Douluo: The Ever-changing Divine King Oscar

Chapter 265: Ice Emperor's shock, special patterns

Chapter 266 Ice Emperor’s shock, special lines

A 100,000-year-old soul beast is actually willing to be sacrificed to a human being? Could it be that this soul method really has such charm?

The Ice Emperor is now only more than 10,000 years away from the 400,000-year catastrophe. This time may be very long for humans, but for their soul beasts, it is actually just a fleeting moment.

The Ice Emperor has survived several catastrophes, but she doesn't have much confidence in the next catastrophe. If this soul method is real, then she really wants to try it.

Oscar smiled, took out a piece of daimyo's scales from his arms and handed it over: "This is now the token of the allies of the Star Dou Forest. You must be able to clearly feel the aura of a hundred thousand year old soul beast on it, right? ?”

The Ice Emperor took the green scale and sniffed it carefully: "The foundation of the Star Forest is in the far north. Why are there only two hundred thousand year soul beasts cooperating with you?"

The Ice Emperor no longer doubts the soul method, because the other party did produce a real thing, but she knows the details of the Star Dou Forest best, and it is definitely not the two hundred thousand year old soul beasts who can make the decision.

Oscar withdrew the scales and put them into the soul guide: "Do you think that for such an important matter as the soul method, without those few nods, how can I achieve cooperation in the Star Dou Forest?"

After hearing this, the Ice Emperor pondered for a moment and then showed a smile: "I believe you for the time being, but the specific matters need to be discussed after the other two arrive."

Then Hyokui played with the black and gold sausage in his hand: "Now I want to see what kind of power this thing you gave me has."

Oscar replied calmly: "You can give it a try."

The reason why Oscar took out the Black Gold Sausage Beyond the Limit was to give Yang Wudi the ninth soul ring.

Yang Wudi is not far away from level ninety now. He only needs to wait until he breaks through, and then a hundred thousand year old ice jade scorpion becomes his ninth soul ring and soul, and his strength will definitely get a terrifying improvement.

Now the eighty-eighth level Yang Wudi is enough to go head-to-head with the titled Douluo below the ninety-fifth level. In the future, if Yang Wudi's base is added, he may be the first person under Gai Yue.

And with a hundred thousand year soul ring and soul blessing, Yang Wudi may not be able to try to condense soul cores. Even if there is only one, it will be enough to greatly improve his strength.

As for the other elders who are not far away from breaking through to level 90, Oscar has also found suitable soul beasts for them and just needs to wait for them to break through.

The Ice Emperor chose to believe in Oscar for the time being, and took him to find the 90,000-year-old Ice Jade Scorpion whose life was running out, and gave it the Beyond the Limit Black Gold Sausage in front of Oscar.

After taking the sausage, the Ice Jade Scorpion directly unleashed all its potential and power. With the help of the sausage, the Ice Jade Scorpion actually exceeded the one hundred thousand year mark in one fell swoop.

After the Ice King witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he no longer looked down upon Oscar.

A mere piece of sausage created a hundred thousand year soul beast? What's more important is that the other party has exceeded 100,000 years and has not experienced a catastrophe! It just happened naturally.

However, the Ice Emperor soon discovered something was wrong, that is, although this ice jade scorpion had reached the realm of one hundred thousand years, its vitality had not increased accordingly, and it was still in a state of limited lifespan.

Oscar then explained to the Ice Emperor the effect of Beyond the Limit Black Gold Intestine. This thing is equivalent to a one-time barrier-breaking pill for soul beasts, but it is only limited to breakthroughs in cultivation and will not bring about an increase in vitality. .

The soul beast that took the sausage did not increase its vitality again because it had exhausted all its potential.

However, the considerable gains are a real improvement in strength, and he has a tyrannical strength of a hundred thousand years.

After listening to Oscar's explanation, Ice King also understood the effect of this sausage. Although it was indeed a rare treasure, its disadvantages were also very obvious.

Ice Emperor asked: "If I take this substance, can I use it to achieve a breakthrough?"

Oscar took a look at the humanoid young girl in front of him: "With your talent, there is no problem in breaking through."

The Ice Emperor smiled with satisfaction after hearing this: "Will I have the same result as it?"

Oscar thought for a while and didn't hide anything: "More or less, this sausage is generally used to consume potential to break through. Although this thing can allow you to survive the catastrophe of 400,000 years, it will be useless after that."

The Ice Emperor smiled: "With this thing, I can live another hundred thousand years without losing anything."

After a pause, the Ice Emperor met Oscar's eyes: "If this soul method is still prevalent in a hundred thousand years, I can become a soul, but I don't know if there will be such a talented soul master who can absorb my soul ring. ”

Oscar's mouth twitched when he heard the Ice Emperor's words. If this was the case, then wasn't his trip through all the hard work in vain?

