Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1574: Control

Chu Qianye's voice was extremely firm.

He had never felt such anger before.

It was the worst time he couldn't control his emotions in history.

After opening, the Allied Forces of the Five Regions came, with apologies. At that time, the Allied Forces of the Five Regions were ambushed and could not come to support.

Chu Qianye's face became more solemn.

Obviously, the other party knows himself well!

On the contrary, I still don't know who the opponents are, and I don't know what their identities are. This situation is very bad, very bad, and he feels very uncomfortable.

In order to prevent another sneak attack, Chu Qianye was very decisive.

The dragon gates are all transferred to the secret space.

Zhou Ruolan, Wang Yiling, Liu Baqing, Zhao Sange, Long Jin, and several Longmen powerhouses followed Chu Qianye.

"Be careful," Zhang Tianqi said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Immediately with a big wave of his hand, the giant flying boat swept out, and immediately disappeared on the Great Wilderness of Xizhou, swept towards the distant void.

"There is a branch hall of the Soul Hunting Hall nearby." Long Jin said.

"Lead the way!" Chu Qianye spit out lightly, without the slightest emotional fluctuation on his face.

The more this is the case, the more people are invented, Chu Qianye is very angry now, and this anger has penetrated into the bone marrow, making people feel shuddering, and the back feels a chill.

Everyone could not help but sigh in their hearts.

A male lion has been awakened.

Once awakened, the lion will be angry, and anger will be disastrous!

At this moment, they all felt Chu Qianye’s extremely constricted murderous intent. It was a very terrifying aura. Even though they were separated from a long distance, they could still feel it. This kind of killing was taking a very terrifying The speed skyrocketed.

This breath of power is constantly swelling.

"Let Xiaobei lead the way, this is the information he has obtained." Long Jin said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Void trembled suddenly, and a figure appeared.

"See the master!"

The man quickly saluted Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye waved lightly.

"There is a Soul Hunting Palace nearby, is the information true?" Chu Qianye said lightly.

"Yes, it's a human palace." The figure said.

"Then, lead the way." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

The figure was full of excitement, then nodded, hurriedly led the spirits on the road ahead, and hurryed for about ten minutes. When it finally arrived again, it had already arrived in a very hidden place, surrounded by jungles, and waiting for everyone to step on. When entering this void, a large hall directly in front of it was looming.

Everyone was secretly surprised. This area of ​​the main hall seemed to have been equipped with a space barrier and a phantom array. If they hadn't stepped into this area, they probably didn't know that there was a main hall here.

Right in front, the black mist surged, and there was silence all around, much like the style of the Hunting Soul Palace.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone could not help showing solemn expressions.

"You surround this place, don't show your figure, if there is a fish that slips through the net, you make up for it." Chu Qianye confessed lightly.

When he finished speaking, he saw the sole of his foot, and suddenly waved his palm forward, a spatial fluctuation suddenly formed, and that fluctuation enveloped the entire hall.

"Space barrier."

Seeing this, everyone's heart was shocked.

This space barrier prevents opponents from using space jade slips to call for help, so it is very effective and blocks the opponent's back.

Chu Qianye's figure rushed forward, and in a few blinks, he rushed to the front.

"Er of the Soul Hunting Hall, wait for juniors, roll out quickly and die!"

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and then the breath whistled through the dantian, forming the sound of the true yuan, whizzing away in the wind.

Inside the hall, there was a sudden shock.

Many figures rushed out of it as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye they swept out of the hall.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to yell in front of my soul hunting hall!"

An old man appeared, and Chu Qianye looked at the emerging figure, his eyes full of coldness.

"Wait, you are..."

The old man seemed to recognize Chu Qianye's figure, his face suddenly changed.

Just when the old man was about to take action, Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

"What a good dog."

After finishing his words, Chu Qianye shook his palm abruptly.


The old man directly in front of him turned into a cloud of blood in an instant, and then died completely, fell into the world, completely dead!

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

It was terrible, what a domineering and tyrannical method, it didn't give the opponent a chance to counterattack at all, and when he woke up, that person was completely dead.

The expressions of the other experts in the Soul Hunting Hall changed drastically.

"Hurry up!"

How powerful this old man is, he is the strongest among them.

However, when facing Chu Qianye, he died completely before he even met, and the result was really shocking.

After a long time, everyone was relieved.

This level of combat power is indeed quite terrifying, the killing is very powerful, and many people have completely died before they can relax. It is terrible.

Those who were trying to escape, just stepped out of their bodies, their bodies turned into masses of blood mist, and all died.

Longmen counted the crowds, with shocked gazes on their faces, watching the scene that happened before them.

"The strength of the sect master has been so tyrannical?"

Many people's minds flashed these thoughts.

And Zhao Sange and others looked at each other, and they could all see the amazement in each other's eyes.

Tyrant has the strongest and most profound feeling.

I thought that when Chu Qianye entered the Great Wilderness, his martial arts cultivation base was only in the extreme realm, and he had not even reached the extreme extreme realm. I didn't expect that in less than two years, he would have reached such a realm.

The celestial realm, entering the deity, transforming the holy, so that the current control of the world...

The method that Chu Qianye used just now was the ability to control the sky and the earth. He once saw a strongest man used these methods, and that was the rule of the sun.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qianye's current strength was already infinitely close to the Domination Realm.

Seeing Chu Qianye's strength, he was glad, but also mixed with all kinds of flavors.

The same cultivation, and his cultivation time is longer than Chu Qianye, but it only took a few years for Chu Qianye to surpass him, and it was not a little bit, which only amazed him.

Indeed, Chu Qianye's current strength has completely exceeded his imagination.

Thinking back then, he saw that Chu Qianye's talent was extraordinary. He knew that Chu Qianye might be the savior of their monster race, but he didn't expect it to be fulfilled so soon.

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