Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 197 Wuhun Palace angers all forces

Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City.

The gloomy drizzle was floating in the city. The pedestrians on the street who were preparing to go home seemed to sense something. Their eyes were invariably attracted to the brilliantly lit palace.

There, the Tiandou Empire's army was gathering nervously, but in the blink of an eye, thunder and lightning broke through the night sky, revealing the imperial palace covered by black clouds.


There was a loud roar, thunder and lightning, and in the violent storm, the outline of the palace was looming against the black clouds. Xue Beng stood in front of the closed window, staring solemnly at the apocalyptic scene outside the window, filled with fear in his heart Coming like a tidal wave.

"Your Majesty, the Haotian Sect... was destroyed." Prince Xuexing slowly walked out of the shadows, his voice was low and old, with a hint of gloom on his face, and the light of lightning flashed across his face, adding to the A bit metaphorical.

"Really? The Wuhun Palace did take action after all." Hearing this, Xue Beng's expression did not change much. It seemed that the destruction of the Haotian Sect was nothing to him, but his trembling palms were exposed. He was panicking inside.

"Tang San left Douluo Continent a few months ago with four of the Shrek Seven Monsters, saying he was going to a place called Poseidon Island." Prince Snow Star continued in a low voice: "He Before leaving, we were given some blueprints for making hidden weapons, but can these really resist those super Douluo in Wuhun Palace?"

"Do you think you can resist?" Xue Beng turned around, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, and said with a ferocious smile: "Those hidden weapons may seem very powerful, but in front of a titled Douluo, they are just children's toys."

"Tang San had so many hidden weapon blueprints, but before he left, he only left us some low-level hidden weapons in the Tiandou Empire. The power of those hidden weapons couldn't even break through Marshal Ge Long's soul shield. What do you think? , can you kill the people from Wuhun Palace?"

Prince Xuexing said somewhat depressedly: "Your Majesty, the most powerful Zhuge Divine Crossbow we have tested can break through the defense of a soul master below level 50. If caught by surprise, it can kill the soul king with one strike. Such power is enough to be called An excellent weapon."

"No, Your Highness, this is not enough." Xue Beng shook his head and sighed: "The soul masters who can participate in the battle in Wuhun Palace have at least the soul power level of the soul king, and the soul emperor, soul saint, There are even more Contras than I know how many."

"When Haotian Sect was destroyed, all members of Wuhun Palace must have mobilized. If my guess is correct, the traitor Xue Qinghe may have also participated in this operation. Moreover, I can be sure that those enshrined in Wuhun Palace must be Take action, otherwise Haotian Sect will never be destroyed easily."

"The offerings from the Wuhun Palace!" Hearing this, Prince Xue Xing suddenly took a breath of cold air and said with some fury in his voice: "If the worshipers take action, even our Tiandou Empire will not be the Spirit Palace. His first-hand enemy!"

"Yeah... not to mention there is a peerless Douluo at level ninety-nine." Xue Beng slumped in his chair, as if he had suddenly aged a lot, and murmured: "I would have known that we would face such a desperate situation, this throne It’s okay if I don’t fight.”

"If this throne falls to Xue Qinghe, will the Tiandou Empire be in a different situation? At least it won't end up in a state of ruin when I ascend the throne."

"Your Majesty! You can't think like that!" Hearing Xue Beng's nonsense, Xue Xing quickly stepped forward and comforted him: "Your Majesty, don't we still have Tang San who went to Poseidon Island for training? And Haotian Double Star also Yes. Even if the Haotian Sect is destroyed, the high-end combat power of the Haotian Sect still exists. With them, our Tiandou Empire may not lose to the Spirit Hall!"

Xue Beng looked up at Xue Xing with a hopeful look on his face. He was silent for a moment and sighed: "That's all, uncle, you should call me Xue Beng. I'm a little tired today, so you can go down first."

"Xue Beng..." Prince Xue Xing looked at Xue Beng's tired and helpless expression, his heart trembled slightly, and he said with a bitter face: "Then you should rest early, I will leave first."

After Prince Xue Xing left, the room fell silent again. Xue Beng looked at the Tiandou map on the table. There were red crosses drawn in many places on it. That was the large scale of Wuhun Palace in the past few months. Action, now many kingdoms and principalities have chosen to support Wuhun Palace, and many sects have chosen to attach themselves to the mountain of Wuhun Palace, choosing to openly fight against the Tiandou Empire.

