Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 74 074: Three hundred thousand year soul beasts!

Kong grabbed Dugu Yan and quietly retreated behind everyone. This retreat was more than three hundred meters.

A hint of joy flashed in the red-eyed Xiao Wu's eyes, here it comes, it's finally here!

Before Er Ming arrived, she had no confidence to fall out with Flanders and others. Now, it was different.

She looked at the Shrek crowd again, and then looked at...? ? ?

Where are people?

Where did Yu Tiantian and Dugu Yanren go?

Xiao Wu was a little confused and confused, but she quickly came to her senses. They just left, it didn't matter.

As for Oscar and Flender, they must be buried with the thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit!

As for Tang San and Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai can't stay either, Tang San...

"Tang San, Third Brother, if I spare your life this time, I can repay your care for the past six years!"

Xiao Wu thought to himself.

"Hey, if it's just Er Ming, the momentum won't be so huge. Won't Daming come too?"

That's right, Er Ming, the Titan Giant Ape, was about to come over after feeling Xiao Wu's aura, but tomorrow the Green Bull Python came out from under the water.

It always felt that Xiao Wu might have encountered danger, otherwise he would not take the initiative to release his breath.

The two arrived in a hurry, destroying countless towering trees and scaring away many "low" level soul beasts along the way.

"Roar~" Two beastly roars were deafening, bringing Flanders back to his senses.

Flanders swallowed, there was something wrong with this breath!

"Run, run! A super soul beast is coming!"

Flanders said with a pale face, then he grabbed the nearest Oscar with one hand, and Dai Mubai next to Oscar with the other hand. At this time, there was no time to think too much, save every one of them!

Whoever is near will be saved!

If you keep complaining, maybe no one can save you.

Flanders was very decisive, and instantly possessed his martial soul, and his seventh soul ring flashed.

"The seventh soul skill: Martial Soul True Body!"

Flender's martial spirit is a four-eyed cat eagle. After releasing the true form of the martial spirit, his figure disappeared and turned into a giant cat eagle. On the two talons, it clutched a confused face. Oscar and Dai Mubai.

The two of them have not come back to their senses until this moment!

"Xiao Wu, Tang San, you also run quickly!"

When Flanders was about to leave, he found Xiao Wu standing there motionless, as if she was stupid. The same was true for Tang San, which made him unable to hold back and shouted.

Then, no matter whether they ran or not, Flanders waved his wings and prepared to escape from the Star Forest!

Who knew that such a terrifying existence would appear outside the Star Dou Forest!

Suddenly, the expressions of Oscar and Dai Mubai changed, and Flanders transformed into a four-eyed cat eagle, with a hint of horror flashing in its four eagle eyes!



The three people fell from the sky instantly and hit the ground hard, unable to move.

Flanders is very familiar with gravity. Zao Wuji has two soul skills related to gravity. However, Zhao Wuji's gravity is like the light of a firefly in front of this gravity!

The three of them fell unconscious, and Oscar was the weakest. The force of gravity almost caused him to explode and die!

Even if he is not dead, Oscar is still bleeding from all his orifices at this time. If he is not treated in time, he may end up here. Six years later, it’s another reincarnation...


If Flanders doesn't run away, the Titan Giant Ape will not release the gravity field. It will observe the situation first and then run away before Flanders sees it. What if it is a bad guy who is planning to hunt down Xiao Wu? ?

The Titan ape's brain is not very good to begin with, and those who can use force will never be unreasonable unless they can't be defeated.

Tang Hao's expression changed in the dark. This one hundred thousand year soft-bone rabbit actually attracted two one hundred thousand year soul beasts?

"What should I do? There is still a chance to take her away now. If it is too late, it will be difficult to find opportunities in the future."

"Three hundred thousand year soul beasts, if Xiao San's second martial soul is absorbed..."

Tang Hao was a little entangled in his heart. Tang San and Xiao Wu had such a good relationship, and there was a high chance that Xiao Wu would sacrifice to him in the future.

If I could persuade these two beast kings to sacrifice themselves, or put on a play...

Then Tang San would be able to possess three hundred thousand year soul rings.

But now he was a little unsure. Not only Xiao Wu couldn't stand Tang San's previous words and actions, but even he, Tang Hao, was a little numb.

"Have a look first?"

Tang Hao still had some illusions in his heart. After all, Tang San had lived with Xiao Wu for six years, so he should have feelings for her. Xiao Wu should be able to forgive what Tang San said before, right?

Not long after, two behemoths appeared in front of everyone, especially the Titan ape, which was larger than the azure bull python beside it.

"Da Ming, Er Ming! Kill them!"

Xiao Wu exclaimed, pointing in the direction of Flanders and others, and said.

She wants to avenge the thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit. This soft-bone rabbit is not only a member of the same race, but may also be her descendant!

Flanders: "???"

what's the situation?

Flender looked at Xiao Wu with a confused expression. He was confused and confused.

I saw the Titan Ape reaching out a hand in front of Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu followed the trend and stood on the Titan Ape's shoulders. Only then did Flanders "suddenly realize"!

"Xiao Wu is not a human being!"

He remembered a legend. According to the legend, a hundred thousand year old soul beast could transform into a human being and then practice like a human being.

No wonder, no wonder Xiaodan is so opposed to hunting this soft-bone rabbit!

"Okay, Sister Xiaowu!"

Er Ming nodded and said angrily.

As Xiao Wu's loyal licker, Xiao Wu will do whatever he says. His life was saved by Xiao Wu and Xiao Wu's mother. It is his duty to protect Xiao Wu!


Tang San's expression also changed at this time, a soul beast that can speak human words, this is a hundred thousand year level soul beast!

The Azure Bull Python didn't move. It always felt that something was wrong at the scene. It smelled like a Titled Douluo or a Contra!

The Titan Giant Ape dragged Xiao Wu towards Flanders and the others. The Azure Bull Python did not stop him. It wanted to see what the titled Douluo was going to do.

The Azure Bull Python followed behind the Titan Ape and Xiao Wu calmly, just waiting for the Titled Douluo to take action. As for the Contra, it didn't pay attention at all.

It was quite a coincidence that Tang San was located between the Titan Ape and Flanders and the others. With the Titan Ape's size, he wouldn't care about such a tiny insect at all. Except of course Xiao Wu.

Looking at the big feet rushing towards him, Tang San's whole body went numb!

what to do?

Xiao Wu also didn't pay attention to Tang San. She was bent on revenge, just to kill Flanders and Oscar and avenge the Thousand-Year Silky Bone Rabbit. Tang San, she was ready to let him go, after all, she had been in love for six years.

From now on, the world is far apart.

Unexpectedly, the Titan Giant Ape stepped towards Tang San...

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