Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 210: The strongest enemy (four k)

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The leading woman was eaten as a snack delivered to the door by the submerged porcupine.

This big guy with seventy to eighty thousand years can be said to be an ordinary Title Douluo, and it is difficult to deal with it.

And that woman and the other four people would fight to the death beast of ten thousand years level, and she was not qualified to touch the other party.

It can be considered that this woman is bad luck. It just so happened that this surrogate porcupine was awakened by hormone pheromone in the spring, and when she woke up, she ran towards a 20,000-year-old female surrender porcupine.

As a result, this woman directly put on a big move that the soul would not disperse, intending to rely on this to attract a thousand-year or ten thousand-year-level soul beast, but she underestimated the guy who came.

You know, the soul that has been imprisoned for three days in the eyes of the horror porcupine means that it is a group of souls that are constantly dying, and it is a gluttony feast that can eat for a long time!

So this male, a big guy with seventy to eighty thousand years, is going to come here first to bring a delicious meal as a meeting gift for the female.

This has been a tradition since ancient times. The more gifts to meet, the greater the probability that a female will pick a male. This is why they only wake up in the spring.

Looking at everything around him, the Submerged Porcupine was a little lost.

Nothing, let alone high-level soul beasts, just a few soul kings.

His long pig life was actually deceived for the first time... Remember the website m.luoqiuzw. com


The roar of anger suddenly came out!

The shocking colorless ripples swiftly galloped towards everything around!

Trees fell, boulders burst!

Endless fury was brewing in the roar, and the tyrannical mental attack wave instantly hit Uran's heart like a sledgehammer, making him tremble.

But the next moment, he woke up, his eyes were full of shock!

With his mental power almost reaching the level of Title Douluo, he could still be shocked!

The fighting power of this submersible porcupine is beyond imagination.

"However, the level of threat to me is not fatal, that's it."

Seeing the angry submerged porcupine hitting the surrounding environment in the distance, a cold light burst from his eyes!

There is still time, let's kill these scumbags first.

"I heard that drowning is the most terrifying method of death. Today, I will let you try it. Under my radiation, drowning!"

In the next moment, Uran's mind began to imagine a deep black sea around him.

The illusion changes based on the user's mind, but his first attempt was with the four mice in front of him.

He didn't understand the principle of this, but now the Submerged Porcupine gave him a hint!

Mental power can affect reality, so the illusion space constructed by pupil power can naturally too!

Brain death in the illusion, I am afraid that in reality, even if he does not die, he should be cerebral palsy.

After all, it kills, but the spirit!

After entering the water, water will enter the throat and stomach first to cause a cough. After the cough is choked by the water, the water will enter the lungs. The sensation of water in the lungs is a violent tearing and burning sensation.

The more you breathe, the stronger the tearing and burning sensation!

When the eardrum is filled with water, it feels like the brain is about to explode. The hands and feet will dance quickly, praying for something to grab. Various foreign bodies, sand and other things will also be poured into the nose and mouth. The water enters the body’s tissue fluid, and the skin will Began to become swollen.

Until the final consciousness disappears, people are experiencing extremely terrifying encounters.

This is drowning!

"Sa, start experimenting and enjoy the thrill of drowning."

Accompanied by demonic whispers, the illusion becomes reality.

Suddenly, before the eyes of the four subjects, the illusory world changed, and only a blue scene remained in front of them.


Four people fell directly into the water.

That is the endless deep ocean!

"What's the matter?" The four of them floated in the water, looking around blankly, wondering what happened. Didn't they get attacked by the spirit beast just now?

"I don't know, wait, where's Guo Qian? Why isn't she here?" The honest and simple old Shi's face changed drastically, and he looked around anxiously.

"Wait a minute, is this an enemy's mental attack?" The calmest Routh stared at the surroundings, trying to find a flaw in the surroundings.

But the sea water is real.

It was cold and dead, and there was no life in the ocean.

The next moment, before waiting for the other two black-robed men to speak, they immediately sank to the bottom of the sea, as if they had two hands constantly pulling underneath!

"What love..."

The remaining two have not finished speaking, as if endless suction is constantly coming from below, and they are continuously pulled into the abyss under the horrified gaze of the four!


The foam in the water that these four people breathed continuously floated to the surface, but it was calm again.

