Douluo’s Heavens Lottery System

Chapter 275: Team Royal Shield, the game begins! (44)

Early in the morning, after eating breakfast, Bai Ge took Ning Rongrong, Meng Dili, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling and a few small maids to the Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena, while Meng Shu and Chaotianxiang still accompanied.

Near the Dan Pavilion, they reunited with everyone from Shrek Academy, and eventually everyone entered the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena.

Entered the exclusive lounge through the contestant passage and came to the circular corridor. Looking from the circular corridor, the surrounding audience seats were already full of people, all of them excitedly waiting for the start of the second round of qualifiers.

Unlike the opening ceremony, at the opening ceremony, because there was only one exhibition game, in order to facilitate the opening ceremony, only a central battlefield was used in the competition venue.

But since the official start of the game, that is, the next day, the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena has added another four large-scale fighting spirit arenas next to the central fighting stage, and five games are held at the same time.

In this case, only a dozen games can be held in one day. Otherwise, if they are all played on the same platform, a dozen games, unless they are played continuously, it will probably take three or four days.

On this day, in addition to the host at the opening ceremony, the host could no longer be a part-time referee because of the four more soul fighting platforms, so the organizer recruited five more referees to host five soul fighting platforms. the match of.

Because according to yesterday’s analysis, Bai Ge has determined in advance today’s lineup, which are Jiang Zhu, Oscar, Tang San, Tai Long, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Zhuan, so everyone is looking outside from the circular corridor at the moment. Did not discuss tactics in the lounge.

After waiting for almost half an hour, with the arrival of Emperor Xueye, the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, on the rostrum, and the arrival of Ning Fengzhi and Salas, the game finally announced that it was about to start. Suddenly, the surrounding audience could not help but There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

"Now, let's invite the team from today's game to play!"

As the host's voice sounded over the venue, in each lounge, the ten soul master teams who were present because of the game in the morning couldn't help but stand up one after another, starting from the back of the lounge and preparing to enter the arena through the contestant passage.

"Come on, waiting for your good news!"

Before leaving, Bai Ge still smiled.

"Don't worry, see me show my skills this time!"

Meng still confidently patted the mountain that he had begun to take shape. Seeing the waves in front of him, Bai Ge wondered if he had worked too hard in recent months.

Watching Tang San leaving the lounge with six players including Meng Zhuan and Zhu Zhuqing, everyone came to the circular corridor again and began to wait for the Shrek team to enter the arena.

Under Bai Ge's gaze, the Shrek team passed through the player channel and finally came to the main fighting platform.

The reason why Shrek Academy will compete in the main Arena of Souls is very simple. It is because Shrek defeated the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy at the opening ceremony the day before yesterday, so it naturally got a lot of attention. .

It just so happens that the Imperial Shield Academy is not as well-known as the Five Element Academy in Heaven Dou Imperial City, but it is also considered a relatively well-known middle and upper reaches academy.

Compared with the other four games, it is natural that Shrek Academy is more worthy of the battle against Yushield Academy, so the organizer has undoubtedly arranged the battle between Shrek Academy and Yushield Academy to the main battle in the center. On the soul stage.

Tang San took the remaining six players all the way to the side of the main soul fighting platform in the center. At this time, the referee was still on the stage. Although the host had let the teams into the arena, they had not announced their stage.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang San also began to observe the situation of the Royal Shield Team. Even though Bai Ge said yesterday about the basic lineup of the Royal Shield Team, in the final analysis, everything should be seen as believable.

The lineup of the Royal Shield Team is not visible from the surface, but the spirit of martial arts and the soul master are closely related. Generally, one can see the development direction of a soul master by looking at the size of a soul master.

Like the tall and burly soul masters, they are generally either power type soul masters or defense type soul masters. The strong and well-proportioned ones are usually the attack type soul masters. The slender and healthy ones are the agile attack type soul masters. Those who are very thin are generally either control type spirit masters or auxiliary type spirit masters.

Although this is the case, it is not entirely correct to distinguish from the appearance. Like Bai Ge, from the outside, Bai Ge is the appearance of a strong attack type spirit master, but Bai Ge is a control type spirit master, uh... although it is a strong attack type control type spirit master , But despite some exceptions, most of them can be distinguished.

According to this point of view, the two most conspicuous tall and burly soul masters of the Royal Shield team are basically the two double-shield soul masters that Bai Ge said before, but the remaining five soul masters seem to have no sense of power. It's hard to tell.

However, according to Bai Ge, the assault-type spirit masters of the Royal Shield team are all assault-type spirit masters similar to Ma Hongjun's long-range attacks. They are not very strong and normal.

"Please enter both teams!"

After almost a minute, the referee finally announced his approach.

Tang San led Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Meng Suan and others slowly on the stage, and the Royal Shield team also boarded the stage under the leadership of a thin and weak youth.

Although the name of the Royal Shield Team is based on the Double Absolute Shield Spirit Master, as the defensive type spirit master, it is difficult to command on the battlefield because of the defensive type.

Therefore, for most teams, the captain and commander are generally the control system spirit master or the auxiliary system spirit master in the team.

Just like in the game, because in battle, only these two players who don't have to face the battle can command the battle, allowing the team to exert a stronger combat effectiveness.

"Please salute the team members!"

While both battles were watching each other, the referee continued.

Hearing the referee's words, the two teams slowly stepped forward, bowed to each other and bowed to each other, in accordance with the main thrust of the competition, the second in the game and the first in friendship.

After the salute, the two teams slowly retreated to one side again and formed a formation. However, due to the tactical arrangement, this time, the Shrek team's formation was exceptionally strange. It turned out that Tyrone and Tang San were at the forefront. People are all standing behind, standing with Oscar.

"Please pay attention to the spirit master teams of both sides. You will have one minute to summon your martial souls. One minute later, when I announce the start of the match, you can attack until one party loses the ability to fight, or concedes defeat, or falls. End of the fight!"

Under the fighting spirit stage, the referee said loudly.

Upon hearing the referee's words, the two parties summoned their martial souls.

"Double Absolute Shield, come out!"

"Double Absolute Shield, come out!"

With two loud roars, the huge tower shield whose external shapes on both sides could be perfectly combined was summoned by the two top double shield spirit masters of the Royal Shield team.

Holding the Double Absolute Shield in their hands, the two Double Absolute Shield Soul Masters suddenly turned into two indestructible copper walls and iron walls, full of unshakable feeling.

And behind the double shield spirit masters, five long-range attack cast-type assault type spirit masters also summoned their own spirits. Their spirits are Fengmei, Fire Spirit, Ice Monster, and Thunder Spirit. According to the system's classification of martial souls, they should belong to prefecture-level martial souls.

But in the prefecture level, it belongs to the poorer quality.

At the back of the Royal Shield Team, the thinner auxiliary spirit master summoned a weird disk, and the three spirit rings slowly rose from under his feet.

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