Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 211: The pinnacle of evolution! The end of everything! Bloody killing fairy! (...

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In the dark jungle.

The footsteps are getting closer.

At this moment, his heart was cold.

All the past, come to mind.

Family, Star Dou Great Forest, Soto City, Zhu Zhuqing, Academy.

And, the three months spent with Zhu Zhuqing.

As if it was yesterday.

Just as Uran listened to the approaching footsteps, the terrifying aura radiated from not far away!


In the next instant, the surrounding solidified space suddenly shattered!

Uranium felt as if his whole body was about to be torn apart by the explosion, and he was blasted away directly without any resistance!


The big tree fell, and Uran struggled hard to squat, slouching and wearing rough.


A powerful energy wave impacted his spirit and body. Although his body was extremely powerful, this faint sense of suppression made him a little breathless.

Like uranium, there was also the huge submerged porcupine, but unlike uranium, the impact it received was even more intense. The armor pieces all over the body burst apart, making it extremely miserable!

"What a terrible power!"

Seeing how miserable the submersible porcupine with seventy to eighty thousand years was so miserable, a word popped out of Uran's mind.

One hundred thousand years!

"You're kidding... The sunset forest actually has a hundred thousand year old soul beast, isn't it that the eyes of the ice and fire in the center of the sunset forest are occupied by Dugu Bo? Don't the hundred thousand year old soul beast care about the central area? Is it controlled by a human soul master?" Uran's face paled slightly, a little at a loss.

However, Uranium didn't know that Dugu Bo had already been beaten up by it before.

Originally, he thought he could ignore all spirit beasts if he mastered the nuclear explosive kick. After all, the central area of ​​100,000 degrees was hot enough to incinerate any existence into crystals!

However, everything at the moment taught him a lesson.

If you were unable to move as early as a few kilometers away, then the so-called nuclear explosion kick would be no different from ordinary spirit abilities!

At this moment, Uran looked at that terrifying one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast with a complicated expression, completely exposed to the sun.

He can't escape, he clearly understands.

The surroundings became quiet.

The birdsong disappeared, and even the wind stopped blowing, and there was a deathly silence around him.

Two extremely similar fields began to blend around, which revealed an unusual situation.


An old pair of shoes smashed the fallen leaves on the ground and broke the silence around them.

There is no obstruction of sight.

The owner of the shoes stood quietly and stopped walking.

Uran raised his head and looked at the figure.

The moment Uran saw it, Uran's eyes shrank and saw the true source of this terrifying aura.

It was a skinny, cold, wrinkled old man in a shabby uniform. The brown skin of the knuckles was close to the fingers, and a dark red luster was flowing in its eyes, and it was still faintly dark. Bright, like a heartbeat.

And at its waist, there was a dark red leaf condensed like blood, trembling slightly, and most of the rest was hidden behind the old man, but the faintly revealed power showed it.

It is the source of everything.

"How is this possible?" Uranium was shocked.

At this moment, he even forgot that he was in danger, his eyes fixed on the dark red light, completely unprepared.

"why you........"

After a pause, Uran said stiffly the name of the most familiar figure!

"Bloody Slaughter Spirit Grass!"

"No, you are already qualified to be called a fairy."

In an instant, it was like thunder struck Uran's mind!

"No wonder... I can feel a familiar breath... No wonder there were two scenes that did not belong to me before, it turned out to be you!"

At this moment, Uranium recalled a drop of blood once absorbed by it, and recalled everything!

No wonder he can feel this energy fluctuation that is very close to the radiation field!

In the next moment, Uran's face changed drastically!

He suddenly remembered that immortal grass also belongs to a kind of soul beast.

In other words, the **** Slaughter Spirit Grass in front of you is a 100,000 year-level plant soul beast!

Thinking of everything that happened when I first encountered it, Uranium couldn't help but feel a little bit shy!

Manipulating soul beasts to kill each other through spirit...


With the **** Slaughter Immortal product entering the arena, the Submerged Soul Porcupine could no longer withstand the astonishing pressure, and began to run quickly toward the rear!

Although it exists at the level of seven to eighty thousand years, which is only one step away from one hundred thousand years, the difference between one hundred thousand years and non-one hundred thousand years is.


The **** Slaughter Immortal did not make any actions, allowing the Submerged Soul Porcupine to leave here with a rumbling sound. Its aura that made all creatures feel terrified, instantly annihilated all the weak creatures around.