Uran's eyes on the four people's faces suddenly changed.

The arm pinched his neck uncontrollably, as if not to let it breathe anymore!

His face suddenly paled from the original ruddy.

Immediately afterwards, the body that was originally frozen began to shake violently!

Even with the uranium gaze, he could clearly see that the pores of the opponent's body were enlarged unnaturally, the vellus hair was straightened, and under the stimulation of cold water, the hair follicles bulged and the hair roots stood up.

It is as if the most real scene appears in reality.

Then, they began to struggle and twitch during the process of drowning, their muscles moved vigorously, their fingers exerted force, and they danced tightly around them!

As if wanting to catch the last straw!

But this kind of struggle quickly went from high to low.

It only takes three minutes.

Uran looked at the other person's face from pale to iron blue, from iron blue to cyan, and the pores all over his body shrank and stopped shaking. Then he laughed.

Smiled softly and proudly.

"Sure enough, I guessed right. They realized that they were in the illusion, but he couldn't live without the illusion. So what's the difference between the illusion and reality? His mind told him that he was dead."

"Then in reality, he really died."

The reason why an illusion is an illusion is that once a person is in an illusion, the illusion is the real world for him. In the illusion, unless he firmly believes that he will never die, the weak-willed person will die in the illusion.

This also proves that as long as you are a tendon, know that this is an illusion, and think that you will not die no matter what, then the illusion is really just an illusion to him.

"It seems that this is brain death... Although it is a pity that the time is too short, but you have provided me with good research materials. I am very grateful. You died and are very valuable."

Seeing that these four soul kings died and the souls were born, the cruel flickering in Uran's eyes became colder, and he said with a somewhat joking smile.

The next moment, a fishy wind flashed!

A huge mouth gnawed down at his body.

But Uranus has long been aware that he is not a trash being eaten as a snack at will!

The figure was blurred for a moment, and the sight of this soul beast could barely keep up with Uran's movements!

You Hong Tianrenju, after being taken by uranium, showed such terrifying speed to the fullest for the first time!

It is an immortal grass designed to increase speed.

Coupled with the speed increase of the writing wheel eye, the uranium at this moment is even more than the peak of the Contra of the shoulder-sensitive attack system!

Although it was not enough to confuse this 70-80,000-year-old soul beast, it was enough to protect itself.

After a few breaths, the uranium catapulted and started. He didn't even have the idea of ​​dealing with this submersible porcupine. He rushed towards the distance, the periphery of the sunset forest!

A vague picture just flashed through his mind, it was a relatively low angle of view, and he was moving forward, as if something had broken into his mind.

It's as if I have become some kind of existence, looking around from the other side's perspective.

This was a very novel feeling, but it also made Uran's heart tremble.

It feels so familiar........

Uranus began to think of the surrounding ten thousand year spirit beasts becoming extinct, and then set his gaze on this submersible porcupine, immediately dispelling the idea of ​​killing the opponent and then absorbing the spirit ring.

If he guessed correctly...

This big guy may also be eaten!

And, within these few days.

Because that terrifying soul beast has been cruising around!

When Uran thought of the shadow Youhu dissipating like dust in front of him, he couldn't help trembling in his heart.

What a terrifying power!

All the people were dead, Uran watched the Submerged Soul Porcupine like a whale sucking water and ate all the souls clean, without a trace of residue.

Without saying anything, Uran just turned his head and left, only to find a small bottle left on the ground. He picked it up and walked towards the outskirts of the sunset forest.

But it seems that the other party is still not getting enough to eat, or his soul is too tempting, so he rushes towards Uran!

"Hey... I didn't expect that you were still staring at me. That's right, you are following me behind, even if you encounter that scary soul beast attack, the first thing you see is you."

Unfortunately, the speed of uranium is too fast.

In order to speed, Uranium directly activated the second spirit ability, and the speed exponentially doubled.

With empty hands, Uran ran towards the periphery frantically, but the sound of the earthquake behind it still kept coming.

Uranium can feel that his Qi machine is locked!

No matter how fast it is, it can't escape the opponent's perception!

"Can it perceive the fluctuations of the soul it has encountered, so that it has the talent of unlimited pursuit? No matter how I change direction, it can easily catch up with me, which is the shortest straight line distance."

"It's no way to run like this." Uranium frowned.

