"Oscar, why don't you do it?"

Seeing this, Flanders quickly said to Oscar.

Change will happen later!

"Yes, yes! Dean!"

Oscar didn't dare to refute, so he took out a dagger and pointed it at the Thousand-Year-Old Skeleton Rabbit's neck...


Xiao Wu didn't dare to look at this scene at all, and turned her back to everyone.

"Dean, it's true, Yu Tiantian didn't lie to us. This soft-bone rabbit really has a head soul bone!"

Oscar said in surprise.

After hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked at Sora not far away, with some doubts in their hearts. How on earth could he tell that this soft-bone rabbit had a head soul bone?

You must know that this soft-bone rabbit is just a soul beast that has just reached the millennium. The probability of exploding a soul bone is less than one thousandth. How did he guess that it has a soul bone and accurately say that it has a thousand-year soul? Bone?

Everyone was confused and puzzled.

Fortunately, Flanders was not dazzled by the surprise, and quickly took out the soul bone from the head of the Thousand-Year Silky Bone Rabbit and put it into the storage soul guide. Then he said to Oscar: "Oscar, you absorb the soul ring first, and then distribute this soul bone after you return to the academy."

Fortunately, Kong is not interested in this soul bone, otherwise this soul bone might not have to be offered directly.

Flanders breathed a sigh of relief. Thousand-year-old soul bones had no appeal at all to a strong man of his level. They were like Kun ribs, tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

Might as well be assigned to these young people, they have a bright future.

The first thing he thought of was Xiao Wu, yes, Xiao Wu, not Oscar for obtaining this soft-bone rabbit soul ring.

Xiao Wu's martial soul is the Soft Bone Rabbit, and her soul power level has reached level 29. After absorbing this soul bone, Xiao Wu's strength will definitely reach level 30!

The soft-bone rabbit soul bone and the soft-bone rabbit martial spirit are simply not a good match!

The second consideration is Oscar. Oscar has absorbed the soul ring of this soft-bone rabbit, and then absorbed its soul bone, and the effect will be maximized.

They are all his own students, and what he, Flanders, focuses on is fairness and justice.

As for Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, they were not within the scope of his consideration, because this soul bone was not suitable for them.

"Song, how do you know that this soft-bone rabbit has a head soul bone?"

Dugu Yan asked doubtfully. She thought Kong was just here for fun. Even though she firmly believed in Kong, she was still very confused about this kind of thing.

Except for the hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts that must explode soul bones, other soul beasts, even the ninety-thousand-year-old soul beasts, may not necessarily possess soul bones!

But Kong was able to tell that this thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit had a soul bone, and he also said very accurately that it was a head soul bone. How could this not make Dugu Yan confused?

"It's very simple. This soft-bone rabbit had very deep resentment before it fainted."

When he said this, Kong looked at Xiao Wu and did not continue.

If it was simply killed, its resentment would not be so great. It was because of Xiao Wu that it would have such great resentment!

It was like a fairy dancing. He was attracted by Xiao Wu, but as a result, he was almost killed by Flanders...

How could it not complain? The resentment is so high!

After hearing this, Xiao Wu's face turned pale, and she was even more tearful at this moment. It was all her fault. If it hadn't been for her, this soft-bone rabbit would not have died!


What is the relationship between soul bones and deep resentment?

Dugu Yan was confused, but she didn't continue to ask. The content that followed might be Kong's secret. When asked in front of so many outsiders, she was really ignorant.

Sora's wife, um ~ I don't know where she came from. When she was with Sora, she was silly and dull. She didn't ask anything. She was very interested in what Sora took her to do and what to eat. Clever.

Is it because of this reason?

Dugu Yan fell into deep thought.

Could it be because of this reason?

Dugu Yan looked down at his feet again!

"If you have time, talk to Zhu Zhuqing and see if she has any ideas. This method should be shared!"

Dugu Yan secretly thought, already making a decision in his heart.

Oscar is sitting cross-legged, absorbing the soul ring, and with Flanders protecting him, he has nothing to worry about.

If Flanders can beat him, don't worry. If Flanders can't beat him, what's the use of a food-type soul master worrying?

Time passed minute by minute, almost more than an hour later, Oscar opened his eyes. A hint of joy flashed in his eyes. This soul skill is not bad!

A quasi-soul master can absorb a soul ring that is more than a thousand years old. Even a food-type soul master has no pressure.

The age of this soft-bone rabbit is only a thousand and a few years.

It's that kind of soul beast that has just passed through the millennium. It's not difficult for Oscar to absorb its soul ring.

"Dean, I succeeded! I successfully broke through to Level 31!"

Oscar said with a happy face.

From now on, he can receive one hundred gold soul coins every month from Wuhun Palace!

Of course, this subsidy will disappear after he breaks through to level 40.

"Very well, Oscar, you did not disappoint me!"

Flanders smiled, patted Oscar on the shoulder and said.

Then he looked at Tang San again and continued: "Tang San, do you have any thoughts about your third spirit ring?"

Because Oscar was absorbing the soul ring, Flanders didn't ask about it before.

Oscar: "..."

Oscar's eyes twitched, and he didn't even ask what soul skills he had obtained?

You know, the soul skill he obtained is very powerful!

Unfortunately, I can only make three in a day.

Tang San looked overjoyed, was it finally him again? Wait, why say another one?

Well, this topic was interrupted before because of the arrival of the thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit.

"Dean, I want to hear the teacher's thoughts on my third soul ring. He has told me before that I should either kill a thousand-year-old mandala snake to strengthen the first soul skill, or look for a spider-like soul beast. , vine-type soul beasts, and snake-type soul beasts can also be used."

Tang San recalled a little and said.

His own thoughts were the same. The first soul skill, Blue Silver Coil, was very easy to use. Coupled with the toughness of the Mandala Snake, his Blue Silver Grass became very powerful.

If he can absorb another mandala snake's soul ring, according to the master's theory, the toughness of his blue silver grass martial soul will be raised to a new level. When using entanglement, except for the fire attribute soul master, ordinary soul masters It was simply impossible to break free.

Spider-type soul beasts are generally quite poisonous. The main purpose of absorbing their soul rings is to increase the toxicity of the Blue Silver Grass martial soul. As for the soul skills obtained, it is secondary.

Flanders nodded, he still very much agreed with Yu Xiaogang's theory. Yu Xiaogang is his brother after all.

At this moment, the ground shook...

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