At this moment, Uranium seemed to understand something.

"Hehe... actually came at me, think about it, it should be like this, I forcibly wear it by my side, but I have countless radiant energy, and high-energy particles, naturally, it always Jidu has endured great torture, and revenge for me is a matter of course." Seeing no beasts around him, Uran smiled sadly.

The surrounding space is getting dull.

Like what Uranium has experienced, the unformed gravity field of the radiating Titan Great Ape.

The horrible aura continuously raged away from the **** slaughter of immortal goods, and shot at Uranium like a stone.

Struggling to stand upright from a squat, enduring the heavy pressure from the outside in, Uran's hand slowly stretched into the spatial soul guide behind his waist.

"But now, I can't die yet, I have something to do, and I still have an unfinished mission."

While talking, Uran thought of everything in his mind, his body was trembling slightly, and an unnatural red rhyme flashed in his eyes!

The next moment, with the ripples of the space, a belt suddenly wrapped around his waist!

"Cronus, transform..."

With a faint groan, Uran held the white-cyan Soul Guidance Adapter with three buttons, and pressed it to the leftmost red button, then slowly placed the Soul Guidance Device on his waist, pressing his fingers firmly. Go down and let the grooves and bumps get stuck.


Suddenly, an ancient bell rang behind Uranium.

"The Rider of the Imperial Sky!"

With the chime of the bell, an exciting soul power synthesis sound pierced the sunset forest!

"Inscribe the Chronicle!"

"At this moment!"

"It is the ultimate time!"

Sunlight fell on Uran's long silver hair, flashing a bright color, as if it were shining, which made the heart tremble.


With the connection of the belt and the soul guide adapter, a soft whistling sound came from Uran's waist, and a hazy phantom began to appear on his body.

Under the gaze of the **** Slaughter Immortal, the phantom covering the uranium gradually solidified and became clear. It could be seen that it was a set of strange armor styles.

The black breastplate carrying the green lines began to extend until it covered the whole body!

Finally, the final helmet takes shape.

"The quality of the whole body has been increased by the armor..."

Uranium just felt black before his eyes, and then brightened again, and under the goggles, what he could see was wider than before, and he could see the big **** flower, which was moving inexplicably.

There is no visual obstacle at all, and the strength, speed, and even soul power have been greatly improved!

More than double the previous heyday!

In full condition, Uran moved his wrist a little, looked at the **** slaughter fairy, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Suddenly, he looked at it and was stunned.

In front of his eyes, the skinny old man put the old wooden box on the ground, and fell straight to the rear. In the sense of Uranium, he had no life.

From lingering, to now completely dead.

And after the **** Slaughter Immortal product landed, countless **** threads crossed the air, because the speed was so fast that it was impossible to even see what it was.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-colored threads began to gather and condense, and after landing, they condensed into a human figure as tall as him.

The figure is completely blood red.

And that was not enough, the **** figure in front of Uran slowly squatted down, gently picked up the **** killing fairy, and placed it on his chest.

In the next moment, under Uran's horrified gaze, the **** figure and the **** killing fairy merged into one!

The black gelatinous substance quickly poured out from the fairy in the center of the chest, and with the fluctuation of the soul power, in a moment, the blood-colored figure was covered by the black hard carapace.


In the next instant, a pair of extremely dark phantom light wings suddenly appeared behind the figure controlled by Xianpin, emitting a faint light of soul power, drifting away in the wind.

The sonorous sound kept coming, and the fingers of its left arm showed a bright silver luster, like a tiger's claw protruding out, and the sharp edges exuded a biting chill.

The blood-red silk thread formed a loop-like groove, spreading on the black carapace, astonishing spirit power fluctuations radiated from this.

Layers of fine scale armor covered the whole body's carapace. For no reason, Uranium suddenly had an impulse not to fight it.

His head quickly changed into the appearance of Uranium, and the color of his eyes was exactly the same as his!

But its face was dull, and its pupils were inflexible, just like a corpse!

"Damn... Is your talent..." Uran's face was gloomy and dripping with water as he looked at the man with armor all over, dripping.


"It's no wonder that you ate all the high-level spirit beasts in the Sunset Forest before you came to me. You absorbed all the talent and spirit power of the spirit beasts. If you let you continue to grow, even the Ultimate Douluo can't defeat you!!"

If the real uranium gives people a kind of harmony, then at this moment another uranium is full of cold evil, giving people a kind of extreme evil!

