Liu Ling, who had just completed the human elixir realm?"

Everyone felt extremely shocked. Before, they thought that Long Chen was just a coward from a small place. But at this moment, they had completely changed their view of Long Chen!

"You even dare to kidnap the elder's daughter. This Long Chen is really looking for death!"

Everyone tried their best to attack Long Chen. Unexpectedly, Long Chen was not afraid at all. While Liu Ling was screaming, he lifted her high and blocked her in front of everyone!

Feng Wutian was suddenly frightened, and quickly stopped the attack. Long Chen took this opportunity, quickly reared up, and said coldly: "If you don't want her life, just do it for me! All! Everyone, stop! If anyone makes a move, I will let this little girl die in front of you!"

Liu Ling's whole body was trembling with fear when she heard Long Chen's harsh words, his huge strength to clamp her neck, and the pain in several places on her body.

She had never encountered such a terrifying thing in her life, so her face turned pale and she quickly cried: "No! Don't kill me, Brother Wutian, hurry, save me! Wow..."

Feng Wutian, who she thought was omnipotent, was about to burst out of fire at this moment. He looked at Long Chen viciously, but did not dare to move. He could only shout: "Long Chen! Liu Ling is the elder's daughter. If If she loses a hair, the senator will definitely cut you into pieces! If you have any brains, let me go! You are seeking death!"


Long Chen sneered coldly, "Do you think I'm a fool? Aren't you already planning to kill me? Everyone is dead, so why don't I find someone to back me up?"

Seeing this little girl trembling with fear, while Feng Wutian was helpless, Long Chen felt a little relieved.

With this period of time, he had held Liu Ling hostage and moved back about thirty meters!

"This girl has a lot of background, I'd better stop it."

Thinking of this, Long Chen stopped joking with them. In the eyes of everyone, Long Chen suddenly pressed Liu Ling on his knees, opened his big hands, and raised them high!

"You girl, how dare you spread rumors and slander me, I will make you suffer today!"

Let's talk. In front of Feng Wutian, Long Chen's slap hit Liu Ling's raised buttocks hard. A loud "snap" sound immediately echoed in the sky above the Tianwu Realm. Liu Ling let out a cry. Earth-shattering screams, the originally fair and tender face was completely congested with blood...

On her fair buttocks, there is a fingerprint that will probably stay there for a long time!

At this time, when Feng Wutian saw such a scene, his eyes suddenly burst into tears!

"Ling'er! Long Chen, go to hell!"

Long Chen slapped Liu Ling hard, and then he was satisfied. He smiled provocatively at Feng Wutian and said, "I slapped your woman, you must be very happy, right?"

Let's talk, he ignored Feng Wutian's expression that he had basically turned into a pig's liver, and threw Liu Ling in his hand towards Feng Wutian with all his strength!

Feng Wutian originally wanted to kill Long Chen, but seeing Liu Ling's body coming towards him, how could he not catch it carefully?

And just when he went to pick up Liu Ling, Long Chen laughed loudly, burst out as fast as he could, and ran away into the distance!

This time was almost formed, and when Feng Wutian put Liu Ling down, Long Chen had already disappeared!

As for the others, after chasing for a while, they saw that Feng Wutian was still where he was, so they had no choice but to come back. When they saw Feng Wutian, whose face had turned into pig liver, they were all a bit silent.

At this time, Liu Ling, who felt the burning pain in her buttocks, started crying loudly. When Feng Wutian saw her crying, it was useless to persuade her, and she was so busy that she was in a hurry.

"Why are you still standing here? Brother Wutian, why don't you kill him?!"

Facing the question from the tearful little beauty, Feng Wutian showed a bitter look on his face and said: "Ling'er, that kid runs fast, and we still need to find the Taiqing Sword..."

"Asshole! You...get out of here! You only think about Taiqingjian, so you don't care about me! I was bullied by him like this, and since you still don't kill him, Feng Wutian, you, you are still not a man!"

"That's enough!" Feng Wutian's face was ashen and he said coldly: "Ling'er, I promise you, next time I meet him, I will capture him and let you chop him up with your own hands! Don't make trouble now!"

"Ouch...but it hurts, it hurts so much!"


After escaping far away from their sight, until they could no longer catch up, Long Chen breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said: "Xiao Xi, quickly find a hiding place for me. I want to try the third one." Ten thunder crystals!"

"Asshole, you just remembered now, am I still here? Weren't you very majestic just now?" The sound of Lingxi's gritted teeth came from the Lingxi sword.

Long Cheng knew immediately that it was the way he bullied Liu Ling that made her angry. A black line suddenly appeared on his forehead, and he said to Ling Xi flatteringly: "Baby, don't misunderstand me. I was teaching her a lesson. Don't you?" Did you think she was hateful before? So I gave her a severe lesson!"

"What does it have to do with me? I have nothing to do with you anyway!"



Keep asking for flowers. PK. Today is an important day because the number of clicks is about to exceed one million. Does anyone take action to congratulate me? With over a million clicks, this is an important moment~

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