The sun is also not polite, and the hungry tiger pounces on the blood and surrounds the blood.


The blood did not move, and even absorbed a trace of the true fire of the sun.

Real fire boils, like an extremely angry lion.

Oh, another drop.

The sun did not have time to react, and drop after drop of blood appeared.

This is followed by internal organs, bones, meridians, acupuncture skin, and hair.

The giant elephant particles dissipated, and a handsome and beautiful man appeared out of thin air.

Who is not Sark?

Sack opened his eyes, as if a god had opened his eyes, and the true fire of the sun around him receded.

The corners of Sark's eyes narrowed, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

When he opened his mouth and inhaled, it was like a long whale absorbing water, and the boundless sun true fire entered Sark's body.


Sark burped, and the hot air stream spat out of his body.

"Next, it's the body."

After Sack's words, behind him, an ancient giant elephant quietly appeared, with a long nose rolled up, countless sun true fires disappeared, thick bodies straddled it, a vacuum appeared in the sun, thick limbs suppressed time and space, the storm formed by the sudden disappearance of energy subsided, hair danced, and the breath of alien space appeared on it continuously, merging with the giant elephant.

It is simply as mighty as hell and as graceful as the sea.

According to the division of the god elephant Zhen Ji Jin, Sark's strength is at least the realm of the legendary third transformation and the void becoming strong.

Sark should obtain the Divine Elephant Suppression Energetic Technique on the reunition of the body.

This is a non-transmission secret method necessary for cultivation to the legendary realm, and anyone must master one.

At the moment of promotion legend, when the exercises are run, there will be a big explosion in the body, and all acupuncture points, meridians, and qi seas will be exploded, turning into chaos, and then according to various cultivation exercises, the body will be re-condensed in the chaos.

This is the first change, the bloody change.

But Sack can't, awakening 200,000 giant elephants has not undergone transformation, and the exercises are even more impossible to talk about.

This violent walk, after the real fire of the sun, he just met the corresponding changes, even more completely than the bloody changes.

Even flesh and blood, bones, souls and even spirituality have undergone metamorphosis.

The spirituality has a touch of divinity, and the blood also has the golden color that only gods have.

The god elephant Zhen Ji Jin belongs to the god exercise, and Sark now clearly has the conditions to become a god, and it is not too much to say that he is a pseudo-god with super low strength.

Although he is still unworthy, or he does not have the mark of the gods, he cannot obtain follow-up exercises, but he has the slightest breath of the gods.

The god elephant Zhen Zheng spontaneously operated and began to complete the transformation.

Even at once.

The blood transformation and soul transformation are complete.

This metamorphosis is a metamorphosis of essence, different from the Saint King World, combined with the transformation of the energy characteristics of the Dragon Ball world and the rules of the universe.

It is a metamorphosis that belongs to Sark alone.

From today, from this moment, Sark can be said to have truly walked out of his own path, belonging to the Dragon Ball world, but surpassing the cultivation path of the Dragon Ball world.

Next is the Void Transformation, or Void Transformation, which is a name that Sark is lazy and does not want to recreate and arbitrarily takes.

As long as Sark completes, he can cross space without the help of the Dragon Ball World Qi Speciality, similar to teleportation.

Sark is powerful, and the Sun True Fire is unconvinced.

After a short retreat, it came with even greater power.

Double, three, five, ten times what it was at the beginning.

The flames are raging, and the temperature is almost 8 million degrees.

Flaunting his claws, he tore through all kinds of obstacles and launched a fierce attack on Sark.

The turbulence of energy caused the air to emit piercing screams, and these screams turned into sonic attacks, which also pounced on Sark.

Sark was unmoved by all this, but the smile on his lips grew bigger and bigger, and he even laughed up to the sky.

"Come on, come on, the stronger the better."

Sack's voice is like a Xiao sound, transmitted, and the space whistles.

The furnace of heaven and earth has grown to the size of a palm, swallowing it, the true fire of the sun is like a hundred streams returning to the sea, unwilling to be thrown into the furnace, and then transformed into qi and into Sark's body.

Sark's body shook, standing proudly in the true fire of the sun, and the qi in his body rushed rapidly, constantly injecting into the giant elephant particles.


Continuous sounds came out of Sark's body, and in an instant, another 10,000 giant elephants awakened, and a total of 220,000 giant elephants awakened in his body.

The energy that Sark can use now is as high as 6.6 million, and combined with the strength of his body, even if he does not change his body as a giant ape, he can fight and kill a strong person with a combat power of less than 30 million.

The furnace stalled, and the size expanded again, only one circle smaller than a ping-pong racket.

Not only that, the surging energy everywhere turned into a river of energy, constantly flowing into the furnace of heaven and earth.

Sack's gaze was like a torch.

The alien space is weak, no longer resists, and he is not surprised that the giant elephant can mobilize all the power of the giant elephant.

This is a great opportunity to completely seal the alien space at the spine, once he leaves the environment of the sun, or adapts to the alien space, and then wants to easily condense the fourth seal, the difficulty of sealing the alien space will increase geometrically.

He's going to blow it up.


Sark's eyes widened angrily.

"The furnace of heaven and earth, suck it for me."

Another huge amount of energy entered, and Sark's body once again awakened 10,000 giant elephants, reaching a terrifying 230,000 giant elephants.

A lot of qi remained in the body, and they all submerged into the body of the 200,000 giant elephants that suppressed the different space of the spine.

Two hundred and thirty thousand giant elephants can suppress almost all disobedience in the mortal world, and they are unstoppable.

Sark felt that he could burst the sun with one blow with all his strength, and the aura in the corners could break the stars.

Sark didn't care.

He knew that this was nothing more than an illusion of skyrocketing power.

Destroying stars is possible, but it is far from possible to burst the planet with one hit, let alone destroy the sun.

His constant awakening of the giant elephant is just leaving a way back for himself and providing a strong guarantee.

Sark wants to completely solve the problems of the alien space, and it is undoubtedly wise to leave a way back for himself.

20,000 giant elephants, 600,000 combat effectiveness is obviously not safe.

Now there are 30,000 giant elephants, 900,000 combat power, combined with the furnace of heaven and earth, it should be safe in the solar sphere for the time being.

"The void is not in a hurry, I have teleportation, the giant elephant awakens 230,000, and it can be stopped at any time.

The alien space does not work, and I feel that it is starting to come alive again.

It should be as I adapt to the sun, so am I.

Since that's the case, then seal you down first, and then think about the rest. A

cold light flashed in Sark's eyes, and a trace of divine power stirred the wind and clouds.

Despite the blessing of misfortune, even the aura possessed divinity, and the blood transformed a lot.

But this experience was very tragic, and it was nine deaths.

The result is good, the other party's purpose is not good.

In this way, it is natural to seal the different space first.

The 30,000 awakened giant elephants continued to exhale their breath, and the outer heaven and earth furnace began to shrink.

Without Sark's full strength, the sun can be different from the earth, and the furnace can only narrow the battle line.

If the energy waterfall of the Nine Heavens Galaxy turned into a trickle, the power of the furnace naturally decreased.

Sack didn't care about the outside, the energy to maintain his body without being hit hard.

The spiritual power turned and appeared above the spine, surrounded by a giant elephant with 200,000 gushing energy, below it were three complete seals occupying the three sides of the alien space interface, and the remaining side was covered with qi and liquid.

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