Among them, the most cheerful ones are the Elephant Armor Sect and the Shenglong Sect. Among them, Hu Yanzhen, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, was killed at some point. The current Xiangjia Sect was killed by Tuoba, the leader of the Shenglong Sect. Xisuo took over and heard that Hu Yanzhen's son Hu Yanli refused to be admitted by the Holy Dragon Sect and was beheaded on the spot. It was really sad.

Seven days later, there will be a re-election meeting for the new seven sects. Now the upper three sects have all been destroyed, and the lower four sects have returned to the leadership of Wuhun Palace. The only one the Tiandou Empire can participate in is the Tiandou Royal Academy, but the Tiandou Royal Academy All the academy students were secretly transferred away by Xue Qinghe, and now there are only three major educational committees left in Tiandou Royal Academy.

In other words, the current high-end combat power of the Tiandou Empire is only four Soul Douluo, and ordinary people who are known as millions of heroes but are not soul masters. With this kind of force, they can fight against those who have more than 20,000 Soul Douluo. Master, the army led by the titled Douluo of the Elder Hall is simply seeking death.

Fortunately, Wuhun Palace has not declared its founding yet. In this case, it only needs to wait until Tang San and the Shrek Four Monsters return from Poseidon Island for training before the Tiandou Empire can truly have the strength to fight against the Wuhun Palace branch. , otherwise judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before the Tiandou Empire's gate is breached.

"Father, please protect our Tiandou Empire and help us get through this difficult time..."

At the same time, Xiao organized the station.

In the conference hall of Nuo University, all the elders of the Xiao organization sat together, with Ning Fengzhi at the head, and the others arranged downwards, quietly listening to Ning Fengzhi's analysis of the current situation in the Tiandou Empire.

After all, the destruction of the Haotian Sect was publicized after Wuhun Palace defeated the Haotian Sect. They were so arrogant that they no longer covered it up and provoked the Haotian Sect in person, just to make the Haotian Sect understand. , Wuhun Palace is no longer what it was back then, and Haotian Sect is still the same as before, weak and easily broken at the touch of a finger.

The more they know what Wuhun Palace has done in the past year, the more frightened everyone is, because Wuhun Palace is clearly aiming to unify the continent, and they have not yet closed down all martial arts centers in the two empires. The separate halls of the Soul Palace are like warnings and reminders.

"Everyone, the re-election meeting of the seven major sects will be held in seven days. Today, we are no longer members of each sect, but a member of the alliance of the Akatsuki organization. Therefore, we must consider carefully what the fate of these seven major sects will be. Do you want to participate in the re-election meeting?" Ning Fengzhi's face was gentle, but his voice was extremely serious.

"Elder Ning, I think it's better for us not to participate. After all, no one can tell whether this is a trap set up by Wuhun Palace to catch all of us?" Niu Gao reminded.

"Old rhinoceros, when did you become so timid?" Yang Wudi's eyes moved slightly and he said solemnly: "Even if he is as powerful as the martial soul hall, we Xiao are not vegetarians. Don't do it. I forgot, before Young Master Tang Yin left, he left behind six titled Douluo."

"Coupled with Elder Poison, Elder Sword, and Elder Bone, our Akatsuki is now a large organization with nine titled Douluo."

"I don't believe that the Wuhun Palace really dared to attack us in front of nine Titled Douluo. Don't forget, when the Wuhun Palace attacked the Haotian Sect, none of those old guys at the Titled Douluo level were there. , if so, it’s not certain who will win and who will lose.”

Hearing this, Niu Gao nodded thoughtfully. He really hadn't thought about it so much. After all, as the number of people in the Xiao organization increased, their relationship became better and better. This kind of equal treatment I feel much better than when I served Haotian Sect.

It was precisely because of this harmonious atmosphere that he didn't want the Akatsuki organization to take risks. After all, once a fight broke out, there was no way their Akatsuki background could compare to the Spirit Hall, but if that time came, he would never Will shrink.

"I agree with Old Goat. The re-election conference of the seven major sects is very important. I think we can participate." Tai Tan looked at Ning Fengzhi and said: "Elder Ning, I think participating in this conference may help us get rid of our current situation. , instead of staying in the dark and timidly developing the organization, it is better to make a name for itself in one battle and let Wuhun Palace know that the Douluo Continent is not yet their Wuhun Palace."

