Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 196 Haotian Sect was destroyed

A month later, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong slowly opened their eyes. After a month of endless training, their bodies had undergone a qualitative leap under this huge pressure.

After cultivating under the class pressure of Destruction Peak, the soul power of Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong also increased quite rapidly. In just over a month, their soul power levels had already exceeded level 60. Even higher.

But without obtaining the sixth soul ring, the two women could not know the specific level of their soul power.

Compared to the two women, Tang Yin's training was not as strenuous, perhaps because he was physically stronger. The pressure he received was not unbearable, and he even felt a little relieved, because he could feel the pressure pouring into his body. A little bit of destructive power, even if it is only one ten millionth, is enough for him now.

Although the increase in soul power level is gratifying, there is one thing that makes the three of them very distressed, that is, apart from practicing, they seem to have no time to eat and take a bath. Fortunately, there are many Ning Rongrong purchases in the Divine Power Space. The three of them could still change into their clothes, but bathing was a big problem.

But just when the three of them were at a loss, Tang Yin suddenly remembered his water escape ninjutsu. According to the rules, martial arts and soul skills cannot be used, but ninjutsu is not among them. In this way, it can be regarded as a There is a loophole in the rules.

Every morning, Tang Yin would activate Water Escape to surround the steps where the three of them were standing with Water Escape, and the best Ninjutsu choice was Water Escape - Water Formation Wall.

The seven original sin gods who were in charge of the exam naturally saw this scene. Although they were very curious about why Tang Yin could release soul skills, they did not take the initiative to ask. After all, this was the ability of the examiner, and martial arts and soul skills had been banned. .

As long as the Destruction Peak does not send out an alarm reminder, then the assessor will have no problem and can continue the assessment.

It can be said that after using the water escape ninjutsu to cleanse the body, Tang Yin and the others feel less depressed. Although they are still wet with sweat every day, their bodies are stinky, and even practicing will affect their minds.

Time was spent in this almost crazy practice. Two months later, Tang Yin's soul power level had reached level 65. With his keen senses, he clearly felt that his body had already reached level 65. Gradually I gained a little bit of divine power, although it wasn't much, but it was better to have it.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were no longer satisfied with practicing at the 200th level, so they spent a month reaching the 300th level where Tang Yin was.

But just after the two of them had just adapted, Tang Yin had already climbed up again, successfully crossing the distance of a hundred steps in just one day.

In fact, based on his physical quality, it is impossible to reach the 400th level so quickly, but with the destructive power of his mortal body, he can already withstand more pressure.

The greater the pressure, the stronger the nourishment of the Divine Power of Destruction. At the 400th level, Tang Yin could already feel the faint pain of tearing in his body. It was the Divine Power of Destruction destroying his body, because he Now he is just a mortal, not a god.

Another month passed, and Tang Yin's body was already faintly exuding a heart-stopping aura of destruction. At the same time, the flashing purple thunder above the Destruction Peak accurately hit Tang Yin who was climbing up.

It turned out that he had climbed five hundred steps. It would be his first time to be baptized by thunder, but it would definitely not be the last time.

Every time he climbed a step, the purple thunder would hit Tang Yin's body. Every blow made Tang Yin's body tremble, and dense blood beads gradually appeared on his forehead. Looking at the black smoke, one can see how much pain Tang Yin was suffering at this time.

Without the two awakened Dragon King soul bones, the life blessing of the Goddess of Life, and the Six Paths Immortal body given to him by the Six Paths Immortal, I am afraid that he would have died under the lightning strike.

"Brother!" Looking at the body stained red by blood, Ning Rongrong couldn't help shouting, tears flowing out uncontrollably. Under the impulse in her body, she wanted to rush forward to stop Tang. silver.

But she couldn't. She and Zhu Zhuqing climbed and progressed together. Even though their physical fitness had been greatly improved, the distance of two hundred steps was like an insurmountable gap, separating them in two worlds.

The corners of Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were red, and she looked at Tang Yin who was climbing up despite the thunder, her nails dug deeply into her palms, and blood flowed down her palms and dripped on the ground.

Once upon a time, she had the dream of chasing Tang Yin and longed to walk side by side instead of just being an accessory by his side. However, just the first test of the divine assessment is enough for people to realize the reality.