The soul of the seven to eighty thousand year soul beasts was locked, and even if Uranium had doubled its speed now, it could not be avoided.

Had it not been for a terrifying soul beast that could not be traced nearby, he would have turned his head back to work, but once he used it, his body would be dissatisfied with spirit power, in case the huge momentum draws that soul beast over... ...

It may be doomed.

After all, just a dozen kilometers away can turn a complete soul beast for thousands of years into gravel, and the other party can cause unimaginable damage to him without having to enter the nuclear explosion range!

"Run a little bit farther... when it reaches the boundary of the sunset forest, I will kill you with a single kick, then drill into Heaven Dou City, I don't believe it, I can't kill you... ....."

Uranium panted slightly.

After running for too long, unconsciously, the consumption of uranium gradually increased, and his soul power gradually became a little empty.

In my ears, there was only the whistling wind.

The big tree in front suddenly became denser, the steep terrain, the ups and downs, the weak soul beasts around, had also been scared away by the breath of the lurking porcupine.

Suddenly, that inexplicable perspective once again appeared in Uran's mind.

Low and shaking.

It seemed to be running fast, but no gasping sound was heard, and the surroundings seemed very quiet.

The sudden picture suddenly slowed Uranium's speed. He completely lost everything in front of him, and the trees and stones were invisible.

Only that strange perspective.


Almost beforehand, Uranium felt a special breath coming from behind him, and he rolled on the spot without hesitation.


The fragments of the stones behind him suddenly fell on Uran's body, and a faint glow of coldness clung to his back, exuding an indescribable coldness.

The next moment, before Uran's eyes, the picture returned to its original point.

"Huh~ what is that?"

Uran suddenly turned his head, but saw a crystal sharp spike like a giant arrow shot from a giant bed crossbow, firmly nailed to the ground, with a vivid special charm, as if this spike had already come alive.

Bright white, transparent as a whole, just like a work of art........

"Are the spikes of soul attributes? Is it filled with the soul material of the five people just now?" Uranium felt a familiar aura on the spikes.

"It's no wonder that the squirrel porcupine is classified as a top beast, and the number is extremely rare. It turns out that the spike properties can cause different damage with different fillings. And the soul property spikes are a lot of people. The souls fuse together and directly penetrate into the human body. If this is done, it is estimated that Title Douluo will be insane, right?"

Uran glanced at the submerged porcupine that did not continue to shoot spikes, and was determined that it seemed to have no soul fuel for the time being.

"Let's go, run quickly." The soul power condensed, and Uran turned his head and ran away, with no intention of hitting it at all.



The moment Uranium ran out!

All the surrounding space seems to be imprisoned!

The body that was running quickly suddenly stiffened and stagnated in mid-air!


The same is true for the surrender porcupine, its swinging four legs are firmly rooted on the ground, and even the blood-colored pupils exuding evil intentions have turned into fear at this time!

What shocked him most was that he did not fall to the ground, but stayed in the air like amber.

As if the space is frozen.

"Could it be......"

Uranium's heart began to sink quickly until it was cold.


He seemed to sense something, suddenly turned sideways, looking in that direction!

An extremely familiar, but rather strange breath came from that direction.

Accompanied by it, there were energy fluctuations that were almost the same as the radiation field, just like breathing, beating slowly.

The other party is approaching.

"how can that be?!"

In his mind, he realized that he could no longer get out, and the soul beast was getting closer, Uran's heart sighed slightly.

I can't use any soul abilities, it's dead...

Uranium was silent.

Unable to resist, there is no reaction time, just being held in place, this is not something mental power can do at all, and it can't even be pressure.

It's true, the space freezes!

Far away in the Tiandou City hotel, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly woke up from closing his eyes and practicing!

Then, he hurriedly looked in the direction of the sunset forest!

In my a strong ominous premonition filled her heart!


The popular book push session has begun.

Tweet a friend's book "The Emperor and Dragon of Douluo Shocked the World"

Everyone must have read this book, a Douluo with very good grades.

The following is a brief introduction:

When the Golden Dragon encountered the Killing Spear, when the ultimate power encountered the Weapon of Heaven, in the most noble Douluo Palace, Lu Yuan wore a crown on his head and solemnly declared: This world of Spirit Hall is destined to dominate the mainland!

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