Douluo’s Heavens Lottery System

Chapter 274: In the second round, opponent: Royal Shield Academy! (34)

In the evening, because the qualifiers are based on points rather than elimination, although the first round of qualifiers has not yet ended, the list of matches for the second round of qualifiers has been drawn up.

Because of the influence of Baige, after knowing that the master is a teacher of Shrek Academy, Salas did not perform the black box operation as in the original book, but a normal draw, so Shrek Academy did not have any luck until the second round. To the strong team.

But in the second round, Shrek didn't encounter a weak team, but the Soul Master Academy in the middle and upper reaches of the Royal Shield Academy!

In the Soul Master Academy of the Heaven Dou Imperial City, except for the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, which is bound to enter the finals, in every mainland Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament, at least four of the five major teams that enter the final will have five elements. The academy’s team, sometimes even the five teams is the Five Element Academy’s team,

The Five Elements Academy belongs to the traditional top Soul Master Academy in the eyes of the residents of Heaven Dou Imperial City. It is the most upper reaches of the Heaven Dou Imperial City Advanced Soul Master Academy, and there are many midstream and downstream ones, like St. Osland Academy. , Flame Radiance College, Slat College, etc.

And between the middle and upper reaches, that is, the middle and upper reaches, there are only the original Blue Bull Academy and the Royal Shield Academy. In the last Continental Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, the Blue Bull Academy won the first place in the qualifiers. Eighth place, and the sixth place is Royal Shield Academy.

Therefore, the Royal Shield Academy is not weak, but in this generation of Royal Shield Academy, the strength of the two soul masters of Royal Shield is a bit too weak, and they have not broken through the soul sect. Otherwise, the Royal Shield Academy may be the same as the previous one. Have the qualifications to compete for the finals.

"The Royal Shield Academy, I have watched the games in this academy. Their combat methods are very distinctive. Two spirit masters with martial arts shields stand in the front to block the charge of the opponent's spirit masters, while the four behind are the strong attack system of long-range attacks. The soul master hides behind to attack, and finally provides assistance for the auxiliary system.

To be honest, this tactic is very stable and stable, but the shortcomings are also obvious. If you encounter a team like Kamikaze Academy, you can directly declare a loss, and it is the same when encountering the other four Five Element Academy teams.

The two defensive spirit masters of the Royal Shield Academy are only Soul Masters. Facing the indiscriminate and bombarding spirit skills attacks of the same level, it may be difficult to resist, and if the two shield spirit masters fail, the Royal Shield team basically loses.

Although we cannot carry out the indiscriminate bombardment of single-attribute spirit abilities like the Five Element Academy, we can completely follow the Kamikaze Academy, bypassing the two front-row shield spirit masters of the Royal Shield Academy and attacking the back row directly.

But what I want to know are the two shield martial arts spirit masters of the Royal Shield Academy. Teacher, do you know what martial spirit their shield martial arts are? "

After speaking, Bai Ge looked at the master.

"The shield martial soul of the Royal Shield Academy is a very strange shield martial soul, named Shuangjue Shield, it can also be called a double shield. A single Shuangjue Shield is not a particularly powerful martial soul, but the Shuangjue Shield is powerful. The point is that this martial soul can fit together!"

Aside, Liu Erlong answered Bai Ge's question.


Hearing what Liu Erlong said, everyone was a little strange.

"Yes, it's a combination, not the combination of martial soul fusion skills, but a combination literally.

Double Absolute Shield is a very strange martial soul. This type of martial soul has two forms. The awakened Double Absolute Shield spirit of each Soul Master of Double Absolute Shield will only have one form, but the scary thing is A double shield spirit soul master with one form and a double shield spirit soul master with two forms are born with the ability to combine.

In the combined state, the strength of the spirit of the double absolute shield will reach the level second only to the spirit of the Clear Sky Hammer, which can be called the most defensive weapon spirit, and in the state of combining the spirit, two double The soul masters of Absolute Shield Martial Soul can share their soul power with each other, greatly increasing the power of the soul abilities they use.

However, it is a pity that soul power is consumed very quickly in this combined state, and the combination of martial souls is like a martial soul fusion technique, which can produce powerful soul abilities, but can only increase the power of the original soul abilities, otherwise it will be a double shield I am afraid that the soul will become a must. "

Liu Erlong sighed and shook his head.

"That said, wouldn't the two defense type spirit masters of the Royal Shield Team also be regarded as a special soul class defense type spirit master?"

Dai Mubai couldn't help asking.

"You can look at it this way, but their weaknesses are also obvious. Once the spirits are combined, the two soul masters of the double shield spirits cannot be separated too far, or the combination of the spirits will be lifted."

Liu Erlong explained.

"Almost, I already know how to deal with Team Royal Shield tomorrow."

After listening to Liu Erlong's words, Bai Ge nodded gently.

"any solution?"

Everyone came together.

"Boss Bai, can I still play tomorrow?"

Ma Hongjun still asked with a shy face.

"Facing the Royal Shield Academy, it's useless for you to go to, you will have a chance in the future."

Glancing at Ma Hongjun, Bai Ge shook his head.

"Then who are we on?"

Oscar scratched his head.

"It's still the same as yesterday, the general lineup remains the same, but this time Ma Hongjun doesn't need to play. There are two defensive spirit masters on the opposite side. There is nowhere for Ma Hongjun to use his skills. He and Tyrone dragged the two Absolute Shield Spirit Masters, and then Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and still bypassing the Absolute Shield Spirit Masters attacked the opposing back row soul master."

Baige Road.

"With me at the core?"

But when he heard Bai Ge, Oscar was a little confused.

"Remember the tactics we discussed before?"

Seeing Oscar's confused expression, Bai Ge couldn't help but remind.

"You mean that?!"

Oscar's eyes lit up.

"Yes, the two double shield spirit masters on the opposite side are actually very difficult to entangle. When the dual shields are combined, the range of the wall of spirit abilities they display is fully extended to half the length of the arena, so if you break through from the ground, It's difficult, but since we can't break through from the ground, then we will pass from the sky. Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing, and others are still extremely fast soul masters. Once they break through to the back row, you should be able to think of the result."

Bai Ge explained with a smile.

Hearing Bai Ge’s explanation, everyone suddenly realized that they had never watched today’s game, nor had they understood what it means to have Oscar as the core.

Now I heard Baige said that the combination of the spirit of the double shield spirit master can actually extend the defense range of the defense system spirit ability to half the arena, and it really needs to break through the sky.

And to break through the sky naturally depends on Oscar's flying mushroom sausage. After all, they are not like Ma Hongjun, and they have a martial arts capable of flying.

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