Perhaps it was because when she was a child, when she was most helpless, it was Tang Yin's arrival that gave her the determination to move forward without hesitation, and gave her such perseverance and determination.

She still remembered that in her room, Tang Yin was silent for a long time, but finally said to her with a smile, "Only the strong can control their destiny, stand on top of the world, and eliminate all injustices in the world." At that moment, she felt that The weak heart was deeply touched, and a seed was planted to change his destiny and become a strong man.

As time passed, Tang Yin's body gradually became overwhelmed. He had to lift his climbing legs several times, but was still unable to fall down. After going back and forth for a long time, Tang Yin sighed and gave up.

Finally, he stopped at the 588th step, and his body slumped down on the steps. The thunderclouds in the sky gradually disappeared, leaving a bright sunshine.

The sun shone on Tang Yin's somewhat embarrassed body, and the thick black smoke rising from his back, as well as the blood flowing down his cheeks from his forehead, looked extremely scary to the naked eye.

Maybe he knew that his face was a bit ferocious, so in order not to scare Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, he did not look back, but quickly closed his eyes and started practicing without wasting a single minute.

Time is like the tide, it brings everything and takes everything away.


Wuhun Hall, Worship Hall.

The Enshrinement Hall is located at the top of the sacred mountain of Wuhun Hall, and the conference will be at the top of the list. Compared with the Pope's Hall, the Enshrinement Hall is much smaller, but this is the place that all titled Douluo yearn for most.

There are no gorgeous decorations in the worship hall. The whole building is made of simple rocks. But if you look carefully, you will find that there is a very faint golden light on these simple rocks. Touch it with your hands. , you will feel a strange ability swimming in your palm.

At this time, a man was kneeling quietly in front of the huge statue in the center of the worship hall. She is neither a titled Douluo who came to receive the title nor the master of the enshrinement hall. She has another identity, she is the daughter of the current Pope Bibi Dong and the successor chosen by the angel god, Qian Renxue.

The wavy long hair is spread behind her back, straight to the ground. Her hands are in a strange posture in front of her chest, with the thumbs interlocked and the index fingers touching each other, while the other six fingers are spread out to both sides, looking like six The way a winged angel spreads its wings.

Her delicate face was filled with admiration, her eyes were closed, and her body was always shrouded in a faint golden halo.

"The Nine Angel Exams, it turned out to be the Nine Angel Exams!" Qian Daoliu stood in front of Qian Renxue, with a special and strange brilliance in his eyes.

Listening to Qian Daoliu's excited voice, Qian Renxue opened her eyes with some difficulty and looked at him in confusion, "Grandpa, did I succeed?"

Qian Daoliu's eyes flashed with a soft light, "Xiaoxue, you succeeded, grandpa is proud of you. In the future, you will replace me and be in charge of the worship hall."

Qian Renxue looked at Qian Daoliu blankly, "Grandpa, what do you mean by this? Do you want to leave the enshrinement hall?"

Qian Daoliu smiled calmly and said: "No, Xiaoxue, you will have to complete nine tests from the angel god for a long time in the future. Before that, grandpa will always be with you."



At the foot of Haotian Sect Mountain.

The soul masters of Wuhun Palace surged like a tide, tens of thousands of them, and they lined up at the foot of the Haotian Sect. This was originally a peaceful and poor place, but it was reduced to ruins under the iron heel of Wuhun Palace. Except for a few lucky ones who managed to escape, the rest all became dead souls under the sword of the soul master of Wuhun Palace.

In this solemn atmosphere, Pope Bibi Dong walked out of the army, surrounded by Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. Her appearance was like the brightest star in the night sky, immediately attracting the attention of all soul masters. They shouted in unison: "See the Pope!" The sound shook the valley and echoed endlessly.

Bibi Dong raised her hand slightly, and a huge wave of soul power blew in her face like a spring breeze, gently lifting up the soul masters who were kneeling in worship. Her voice was cold and majestic: "No need to be polite, we are gathered here today for justice and glory."

A Contra knelt respectfully in front of Bibi Dong, with a hint of awe in his voice: "His Majesty the Pope, we have arrived at the foot of the Haotian Sect Mountain. Please give us your order."

A sharp light flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, and she stared at the towering mountain peaks, above which was the indestructible Haotian Sect. She took a deep breath and said in a firm and cold voice: "Then, let us step onto the mountain top of Haotian Sect together, and let this arrogant sect turn to ashes under our feet!"

