Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 104 Chu Yunyao

Teams from other halls were also arriving one after another at this time. Soon, a total of eight teams had gathered in the Tianwu Hall.

Long Chen was in the corner of the Qingyang Hall team, looking at the people in the other teams.

Long Chen knew that among the various halls of the Qing clan, Qingyang Hall's comprehensive strength was ranked one or two from the bottom, but this time with the presence of Feng Wutian, there was a call to win the championship.

However, it is not that there are masters at the peak of the human elixir realm in other halls, especially the girl from Qinghuang Hall, who attracted everyone's attention as soon as she entered.

Qinghuangtang is the most powerful branch of the Qing clan. Whether it is comprehensive strength or future potential, it is the number one existence among the Qing clan.

"Is that girl Chu Yunyao from Qinghuangtang?"

Liu Ling gritted her teeth and said as she looked at the other girl, who was wearing a goose-yellow dress and had a finely carved face, but an indifferent expression and an indescribable aura of otherworldliness.

There was obvious jealousy in his tone.

They are both the daughters of veteran masters, but the gap between them is not that big.

Liu Ling is just a small success in the human elixir realm, and the opponent is almost on the verge of breaking through the earth elixir realm.

Moreover, Chu Yunyao received all the attention, while Liu Ling just stayed next to Feng Wutian, occasionally receiving admiring glances.

At this time, even Feng Wutian was looking at Chu Yunyao. Liu Ling gritted her teeth, her face full of anger, and she wanted to twist her brother Wutian's head back.

Long Chen also glanced at the girl. Sure enough, her strength was at Feng Wutian's level, and she was even younger.

The most important thing is that her appearance is very outstanding. Although she does not have the mature charm of Liu Lan, she is better than Liu Ling.

At this time, Liu Lan and the leaders of the other seven tribes gathered together.

Although Qingyang Hall is average, Liu Lan's reputation among the Qing clan is very high because of her beauty.

When the leaders were talking, their eyes mostly stayed on her sexy body.

"Everyone, since we are all here, let's start this trial of the Tianwu Realm?"

"That's it, without further ado, let's lead them into the Tianwu Realm passage now. You should have explained the precautions to the juniors before coming, right?"

"That's natural."

After agreeing on something, Liu Lan returned to everyone in Qingyang Hall.

At this time, someone was already greeting the younger members of the clan and walking towards a corridor not far from Long Chen's side.

This corridor is ten meters wide, and at the end is a light film. This light film fluctuates like water, giving it a sparkling feeling, which is extremely beautiful.

A strange aura emanated from this wave of light.

"This is the entrance to the Small Universe world. This Small Universe world seems to be a relic left by a strong person."

In the sword, Lingxi said in surprise.

"In other words, there might be something good in this?"

"It should be gone. The Lingwu family has been here for so many years. This ruins is not large and has long been their private property. There are good things in it, but it is estimated that not a single thing is left."

Long Chen didn't have any thoughts about this.

This trial of the Tianwu Realm was a compulsion for him. All he wanted was to practice and become stronger.

At this time, teams were already passing by Long Chen and entering the entrance of the Tianwu Realm.

After a while, Qinghuangtang, which had almost twenty people, also passed by. The leader's status was not as high as Chu Yunyao's, so Chu Yunyao walked in front.

When he got close, Chu Yunyao suddenly walked towards Liu Lan and said, "Yunyao has met Sister Lan. My brother asked me to tell you that something happened to him this time and he couldn't get away, so he didn't When I came to see you, he said he missed you so much."

After hearing this, Liu Lan looked a little unnatural and said, "Yes, I understand. Yun Yao, you have to be careful about the trial of the Tianwu Realm."

Chu Yunyao nodded, then turned and left.

This girl had a very indifferent attitude towards everyone. Only when she was towards Liu Lan, her expression showed a hint of respect.

"Brother? Could it be that this woman is still having an affair with his brother?"

Thinking that such a charming and charming woman was already someone else's, Long Chen suddenly felt as if all the good cabbage had been given to a pig.

At this time, Liu Lan turned around and said calmly: "You must keep the specific circumstances of the trial in mind. I am waiting for you here. I wish you success."

Feng Wutian and others followed the instructions, and then he led the other tribesmen toward the entrance of Tiantian Martial Realm.

When Long Chen passed Liu Lan, he kept looking at her, and Liu Lan also looked at Long Chen with a faint smile. She arranged Long Chen into this dangerous situation, but she didn't feel guilty at all.

