If in the past, when they got the news, and the three of Piraf couldn't do it, the Vic Great Demon King would not hesitate at all, and would immediately unscrew the heads of the three.

But he endured Dabo's terrifying coercion, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Just now, he was already terrified, and he would not be interested in killing three people.

A year coincided with his dormant idea.

For now, it's better to hide, hold on, and be safer.

Just right!

Back to Sack's side.

Aura didn't know anything, and his body suddenly appeared in the solar sphere.

Bobo didn't dare to really kill Sark.

Dabo can't solve it, killing Sark doesn't do any good for the planet.

Unless he actually shoots.

But if he wants to be able to make a move, he will not need to rely on the power of the divine dragon.

That's why Sark was sent to the relatively smooth solar sphere.

The Sun's temperature distribution gradually decreases from the core outward to the photosphere, maintaining it until the photosphere.

The photosphere layer is 500 kilometers, and the outward chromosphere layer begins and becomes gradually increasing.

Therefore, the temperature of the sun is the lowest in the photosphere.

The temperature of the nuclear reaction zone at the core is as high as 15 million degrees, and the pressure of the earth is 300 billion times.

If Sark enters the core area, there is no chance of survival.

Located in the photosphere, Sark's chances of survival are undoubtedly greater.

As for how he escaped from the sun, it has nothing to do with Bobo.

It is also worth mentioning that almost all of the sun's visible light is emitted from this layer, and if Sark makes good use of it, he can awaken 200,000 giant elephant particles again.

In an instant, Sark no longer suppressed the alien space, and the furious aura rushed out.

Sark's body instantly giganized and turned into a gorilla.


He was angry and trampled on it, but before he could stabilize his figure, his body began to collapse.

200,000 giant elephants, that's only 6 million combat strength.

The giant ape is blessed tenfold, which is 60 million combat effectiveness.

In the photosphere layer is still relatively reluctant, the hair is scorched, and before it has time to spread, it disappears again in the hot plasma.

The flesh began to crack, the body could not be maintained, the collapse exploded, and the skin, flesh and blood, and bones began to dissolve.

Sark's body was not even given time to détente, and it directly began to collapse.

Even the tyrannical aura of the alien space could not survive, and it quickly evaporated under the high temperature of the photosphere.

Without a body, those breaths were like rootless duckweeds, quickly disappearing into Sark's body.

The alien space perceives changes in the external environment, the transmitted energy gradually decreases, the internal fluctuations begin to weaken, the three sealing talismans faintly have a tendency to reseal, and the fourth sealing talisman gas liquid appears sporadic crystals.

There was a problem with the body, and the god and elephant were subconsciously running, but they still couldn't stop the decline.

Sark condensed too much qi into runes, causing him to have empty power, but he couldn't exert it at all.

It's like a child with a sledgehammer.

The other-space energy that controlled his body subsided, and Sark's aura was chaotic, and he instantly realized that he seemed to be in an endless hot hell.


"Yes, I can take control of my body by relying on the harsh environment of the sun."

"But what should I do, the Divine Elephant Prison Jin can't exert its true strength at all, and condensing the fourth talisman is even more imminent, and there is no room for mistakes."

Until now, Sark still wants to eat the day of the tengu, swallow the elephant with the snake, take advantage of the malaise in the different space, block it in one fell swoop, and then slowly plan it.

Sark's body is still collapsing, and the powerful flame power of the sun's true fire continues to refine Sark.

Whether it was his spiritual will, or his more superficial body and the alien space in his body, even the qi was nourishing and constantly evaporating.

But no matter how fierce the real fire is, the giant elephants will not move, and let the flames outside you roll, and I will stand tall and immovable.

Sark's mind flashed, and something suddenly came to mind.

"TM's, the Heaven and Earth Forge can swallow the energy of ten thousand worlds, and more than 2,000 stars have been drained by my sealing spell.

These burnings can only burn the appearance, and I can fully use the furnace of heaven and earth to devour energy, activate the giant elephant, and constantly reorganize my flesh and blood and flesh and bones to make me fuse.

Even the breath of different space can only be turned into nourishment for my growth.

I could have swallowed it all. "

Aura is sure that he has entered his festering body strongly.

"This is the first time, and only time, from now on, my body can only be dominated by my sack."

Sark growled viciously.

"The furnace of heaven and earth, come out to Lao Tzu, swallow, melt, and release me, and I will smelt everything, and regard the sun as nothing."

Under Sack's roar, the furnace of heaven and earth re-condensed.

At first, it's only the size of a thumb.

One throughput, increased by one-tenth.

The Forge of Heaven and Earth is powerful in nature, but the specific strength is still determined by the strength of Sark.

Being able to devour the sun, the efficiency is really touching.

In this swallowing room, the furnace of heaven and earth is one point stronger.

The swallowing power is one percent stronger, and the comprehensive energy obtained by the giant elephant is stronger.

The giant elephant is powerful, feeding back the furnace, and is circulating down, and the speed of death of Sark's collapsed body is reduced by one point.

Sark rejoices.

Know you're right.

As a dominant-level exercise, even if he did not obtain the mark of the gods, the awakened giant elephant was not something that could be harmed by mortal realm.

After waiting for a period of time, the furnace and the giant elephant cooperate, wash the impact of the aura of different space, and fuse into one, then his strength can explode and grow.

"Wake up, the power of the giant elephant. I inherit your spirit and strength, and the universe is invincible. Sark

shouted madly inside, and the proboscis of the giant elephant inside his body was thrown high and hissed in unison.

At this moment, the giant elephant did not care about the alien space, regardless of the fourth seal, and blessed the body of Sark.

Sack is like a giant elephant at this moment, a god of heaven and earth.

The true fire of the sun, the vitality of heaven and earth, and the breath of different space were crushed by the giant elephant, all entered the furnace of heaven and earth, merged into one, and then passed on to the giant elephant.


Sark was shocked, and his entire body collapsed in an instant, leaving only the last trace of aura.

In addition to the light, 840 million giant elephant particles lingered in it, most of them obscure, and only 210,000 giant elephants shone brightly.

In a short moment, excluding Sark's 200,000 to suppress the vertebral giant elephant, the power that Sark could use reached 300,000 again.

The aura is constantly deformed, condensed, expanded, contracted, instilled by qi, expanded again, and then contracted again.

After nine times, Sack's aura was almost condensed into four vertebrae, and a trace of divinity spread out from them.

A strange talisman appeared in Sack's light.

As the runes appeared, the giant elephant chirped happily.

A large amount of gas erupted from the mouth and nose of the giant elephant.

A drop of Yin red with a faint golden blood appeared under Sark's spiritual light.


The ubiquitous sun is a true fire that vainly tries to burn this heinous substance that dares to provoke it.

The furnace of heaven and earth and the giant elephant seem to have forgotten it, and are still exerted by its mighty power.

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