Fortunately, Oscar already had a trump card to attract these ferocious beasts: "It's a good idea, and I can agree to it. But in the future, there will be an avenue to the sky for you to choose. How to choose depends on you." ”

"Tongtian Avenue." The Ice Emperor raised his brows upon hearing this: "How about you tell me?"

Oscar didn't sell it either: "I am seventeen years old this year, my soul power has reached level 75, and I have two hundred thousand year soul rings. At the same time, I am also the owner of twin martial souls, and my second martial soul has no additional Soul Ring."

After hearing these introductions, Ice Emperor looked at Oscar in disbelief: "Impossible? Although you have collected six soul bones, it is absolutely impossible for you to reach the realm of Soul Saint at such an age!!"

Oscar knew that the other party must have explored this body, but it was just a clone.

Oscar explained: "This is just a clone, not my real body."

"Clone?!" Bingdi said in disbelief: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Why would I lie to you?" Oscar smiled: "And my second martial soul has not yet been attached with a soul ring."

"What I want to do is to impact that supreme realm. Just imagine, if I equip my second martial soul with all the soul rings of the 100,000-year level, with such potential and talent, how much hope will there be to impact that realm?"

Bingdi couldn't imagine what Oscar said: "If this is true, your talent will be unique in the history of the entire continent. Impacting that realm... Perhaps tens of thousands of years of silence will be broken by you."

I didn't doubt Oscar's words. The second martial soul is fully equipped with 100,000-year soul rings, which means nine 100,000-year soul beasts. This number is too terrifying, but Bingdi didn't doubt it.

Because Oscar talked about the soul method and his own talent, what this means is self-evident.

Even the Ice Emperor was a little tempted at this time.

According to the mystery of the soul law, after she sacrificed to Oscar, the two would have a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation relationship. If Oscar broke through that realm in the future, she would be equivalent to becoming a god with him, and she had almost no other contribution except for the sacrifice!

The Ice Emperor herself was tempted, so what about other soul beasts? What's more, Oscar, who was only level 75, already had two 100,000-year soul rings!

As for why he didn't doubt Oscar's claim that he had two 100,000-year soul rings at level 70, it was because this thing could not be disguised. As long as he saw Oscar's true body at that time, he would know whether it was a lie at a glance.

And Oscar, such a smart person, how could he lie about such a thing?

Seeing another 100,000-year-old member of his tribe appear, Bing Bi Scorpion didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a while.

Oscar smiled slightly: "As Elder Yang's ninth soul ring and soul, it is not an insult to your Ice Jade Scorpion clan, and it will even shine brightly on the continent in the future."

Ice Emperor ignored Oscar, but carefully felt the state of the Ice Jade Scorpion that had just broken through the 100,000-year level. This black gold sausage that surpassed the limit was really strange. There was such a sausage in the world?

Oscar said no more and waited silently for the arrival of the other two kings. When the time came, he would discuss the cooperation with them.

From the attitude of Ice Emperor, it can be seen that the Far North is actually very eager for the soul method, so Oscar's worries are reduced.

As for the real master of the Star Dou Great Forest, to be honest, Oscar has not seen it yet.

Da Ming and Er Ming seem to have a special connection with the fierce beasts in the deepest part of the eyes, but in fact they are not familiar with the group of fierce beasts, or the two beasts are just equivalent to guarding the gate and have no chance to contact the core.

Now that there is such a big movement in the Star Dou Great Forest, the beasts in the depths naturally cannot fail to notice it. The reason why they did not intervene may be that they acquiesced.

In fact, Oscar did not understand why the beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest were like this. Such a big thing had happened, but they pretended not to see it?

Did they really not know, or were they avoiding something?

Oscar could not guess, and he was too lazy to guess. Since the other party did not intervene in this matter, Oscar was happy to do so.

Of course, the main reason was that Oscar's strength was not enough now, otherwise he would definitely take the initiative to contact the beasts in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to equip the second martial soul with a full 100,000-year soul ring. In addition to the Far North, it would only be possible with the beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Of course, the Oscars known in the sea have also been included in the plan. When he completely controls the killing god domain and condenses the first soul core, he will go out to attack.


Star Dou Great Forest

Lordiala took Yu Xiaogang and fled at full speed. Now he and Fu Li were no match for the strong man. He could only leave Fu Li behind to hold him back so that he could escape.

The reason why Lordiala took Yu Xiaogang away was also the result of Lordiala's careful consideration.

