Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1575: Day of bloodbath

The five flavors in Ba Tian's heart are mixed.

At this moment, Chu Qianye's figure flickered and entered the Soul Hunting Palace.

There was silence in front of him.

It seems that there has never been any fluctuation, not even a trace of breath.

This state continued for ten minutes.

After a long time, a figure flashed out, and after a closer look, it was truly Chu Qianye.

"People come to collect the treasures of heaven and earth." Chu Qianye vomited lightly with her hands on her back.

Zhao Sange nodded gently, and immediately Jieyin entered the secret space, and the figures of the dragon gates flickered, and they swiftly moved towards the Soul Hunting Palace at an incredible speed.

After half an hour, all the figures flickered and left the hall.

Then he entered the secret space.

"Is there a Soul Hunting Palace near here?" Chu Qianye asked lightly, looking at Long Jin.

Long Jin nodded gently.

As a result, in the next time, the two human palaces fell, completely destroyed, and disappeared between the heavens and the earth, but the space barrier was still not removed.

"The space barriers here are all stationed. Don't let people approach or destroy them." Chu Qianye said lightly, "Don't let the people in the Soul Hunting Palace notice."

Long Jin nodded lightly, then gestured towards the void.

Soon, everyone seemed to feel the three breaths spread out.

"Let’s go, continue to the next branch. I have found a few useful pieces of information, and it’s breaking the sky." Chu Qianye vomited lightly: "Try not to be involved in this matter. Killing will produce karma. Huo and evil barriers will not benefit your martial arts cultivation level at all, only endless trouble."

Everyone knows what karma and evil are.

These two things are the two major obstacles in the way of martial arts. Maybe they can't be eliminated, and they will affect the improvement of martial arts.

Feizhou continued to swept forward. On the third day, Feizhou landed in the Heaven Splitting Divine Wilderness, but Chu Qianye did not stay, and went straight to one of the sub-halls of the Soul Hunting Hall.

Chu Qianye's figure flickered, and he quickly reached a branch hall.

It was another bloodbath.

From beginning to end, there was still no breath, no fluctuations, but the killing time became longer and longer, and they were very curious about what happened inside.

"You all come in to collect the treasures of heaven and earth, and make a quick battle."

Chu Qianye's voice resounded.

At this moment, Zhao Sange and the others were very curious, and immediately did not care about the karma and evil things that Chu Qianye had said earlier, and walked into the hall. When they saw the scene inside, they couldn't help but pale.

In the main hall, it can only be said that the corpse mountain and the blood sea, many strong people all died in it, but many soul bodies were also released.

Chu Qianye had already collected three soul origin light clusters, and all of these had a good effect on his soul. To upgrade to the nine stars, a huge soul power was needed, so it was not that easy.

Finally, he naturally did not lack other cultivation resources, and now he no longer needed those exercises and martial arts. At his level, the ordinary level of exercises and martial arts could no longer arouse his curiosity and interest.

Seeing Zhao Sange and the others with an unnatural expression, Chu Qianye vomited lightly: "I have told you not to come in long ago."

Chu Qianye left the branch hall immediately, and this was already the fourth branch hall that they had bloodbathed. All of them were completed by Chu Qianye alone. The powerful soul hunting halls who died were extremely powerful, even It was still in the Saint Realm of Eight or Nine Stars, but it couldn't stop Chu Qianye's killing at all.

"Go, the next branch hall."

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Everyone has no unnatural expressions, because they understand that these **** in the Soul Hunting Hall don’t know how much blood they have on their hands, and they are doing the detrimental things of soul stripping, so no matter if they participate or not. In this attack, they all deserved to die.

Therefore, everyone has no burden in their hearts.

And they are saving more people and releasing the souls of victims.

The fifth, sixth, seventh...

The sub-halls of the Soul Hunting Hall were washed in blood one by one, and Chu Qianye never stopped, he always had that indifferent expression, from beginning to end.

Enter the branch hall, kill with one hand, bloodbath the branch hall of the soul hunting hall, from beginning to end.

At this moment, the number of people in the Longmen who followed Chu Qianye's side was gradually numb. They didn't know how many people died in the hands of Chu Qianye, and Chu Qianye had already killed his eyes. The black robe fluttered with the wind, and the blood dragon became extremely red.

"The next branch hall will be more dangerous. It belongs to the evil hall, the strong are like clouds, so don't show up easily. I don't want to be too distracted." Chu Qianye said.

In the end, all the people who followed Chu Qianye's side all entered the secret space.

After the careless Chu Qianye, his gaze looked towards the void in the distance. There was dead silence all around, no wind at all, and the scorching sun made the earth dry and cracked.

Chu Qianye didn't care. With a touch of the sole of his foot, his figure rushed away, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of a huge branch hall. There were four small branch halls beside the main hall.

The scale is obviously much larger than the previous Human Palace.

Chu Qianye had just landed in this hall, and before he could use his supernatural powers, he arranged a space barrier for this space, and several figures appeared right in front of him.

"Who is ahead?"

However, what responded to them was death, which turned into a cloud of blood mist, and then completely fell into this world.

Several other people immediately woke up and quickly smashed the soul jade and space jade slips.

Chu Qianye looked at this scene blankly.

It seemed that he could no longer stop the help from the Soul Hunting Palace.

Fortunately, you can kill one time happily!

Chu Qianye took out the war sword and looked straight ahead with bitter eyes.

"Who is your Excellency, why did you put my soul hunting hall to death?"

Several figures next to him, with their faces full of doubts and incomprehension, asked quickly.


Chu Qianye frowned and waved his palm abruptly.

Those few people felt a huge force hit for a while, and they were knocked out one after another. The whole person's face was pale, he vomited blood and retreated, and the martial arts also cracked and shattered, and the martial arts cultivation was completely useless!

When the others saw Chu Qianye's such methods, their faces were full of horror.

Obviously, Chu Qianye's such methods are really terrifying, and every move has erupted with powerful destructive power.

"You are Chu Qianye!"

Someone soon reflected, staring at Chu Qianye steadily, and said in shock.

"That's right." Chu Qianye vomited lightly: "Reward you for the road to Huangquan."


The figure immediately let out a muffled noise, and the whole person's body turned into a cloud of blood mist, completely dead in the world.

The others looked at this scene, and suddenly felt chills in their backs!

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