Douluo: The Ever-changing Divine King Oscar

$ Chapter 266 The Secret Technique of the Divine Disciple, the Giant Ant King

Chapter 267: The Secret Method of the Divine Disciple, the Thousand-pound Ant Emperor

Spirit Hall.

Bibi Dong was practicing in the secret room, and suddenly she felt a pain in her chest. Then she stood up from the dark purple pool with a crazy look on her face, not caring that she was naked.

"Xiao Gang!" Bibi Dong shouted.

Then she quickly sat cross-legged in the pool, the soul power on her body surged, gray-black mist began to appear, and a strange pattern slowly emerged in the pool.

At the same time, the same special pattern appeared on Bibi Dong's body, flashing as if resonating with something.

"Xiao Gang, I won't let you die." Bibi Dong whispered: "I have long advised you that the Star Dou Great Forest is full of dangers, but I didn't expect that the three Soul Douluos could not protect you!"

As Bibi Dong was running this special formula, the idea in her heart became more and more firm.

This secret method was obtained from the inheritance of the Rakshasa God. It was originally a secret method used to contract a substitute disciple, but Yu Xiaogang's own talent and age have determined the upper limit.

Even if he accidentally got the opportunity to break through the Soul Venerable, even with the countless resources provided by Bibi Dong, and even the soul bones, Yu Xiaogang's lifetime Soul King is at most.

But with this secret method, it is different. This secret method can help Yu Xiaogang change his fate against the will of heaven and improve his talent and foundation.

But once the secret method is used, Yu Xiaogang must first suffer inhuman pain, which is why Bibi Dong has never used this secret method.

Now that Yu Xiaogang has suffered this disaster, it can be regarded as a coincidence that Bibi Dong has made up her mind.

However, this secret method is also the first time Bibi Dong has used it. In the end, what will Yu Xiaogang become, she has no idea.

But at least now this secret method can save Yu Xiaogang's life, and even help him change his fate against the will of heaven, so that he can continue to follow Bibi Dong's steps in the future.

After an unknown amount of time, Bibi Dong finished the operation of the secret method. She lay on her back in the pool, exhausted physically and mentally.

After completing the Divine Disciple Secret Method, Bibi Dong found that she had established a special connection with Yu Xiaogang, and what surprised Bibi Dong the most was that Yu Xiaogang not only came back to life, but also seemed to be reborn.

Bibi Dong had no time to explore the many effects of the Divine Disciple Secret Method. She walked out of the pool with a tired look, changed into the Pope's robe and directly summoned an elder.

Lingyuan Douluo respectfully stood beside Bibi Dong: "Your Majesty, you called me so anxiously, is there something important?"

Bibi Dong whispered: "Elder Lingyuan, go to the Xingdou Great Forest to meet Elder Yu."

Lingyuan Douluo did not question or talk nonsense, and directly took the order and left the Spirit Hall.

Lingyuan Douluo was one of the elders that Bibi Dong could truly trust, because when Bibi Dong ascended the throne, the other party was one of the loyal supporters.

Looking at the direction where Lingyuan Douluo left, Bibi Dong only hoped that the other party could quickly meet Yu Xiaogang to avoid any accidents.

At this moment, Bibi Dong felt a burning feeling in her heart, that... was the burning emotion of the god-follower.


Xingdou Great Forest.

Yu Xiaogang's limbs have recovered, and his appearance has changed a lot.

Although Yu Xiaogang still doesn't know what he has experienced to survive, it must be related to Bibi Dong.

The reason why he can survive is probably because of the secret seed that the other party left on him.

"Dong'er... I didn't expect that you would save my life in the end." Yu Xiaogang looked in the direction of Wuhun City, and a burning emotion rose in his heart.

After Yu Xiaogang was seriously injured and fainted by Fu Li's palm, he didn't know what happened afterwards.

At this time, he looked around. Although he didn't know what he had experienced, there were no soul beasts around to attack him.

Yu Xiaogang carefully felt the changes in himself, and then he was surprised to find that he seemed to be no longer the same person as before.

Or he felt that he had been reborn...

Originally, Yu Xiaogang looked like a middle-aged man in his fifties, with ordinary appearance and strength, but now he was different.

He had changed a lot, the most obvious of which was his temperament, which now had an indescribable coldness and evilness.

There was a special purple-black pattern in his heart, which Yu Xiaogang could not see, but he could clearly feel it, and it was through this pattern that he seemed to have established a special connection with Bibi Dong.

What surprised Yu Xiaogang the most was his martial soul. Luo Sanpao, who had already taken the shape of a dragon, now had a big change in appearance.

Luo Sanpao was now ten meters long, with four claws on his belly, a ferocious dragon head, and a purple-gold body.

The original golden holy dragon bloodline mutated and awakened, and now Luo Sanpao could be called a purple-gold demon dragon.