When Fu Li attacked Yu Xiaogang, Lordiala and Gao Xing had not reacted yet. Lordiala could have tampered with the course of events after Yu Xiaogang woke up.

He could have directly told Yu Xiaogang that Gao Xing and Fu Li had betrayed him and that he had risked his life to save Yu Xiaogang's life. In this way, after returning to the Spirit Hall, Yu Xiaogang would plead for him and Lordiala would not only not be punished, but he might even be rewarded by Pope Bibi Dong for risking his life to "rescue" Yu Xiaogang.

It was precisely because of this that Lordiala took Yu Xiaogang away. Otherwise, even if he escaped, he would never be able to gain a foothold on the mainland in the future.

Because before they came, Bibi Dong told them that if Yu Xiaogang had any mishap, the three of them would come to see him with their heads.

Although Yu Xiaogang was seriously injured, he survived anyway. As long as he didn't reveal any flaws at that time, he would not only be innocent, but also meritorious!

It was a pity for the 100,000-year-old soul beast. Originally, Lordiara wanted to use it as his ninth soul ring, but now he has lost this opportunity.

However, he would definitely exaggerate and report the matter to Bibi Dong. What Lordiara couldn't get, the Pope would definitely not let go so easily.

The strong man who suddenly appeared might be related to the Haotian Sect. After all, he would have the final say.

However, before Lordiara could be happy for long, an extremely terrifying gravity suddenly attacked. Lordiara, who was fleeing in the sky, was directly pulled down from the air by this terrifying gravity.

The huge golden eagle had no power to resist this gravity. It fell heavily from the sky, and its martial soul body disintegrated directly.

Yu Xiaogang, who was originally caught in the golden eagle's giant claws, was almost deformed under this terrifying gravity, and his limbs were directly broken by the huge force in a weird arc.

Yu Xiaogang, who was already dying, did not even scream, and lost his life directly, as if he was directly crushed to death under this huge force.

Lordiara looked around in horror. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of this terrifying gravity.

In fear, Lordiara once again brought up the reputation of the Spirit Hall: "Who is it?! I am the cardinal of the Spirit Hall. If you go against the Spirit Hall, you are courting death!"

Then what confronted him was a huge black shadow. When Lordiara saw the black shadow clearly, he was stunned.

It was like a mountain, with dark hair all over its body shining with a faint black and gold luster. Although it was on all fours, its shoulder height was definitely more than seven or eight meters.

If the other party stood up, I'm afraid it would be fifteen meters away.

From the outside, it looked like an ape and a chimpanzee. Except for a pair of lantern-sized eyes shining with a yellow crystal-like luster, its whole body was black and reflected with a black and gold luster.

The body of this big guy was so majestic, so majestic to an incredible degree. Not only was it huge, but every part of its body was covered with strong muscles that were more terrifying than granite, protruding like a small hill.

Such a huge guy didn't make any sound while walking, not even the sound of breathing, as if this behemoth had no weight at all.

But how could such a behemoth be weightless? Just from the size of the other party, it was the kind of existence that would shake the earth with one step.

And the other party could actually approach silently, which meant something.

And the terrifying gravity on Lordiara came from this giant beast.

He stared at the giant beast blankly: "King of the forest, Titan Giant Ape?! How could such a super soul beast appear here?! Is it because of the rabbit?"

However, the Titan Giant Ape didn't say any nonsense, and the huge fist directly smashed towards Lordiara's body.

Lordiara could only roar one last time when facing this death-like beast: "No!"


The giant fist fell with a bang, and Lordiara's body was directly smashed into a meat pie by this terrifying punch. The Titan Giant Ape shook off the blood on his fist with an indifferent look, and then took another look at Yu Xiaogang, who had no life, and then walked back into the towering tree and disappeared.

The reason why Oscar didn't chase him at that time was because the Titan Giant Ape took the initiative to avenge Xiao Wu himself!

The problem that the Titan Giant Ape is worried about now is Tang San. According to the situation at that time, Xiao Wu's identity may have been exposed, so how should Tang San be dealt with?

The Titan Giant Ape immediately rushed back and wanted to discuss this matter with Oscar.

Shortly after the Titan Ape left, a purple-black mist suddenly appeared on the body of Yu Xiaogang, who had already lost his vitality. The mist was very special. It directly absorbed all the living plants around him and then transformed them into Yu Xiaogang's body.

Not far away, the meat pie that Lordiara had turned into was swallowed up by the mist, and a strange purple-black pattern appeared on the surface of Yu Xiaogang's body.

The purple-black pattern flickered under the blessing of those vitality, as if it was resonating with something.

I don't know how long it took, but Yu Xiaogang's eyelids finally jumped undetectably...

ps: The typos will be updated first and corrected later.

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