"What Elder Taitan said makes sense, what do the other elders think?" Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi nodded, and immediately glanced at the others.

"I have no objection." Bai He waved his hand.

"Neither do I." Dugu Bo stretched out and said calmly: "Anyway, idle time is idle. Since the seven major sect re-election meetings are of great benefit to Xiao, we might as well participate in one so that People in the soul master world know about the existence of the Xiao Organization, which will also be of great help to us in recruiting troops to fight against the Wuhun Palace in the future."

"Where are Uncle Sword and Uncle Bone?" Ning Fengzhi asked softly as his eyes moved to Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

"Fengzhi, come on, we believe you." Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo looked at each other and said in unison.

"Okay, since all the elders agree, then we will give him a head-on blow from the Spirit Hall at the re-election meeting of the seven major sects!" Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed and he laughed: "It's time for the Xiao Organization to let the world see it. See you."


On the other side, Haotian Sect’s new headquarters.

"Damn it! Aren't Wuhun Palace afraid of being punished by God for doing this?" Tang Xiao punched the stone pillar, and the powerful force almost penetrated the stone pillar. When the fist moved away, a deep pit suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Brother, eat something. You haven't eaten for several days." Tang Yuehua walked in with a bowl of millet porridge. After Wuhun Palace destroyed Haotian Sect, she left Yuexuan and found He met Tang Xiao and at the same time met his second brother, Tang Hao, whom he longed for.

However, Tang Xiao and Tang Hao were busy training Tiandou Empire soldiers every day, and their communication with Tang Yuehua was much less, but she didn't care, as long as their family could stay together safely.

But all of this was completely destroyed the moment Wuhun Palace announced the destruction of Haotian Sect.

All the disciples of the Haotian Sect who were guarding the sect were killed. Except for the disciples who stayed in Tiandou City, there were only more than 300 people left in the Haotian Sect inside and outside. This was very difficult for the Haotian Sect, which already had a small number of people. That said, it was an even more devastating blow.

No, after learning that the Haotian Sect was destroyed, Tang Xiao was so angry that he didn't eat for several days. This was because Tang Yuehua, as his sister, felt sorry for him. Otherwise, who else would bring him food in the middle of the night? Freshly cooked millet porridge.

"Hey... Yuehua, it's my eldest brother who is incompetent." After hearing Tang Yuehua's voice, Tang Xiao turned around with a tired expression. His original majestic face became much older. After all, he is a Hao of this generation. The head of Tianzong ended up like this.

"Brother, I can't blame you entirely. After all, none of us knew that Wuhun Palace would take advantage of our absence to attack Haotian Sect. You don't need to take all the blame on yourself." Tang Yuehua With the corners of his eyes red, he gently placed the millet porridge on the table, then hugged Tang Xiao and comforted him.

"Yuehua, you don't understand. I am the leader of the Haotian Sect. Even if I die, the Haotian Sect cannot be destroyed. This is the family fortune accumulated by our Tang family from generation to generation." Tang Xiao sighed heavily, He gently pushed Tang Yuehua away, turned to sit on the chair, and said with dull eyes: "I didn't protect the Haotian Sect. If I didn't come out, how could Wuhun Palace have the courage to attack my Haotian Sect."

"Great-grandfather, father, I'm sorry for you..."

Listening to Tang Xiao's almost collapsed words, Tang Yuehua's heart was full of pain. Although she had never received help from the sect, it was still her home. Now that it was destroyed by Wuhun Palace, how could she not help her? Feeling distressed? Not painful?

The two brothers and sisters just kept crying silently. As the morning approached, Tang Xiao recovered from his grief. He looked at Tang Yuehua who had cried herself to sleep, and gently placed her on his bed and covered her up. After getting under the quilt, I drank the bowl of millet porridge that had cooled down in one gulp.

After a night of mental struggle, Tang Xiao had come out of the grief of his sect being destroyed. Although the destruction of the Haotian Sect was inevitable, waiting for his nephew Tang San to return from Poseidon Island would give him a chance to turn the tide of the war.

"Martial Spirit Hall, just wait. After I regain my strength, your Spirit Hall will be destroyed. At that time, everything your Spirit Hall has done to our Haotian Sect will be repaid a hundred times. This day will not be far away..." (End of Chapter)

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