However, that was fine, what surprised him the most but also unbelievably was his level.

Originally, he was only level 35, but now he has become a soul fighter of level 81.

When Yu Xiaogang released the purple-gold magic dragon Luo Sanpao, eight soul rings, two yellow, two purple and four black, rose from his body. A terrifying breath of soul fighter rushed towards him, and Yu Xiaogang could not control this power.

"This... Dong'er, what kind of opportunity did you give me? What did you pay for it?!" Yu Xiaogang hurriedly took back Luo Sanpao to avoid losing control.


Xingyue Lake.

Xiao Wu woke up slowly under Oscar's treatment. When she opened her eyes, she couldn't help but screamed:

"Brother, don't leave me! Xiao Wu... Xiao Wu can't leave you anymore!!"

Hearing this, Da Ming and Er Ming, who had just returned, couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. It seemed that this boy named Tang San already had an extremely important position in Sister Xiao Wu's heart.

After Xiao Wu screamed, he realized that there were no enemies here, and only Oscar looked at him kindly.

"Senior?!" Xiao Wu was in disbelief: "Did I have a hallucination before I died? Why are you here, senior?"

Oscar gently comforted the little rabbit's head: "It's safe now. This is Xingyue Lake."

When Xiao Wu heard this, she turned around in disbelief, and happened to meet the two giant eyes of Da Ming and Er Ming. The eyes of the two beasts were full of worry, which almost overflowed.

"Da Ming, Er Ming. It's really you! I'm not dead!" Xiao Wu felt like he was surviving a disaster.

Then she immediately looked around and saw Tang San lying on the stone table not far away: "Brother?"

Oscar replied: "I drugged him and he didn't wake up so quickly. I was afraid that he wouldn't be able to accept your identity."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's face turned pale instantly. The senior was right, her identity had been exposed, and it was all Yu Xiaogang's fault! It's all the fault of those three Contras!

Oscar seemed to see what Xiao Wu was thinking: "Those people have been dealt with. Now we still need to think about how to explain to Xiao San after he wakes up."

Xiao Wu's thoughts returned, her face full of sadness and depression. Not everyone is as accepting of spirit beasts as the seniors. Xiao Wu had tested Tang San's tone at the beginning. In his eyes, spirit beasts and humans were two opposing races. …

Recalling Tang San's disbelief when he knew his identity, Xiao Wu was confused for a moment and had no thoughts to think.

Seeing Xiao Wu's condition, Da Ming and Er Ming didn't know what to do for a while.

The two beasts couldn't help but look at Oscar. After being in contact with each other for so long, they seemed to be used to Oscar making suggestions.

After Oscar thought, he looked at Tang San lying on the stone table. To be honest, Oscar didn't know what Tang San was thinking.

Because of Oscar's intervention, the reality has long been different from the original work.

Although today's Tang San is still gifted and powerful, the Purple Demon Eyes have not broken through to the point where he can see through Xiao Wu's identity, not to mention that Xiao Wu still has the breath gathering grass on his body.

And now Tang San only knows that his father is Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, but he doesn't know that his mother is a hundred thousand year spirit beast, and he doesn't even know that A Yin was forced to death by the former Pope of Wuhun Palace.

So Oscar doesn't know what Tang San thinks about Xiao Wu now.

But according to his deep love for Xiao Wu, maybe the result will not be too different from the original work, not to mention Oscar will not sit idly by.

The original Oscar was indeed somewhat biased against Tang San, after all, he was influenced by the original work, but now Oscar's thoughts have slowly changed.

As long as Tang San doesn't do anything rebellious, and has such an extraordinary talent as the other party, as long as he can be trained, he can become a general by his side in the future.

As for Tang San's actions in the original work, in fact, Tang San today has not reached that point yet.

Moreover, Tang San in the original Dou Yi period was actually quite remarkable. The reason why his reputation got worse and worse later was because he became a god.

And after getting along with him for many years, Oscar now understands Tang San well. Judging from the current situation, he is indeed a person worth cultivating.

After thinking for a long time, Oscar slowly said: "Xiao Wu, actually you don't have to be so anxious. Now that the mistress knows your identity, there is nothing we dare to escape from."

"Some things always need to be faced, and this is something you two will have to go through sooner or later."

Xiao Wu looked up at Oscar: "What should I do?"

Oscar glanced at Tang San: "Just tell the truth to Xiao San. Now you have reached the fifty-level bottleneck and are very close to becoming a real adult. It can be said that you are no different from a human being now."

"What's more, the relationship you and Xiaosan have had for so many years has gone through life and death today. I don't think he will let you down."

After a pause, Oscar patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder: "What's more, I will always be on your side. If the mistress is really stubborn, I will teach him a lesson for you."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu also turned her gaze towards Tang San, who was sleeping with his eyes closed. Xiao Wu stood up and came to the stone table, gently caressing Tang San's cheek with her little hand.