When Long Chen passed by, Liu Lan shook her head and said secretly: "How can I survive when I first entered the human elixir realm and under the pressure of an accomplished warrior in the heavenly elixir realm? Is my training method too outrageous? ?”

Thinking of that person, Liu Lan frowned deeply: "If no one blocks it for me, I'm afraid it will be difficult to change my fate... Is this my fate?"

While Liu Lan was meditating, Long Chen followed the others and walked into the light film.

Suddenly, a cool feeling surrounded him. Long Chen felt as if he had fallen into a pool of water, falling rapidly. After only a few moments, his body stopped. Suddenly, he found himself, He actually stood on a piece of yellow land.

Looking up, this piece of land is covered with hard loess as far as the eye can see. Sturdy trees and bushes dotted the land. Although it couldn't be said to be pretty, it wasn't ugly either.

Looking at the sky again, it is a yellow sky, filled with thick yellow clouds everywhere, densely packed, blocking out the sky and the sun.

A desolate atmosphere filled the place, and Long Chen knew that the world he was in now was no longer the world he had just been in.

"Is this...the Tianwu Realm?"

Compared to Long Chen, everyone else had entered the Tianwu Realm before, so at this time, Long Chen was the only one with a blank look in his eyes.

Seeing Long Chen's appearance as a country bumpkin, the others all showed mocking looks on their faces.

Among the Qing tribe, other teams came to Tianwu Realm first and left first. Feng Wutian first led everyone to a low bush.

The search for this heart-corrupting monster actually depends on luck.

Feng Wutian looked around, pointed in a direction, and said calmly: "You all follow me, no one is allowed to be left behind."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Long Chen specifically, which was considered a warning to Long Chen.

However, Long Chen didn't want to stay with them, so at this moment, he said calmly: "It's up to you to find the Taiqing Sword. I'll take the first step."

He was at odds with Feng Wutian and everyone else. There was no point in staying here, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Long Chen had long known that although Feng Wutian always had a calm expression, he had long wanted to deal with Long Chen. Sure enough, as soon as Long Chen said these words, Feng Wutian's face became colder and colder.

"The elder senator has already said that everyone must obey my orders for this operation. Are you disobeying me?"

"Resist? I don't dare. But because of my strength and status, Long Chen, in the team of geniuses like you, I will inevitably be a hindrance. I think you should let me leave alone. You can focus on grabbing the Taiqing Sword. That's still a good deal." Some……"

Long Chen said with a somewhat teasing tone.

Others didn't think highly of Long Chen at first, but now, seeing how tough he was, they were immediately interested, with a mocking look on their faces, and regarded Long Chen as a clown.

Liu Ling hated Long Chen the most. There were no elders around at this time, and Long Chen actually dared to stir up trouble. She immediately sneered and said: "Brother Wutian is our leader, and his words are orders to us. If he asks you to die, you have to die. Do you still dare to talk nonsense and contradict him?"

Long Chen looked at them and secretly analyzed in his heart.

"If Feng Wutian valued Taiqing Sword, he would be too lazy to leave me at this time and let me go first. But since he stopped him, he obviously wanted to deal with me. That's right, to him, I am a little kid. Threat, if it were me, I would not let the sting that threatens me exist in this world."

Sure enough, at this time Feng Wutian said calmly: "The elder has handed over the power to me. This trip to the Tianwu Realm is completely up to me. Long Chen, if you don't know what is good and what is wrong and cause trouble for me, I have the right. Kill you!"

"I'm afraid that if I follow you, I will die in your hands without knowing it, Feng Wutian."

Long Chen sneered and said these words that made Feng Wutian's face suddenly change. Even Liu Ling on the side couldn't help it and said, "Seeking death!"

Seeing that she was about to take action, Feng Wutian held him back. At this time, the killing intent finally appeared in Feng Wutian's eyes, and her voice became extremely cold.

"Everyone, Long Chen disobeyed orders and caused great obstacles to our actions. I will kill him on behalf of all the elders. Do you have any opinions?!"

The other eight people were respectful to Feng Wutian, but Long Chen was just a dispensable role in their hearts.

So they all laughed and said, "Senior brother, feel free to take action. If the elders ask about it, we will shoulder the responsibility with you!"

They were fierce, but Long Chen was not afraid at all.

"This Feng Wutian is pretending to be generous. Is the fox's tail finally exposed now?"

At this time, Feng Wutian, who had been recognized, had already walked out of the crowd step by step.


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