The original pale blood eyes turned into a deep blood red!

A breath of horror began to sway around...

From this gradually solid body, it spreads around!

The ground began to tremble slightly!

The surrounding trees shook without wind.

In the sky, clouds gradually condensed, and there were faintly intertwined thunder lights, and sometimes a ray of light flashed, shining on the dark earth and sky.

A faint white mist spread.

The horrible momentum instantly affected the entire sunset forest.

At this moment, Tang San, who was cultivating in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, suddenly opened his eyes and struggled out of the spring, looking at a certain direction with a look of horror on his face!

Even Dugu Bo couldn't help but stand up at the same time, "It's so scary."

The fear in the heart and the long-lost fear deeply shocked Dugubo's heart.

Over the years, he has rarely had this kind of fear.

But at the moment, this kind of fear is instinctive, and he doesn't even want to go to that position...

"Qi Yu, Lei Ting summoned, wind pressure, resonance, mist of corrosion, so many talents, how many soul beasts have you eaten?" Uran was moved as he watched the shaking scene in front of him.

Uranium could see that it was not enough to cause the world to change by virtue of its aura, it was just a trick through different soul beast talent combinations, but...

Uranus knew very well that the other party had drunk his own blood and stayed by his side for three or four years. He also had the ability in the field of radiation!

Suddenly, a low and hoarse voice sounded almost identical to him.

"You said the soul beast you ate? Do you remember how much bread you ate?"

Uran suddenly raised his head, looking at the pirated goods controlled by the **** killing fairy, his eyes filled with anger!

With a light breath, Uran lowered his head, raised his hand in silence, and glanced at a piece of low-value jade pendant in his hand.

It seems that when Zhu Zhuqing gave him this jade pendant yesterday, it was still at the last moment.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing's words began to emerge in his mind.

Uranium, I am waiting for you in Tiandou City..........

"Zhu Zhuqing...... I may not be able to come back, don't wait for me."

Standing upright, Uran retracted all his emotions, with a decisive expression on his face, with one arm raised, pointing to the **** killing fairy.

"I want to be here to knock you down!"

As soon as the words fell, Uranium rushed towards the **** killing fairy!

In the next moment, Uranium rushed directly towards the opponent! Very fast! Go ahead!

There is no bells and whistles, the second soul ability limit nuclear energy response is turned on, like a ghost and a ghost, and the soles of the feet are on the ground, and the figure changes several positions like lightning, carrying an astonishing spirit power fluctuation, and a leg sweep go with!

"Puff..." With the sound of a slight wind breaking, several white ice thorns burst out of the fog, and finally clanged on the Cronus armor in uranium.

After the ice thorn hit the armor body, it suddenly turned into a pool of ice water, covering the whole body, but at this time, Uranium sensed a cold feeling and kept pouring into his body.

However, there is no gap in the armor of the Soul Guidance Device, and it can even spontaneously resist this cover-type penetration attack!


The headshot kick finally fell!

But Uranium didn't feel the sensuality of kicking the head, but rather an extremely hard metal.

I don't know when, its head was covered with a thick metal helmet, which encased the ‘critical’.

Bloody Slaughter Fairy began to fight back.

Numerous blood-colored spikes suddenly shot out from its head!

Uran's face changed slightly, just about to use the scissor feet, but his heart slammed, his soul power emerged, and then his body quickly fell to the side, avoiding the sharp head like a hedgehog, his right hand slapped the ground, and volleyed again. Kick its chest with a kick!

With the recoil, Uran quickly straightened his figure, looking at the strongest enemy in front of him with a solemn expression.

At that moment, if there was no Cronus Soul Guidance Armor, he would have died.........


On the far side of the continent, in a wilderness underground laboratory that has been abandoned for hundreds of years.

Suddenly reflected on the white floor tiles full of modern style gave a bright green luster!

It can be seen from the light source that it is an old round clock, shining with a faint light.

On the side of this big clock, there is still a white cloth pattern the size of a hanging ornament.

Vaguely, you can see the biggest word on it.



It's another popular book push link

Tweet a copy of Douluo I don’t know if you have read it

"The White Armored Dragon of Douluo"

The following is a brief introduction:

Protagonist: Tuoba Chen

Wuhun: White Jiadilong

Identity: Grandson of the elder of Shenglongzong, first heir of the sect

Developmental upgrade stream, not licking Tang San, grabbing fairy grass, single heroine

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