Oscar glanced at Da Ming and Er Ming: "Let's go, let's not disturb her and give her some time."

Da Ming and Er Ming nodded. Da Ming sank directly to the bottom of the lake, while Oscar climbed on Er Ming's shoulders to deal with the Soul Beast Alliance matters.

Now Oscar has selected several good soul beasts, not only for the elders of the sect who are about to reach level 90, but also for Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai.

However, there are three spirit beasts among them, Oscar is very hesitant about how to distribute them, and that is the three brothers of the Qianjun Ant Emperor who were killed by Tang San in the original work.

These three soul beasts are somewhat special. When the Ming Dynasty and Ming Dynasty took charge of the Star Dou Forest, these three brothers were the first to be subdued.

The latter three guys became the vanguard generals. Now that the Star Dou Forest has gradually stabilized, some of the disobedient soul beasts were directly given to the soul masters of the Jian Sect's breakthrough.

However, the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty were weak after all, and they did not completely take over the entire Star Dou Forest. They can still only control two-thirds of the area.

But that's enough for now, after all, the group of guys in the deepest part of the Star Dou Forest haven't shown up yet.

After Oscar gave the three brothers of the Qianjun Ant King some black gold sausage beyond the limit, these three guys all reached the realm of one hundred thousand years. Considering that they work seriously and have good talents, Oscar was thinking about whether to keep them. In the Star Dou Forest, it is better to give them a chance to become gods.

Oscar and Da Ming Er Ming came to a cliff next to Xingyue Lake. Three Qianjun Ant Emperors were practicing in the valley below the cliff.

After taking Beyond the Limit Black Gold Sausage, it was almost impossible for them to live for 200,000 years in the future, but they could live for at least 100,000 years in the middle, so Oscar planned to leave it to themselves.

Arriving at the valley, the three-headed Qianjun Ant King finished his training: "I've seen the first alliance leader, the second alliance leader, and the third alliance leader."

Oscar is the leader of the three alliances. Because he is a human being, joining the alliance is essential, but the person in charge must be a soul beast, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the crowd.

Oscar waved his hand: "I have thought about it for a long time, and after thinking about it, I still want to leave the decision to you."

"Now there are two choices in front of me. One is to find a genius for you who is expected to hit the realm of gods, and let you become their soul, so that you can have a chance to enter the realm of gods."

"The second is to stay in the Star Dou Forest to coordinate the overall situation, but you should also know that after taking the Black Gold Sausage beyond the limit, it will be almost impossible for you to break through to the next realm in the future, but you can have at least a hundred thousand years of life. "

"And when your life span is approaching in the future, you can choose a bright master again and become a soul to continue living."

After hearing about Oscar's flowers, the three brothers also understood what Oscar meant.

"Three Alliance Leaders, can you give us brothers some time?" Ada replied.

Oscar smiled: "Of course, but this opportunity is not available to all soul beasts. You have made the greatest contribution these days, and you are the first to be chosen."

"After all, even if I try to attack that realm, I'm not completely sure. The number of people under me who can attack that realm is limited. Please respond to me as soon as possible."

The three brothers of Qianjun Ant Emperor replied: "Understood."

Then Oscar and Da Ming and Er Ming went to visit other soul beast realms that were within walking distance. Since they were selecting souls for their friends, they must choose the best ones.

Of course, if there are soul beasts that are not willing yet, Oscar will not force it. After all, it is normal for them to hesitate before seeing the real results.

In the middle of the process, Daming said to Oscar: "Sister Xiao Wu will need to hunt for soul rings after she reaches level 60. However, Er Ming and I's attributes are not suitable for Sister Xiao Wu. Can Senior choose a suitable soul for Sister Xiao Wu?" "

Oscar nodded: "Xiao Wu has already made suitable choices for his seventh and eighth soul rings. Then I will work with you to convince them."

Er Ming was overjoyed: "That's great!"

Daming said: "Senior, I have another unkind request."

Oscar didn't look back: "Currently, I don't have a suitable candidate for you two, but with your blood and talents, it doesn't matter who you become the soul of."

"Don't worry, if I am sure that I can get to that point in the future, I will definitely reserve a place for you in advance."

Daming smiled with satisfaction when he heard this: "This is the best."

Oscar suddenly turned to look at the two beasts: "Actually, it would be good for her to have you become Xiao Wu's soul. Why not choose Xiao Wu?"

Da Ming and Er Ming looked at each other, and finally Er Ming said helplessly: "We have told Sister Xiao Wu about this. She is not willing, and we can't force her."

"And...and she wants us to become Tang San's souls, which we are naturally unwilling to do. In the end, the only one we can trust is you, senior."

When Oscar heard this, he didn't know what to say. Did he pick up the treasure for no reason?

ps: typos should be corrected first and then corrected.

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