In the blink of an eye, two months passed, and Raditz exercised rain or shine.

After a long time of wind and sun, people have become much darker, and now Raditz has not worn combat uniforms for a long time. He is still wearing fur from hunting during this time, and a tiger skin skirt simply stitched together (the standard of ‘Goku’). The upper body was bare, revealing dark skin, and there were several scars on it. The burnt eyebrow hair grew back again.

If you show it to those aunts in the city, you will definitely overflow with sympathy and hug Raditz.

Now Raditz is just over half a year old, and he should be living with his parents and family, but now he is living alone in the jungle. I haven’t communicated with people for a long time, and the whole person has become much more indifferent.

“One thousand nine hundred nine… Two thousand seven…” It wasn’t until three thousand were made that Raditz lowered his legs from the cliff. Sweat runs down the body, shining in the sun. Looks particularly healthy.

Picking up Scottrade, a series of data fell like a waterfall, and finally stopped at 80.

“It should be almost.” Looking at the data on Scott, Raditz said to himself.

Since recovering from his injuries after being defeated by the Flamingo Emperor two months ago, his combat power has soared 15 points directly from 50 to 65. After more than two months of diligent training, the combat effectiveness has slowly increased to 80 points.

Since two weeks ago, the combat effectiveness on Scott has no longer improved, and it seems to have reached some kind of bottleneck.

【Body Exercise Technique】Strong digestion ability, so that the energy in his body has never been lacking. Almost every moment, the energy in the body is nourishing every inch of the body’s muscles.

Today he is going to try it and see if he can feel the ‘qi’ in persuasion.

Without the legendary fast bath, after eating a whole roasted whole pig, and taking a bath in the river below, Raditz sat cross-legged on the platform he usually used for training.

Calm your mind and empty your mind.

Five minutes later….

The sound of the wind around made Raditz unable to concentrate at all and enter that selfless realm.

The first attempt failed.

After getting up and walking around for a while, without looking at the forest and river in the distance, his restless heart calmed down before he began to try a second time.

This time it lasted longer, and it took eight minutes for Raditz to never resist getting up.

Next ten minutes… Twelve minutes… Fifteen minutes.

The time of meditation became longer and longer, but it was completely impossible to calm the mind and feel the presence of qi.

For the next few days, in addition to the quota amount of exercise, Raditz spent the rest of his time meditating, trying to find the ‘qi’ in his body.

What he didn’t expect was that this state lasted for two months and began to snow.

Although he did not feel ‘qi’, his combat effectiveness increased by five points to 85, which can be regarded as progress.

On this day, Raditz finished exercising and stayed outside the cave and watched the snowflakes in the sky slowly fall from the sky. Originally, because the training was not smooth, the mood slowly improved.

He suddenly remembered that when Sun Wukong defeated the original Vic Great Demon King, the Heavenly God let him live in the temple, and he was trained by Bobo, the servant of the Heavenly God, and he had also encountered this problem.

Because the original Vic Great Demon left an egg before the explosion, that is, the new Vic Lord.

In order to defeat this more potential, evil Vic Great Devil King, resurrect the dragon. Goku decides to go to the temple to meet the gods.

But only Bobo, the servant who overthrew the gods, can see God. Although Goku hit Bick and has great power, he is still not Bobo’s opponent. He didn’t even give his full strength.

Bobo once said: “The highest state of martial arts is: the posture is as calm as the sky, and the movement is faster than thunder and lightning!” ”

Among them, it is mentioned that martial artists practice martial arts before cultivating their minds.

Void has great power, but the mind is not calm, and it is not qualified to become a powerful warrior.

And entering the state of unintentional, even Goku’s simple mentality took a long time. I am too persistent and want to surpass him.

In fact, if you think about it, there is nothing to rush. Now his combat power is definitely stronger than when Goku took the Super God Water, and he also felt ‘qi’ after his strength increased greatly.

It should be that it has not met the boundaries, or requirements. If you want to be fast, you can’t reach it, and you seem to be confused during this time.

Thinking of this, Raditz’s state of mind was also released. Looking at the thick layer of snow accumulated on the platform, he suddenly became childlike and wanted to build a snowman.

As soon as he said it, he piled up two snowballs, one large and one small, and found branches, fruit pits, and served as the arms and eyes of the snowman. Draw a smiley face for the snowman, put on a small fur hat, and a little snowman appears.

“Haha…” Looking at the somewhat miserable snowman, Raditz laughed.

In the days that followed, Raditz also stopped training and gave himself a few days off. Build snowmen, roll snowballs down mountains, go ice fishing on the river, or catch horned rabbits. In short, completely relax and enjoy life to the fullest.

He was grilling fish that day, when suddenly he thought of something. Get up and walk out of the cave and onto the platform.

Calm your mind, put your hands together and open them, and connect the roots of your palms. And the back half squatted, hands open to the waist, a breath in the heart concentrated into the palm of the hand (I believe many people have done this action countless times, hehe… )。

“The turtle… Send…… Gas…… Merit! ”

Raditz slowly said a name, and at the same time, in his palm, a faint white mist gradually condensed.

First a faint wisp, then more and more, as if it were a fusion effect. More mist condenses together, forming a small photophore.

When a certain level is reached, the photophore begins to shake and seems to become unstable.

Raditz felt almost the same, and the hands that had been placed on his waist jerked forward, while loosening the control of the light mass in his opponent.

With a sizzling sound, the photophore turned into a bowl-thick pillar of light, shooting out of his hand like a laser.


The pillar of light slammed directly into a large rock on the edge of the platform, instantly blowing it apart. Countless gravel scattered like flowers scattered by the goddess, crackling as if it were raining. After penetrating the stone, the pillar of light did not stay, but kept rushing into the distance and flying into the sky!

“Whew…” After releasing the pillar of light, Raditz felt that his body was hollowed out at once, more tired than a whole day of training.

But looking at the broken stones on the ground, he smiled.

“Haha… Ahaha…”The snowy night is peaceful. Raditz was half-kneeling in the snow alone, like a child with a beloved toy, laughing wildly and happily. I fell in love and even began to cry.

The boy did not flick tears, but he did not reach the sad place.

Who knows how difficult it is to live alone for most of the year, and worry about it every day. And Friesha’s millions of combat power was like a mountain, overwhelming him. There is also no one in the jungle to talk and play with you. Even if he had an adult soul, he was almost driven crazy.

And now he has finally succeeded in releasing qigong waves, and he is one step closer to defeating Friesha. How can you not be excited, happy, cry.

(It’s like it was told in the movie “Agent of the Mind” that was shown some time ago.) A person who has only joy, fear, anger, is incomplete. Only sorrow can release the stress of life through crying, and people will not go crazy – purely personal feelings. )

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