As her order fell, the morale of thousands of soul masters was instantly ignited. Under the leadership of several titled Douluo, they rushed towards the Haotian Sect like a dragon crossing a river.

Soul masters with plant-type martial souls use their own plant-based toughness to forge a path to the Haotian Sect for thousands of soul masters.

This was what they had thought about before they came. The Haotian Sect had been standing in the world of soul masters for so long, so it must have its own heritage. And since their Spirit Hall wanted to destroy the Haotian Sect, they naturally had a lot of preparations.

Five Enshrined Light Ling Douluo stood on Qingluan Douluo, who had transformed into a martial soul beast. The Light Ling Longbow in his hand had dual attributes of light and ice, and he was at the absolute commanding heights. Those of the Haotian Sect who had not yet reacted The soul master soon died under his invisible arrow.

After some reconnaissance Haotian Sect disciples heard a strange noise and were about to send out an alarm signal, they were slaughtered by a titled Douluo hiding in the shadows. That was Ghost Leopard Douluo.

Now that more than a dozen titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace are dispatched together, even those as powerful as the Haotian Sect will never be able to react. Moreover, once the disciples outside the Haotian Castle die, they will be quickly cleaned up by Ghost Douluo's ghost hands. Leave no trace.

As a result, the soul masters from Wuhun Palace poured into the Haotian Sect like a broken bamboo. The disciples of the Haotian Sect wanted to resist, but in the face of more than a dozen titled Douluo, they were a group of souls who were not even Soul Douluo. Master, how can we resist?

The ice arrows all over the sky turned into raindrops and fell. The Haotian Sect disciples had no means of resistance. The crossbow arrows landed on their bodies and made a tinkling sound. In just the blink of an eye, countless Haotian Sect disciples turned into ice sculptures and then shattered into pieces. ice cubes.

Looking at the disciples of the Haotian Sect who couldn't even get out of the gate of Haotian Castle, the spirit masters of the Wuhun Palace who had been assigned to the Haotian Sect laughed one after another, "What nonsense is the number one sect in the world? It's just that our Wuhun Palace doesn't have it." Just take care of it.”

"Come on! Kill!"

Densely packed soul rings were released from the soul masters of Wuhun Palace. One-third of these soul masters brought by Wuhun Palace were agility and attack type soul masters. They all now spread their wings and fanned towards them. Fly towards the Haotian Sect's castle.

In just a moment, the Haotian Sect's castle was already in chaos.


One after another, shrill screams rang out. There were only two to three thousand disciples stationed in the Haotian Sect, and most of them were elderly soul masters. Even though they had a geographical advantage, they couldn't even get out of the gate. This so-called What's the use of the advantage?

Immediately afterwards, every time the titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace activated their soul skills, they would take away the lives of a large number of Haotian Sect soul masters. The other soul masters of Wuhun Palace would cooperate with the titled Douluo to kill those soul masters. The teacher drove them all to death.

"Destruction is really exciting."

A cold voice came from the sky, and a woman wearing a red feather robe appeared directly above the Haotian Sect Castle with a big bird covered in flames at her feet.

"The eighth soul skill, blood boiling!"

As this low shout fell, countless flaming feathers fell from the air. The moment these flaming feathers landed, a violent explosion occurred, directly blowing up the disciples of the Haotian Sect.

"I'm coming too! The eighth soul skill, Mount Tai Meteor Pendant!"

There was another round of explosions, but this time, even the Haotian Sect's castle was breached.

This battle lasted all night. When Bibi Dong walked into the dilapidated Haotian Sect, her brows furrowed slightly. She waved her hand and summoned Ju Douluo, "Elder Ju. , why don’t you see those old guys from Haotian Sect?”

Ju Douluo said tremblingly: "His Majesty the Pope, not all the people from the Haotian Sect are here. Their sect leader Tang Xiao took those old guys to live in Tiandou City, so in this battle , and there are no them.”

"Really?" A cold light flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, "They are lucky."

"His Majesty the Pope, let us now..." Ju Douluo asked in a low voice.

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, "Calculate the casualties. Now I have to absorb their aura of death and resentment."

"As you command, Your Majesty the Pope." (End of this chapter)

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