Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 55 055: Determination, Courage

"Hongjun, have you considered what to do with the method Yu Tiantian told you?"

With Flender's soul power cultivation, he naturally heard the conversation between Kong and Ma Hongjun.

These contents made his face look very ugly.

Because, what Yu Tiantian said is very likely to be true!

As the young master of the best beast spirit sect in the world, his understanding of beast spirits is definitely not comparable to that of a wild man like Flanders.

"Old, teacher!"

Seeing Flanders, Ma Hongjun had a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and then a glimmer of doubt.

Flanders asking this means that he knows what happened before, so why, why should he and Dai Mubai be so humiliated!

Ma Hongjun was very puzzled and confused. You must know that Flanders has always been very protective of his calf.

What's more, Ma Hongjun is Flanders' direct disciple. When has he ever suffered such humiliation in Soto City!

"Teacher, why?"

Ma Hongjun was still young and didn't understand why Flanders did this.

Dai Mubai knelt down and said those incomprehensible words, saying that he couldn't defeat Kong and just wanted to live. This was understandable, as Kong's soul power level might be higher than Dai Mubai's.

However, no matter how high Kong's soul power level is, it can't be higher than level 78 Flanders, right?

Looking at Ma Hongjun's confused eyes, Flanders sighed.

If Kong really wanted to kill him, of course he would take action, even if he couldn't beat him.

But the other party just wanted to educate Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, and there was a solution to the evil fire, so how dare he take action!

"A little experience. The world of soul masters is like the jungle. You will eventually leave your master and go out to explore. When your master is away, you must learn how to protect yourself."


Flanders said earnestly.

He also wanted to be brave, let alone in front of his disciples, how could he say that he was afraid of the strong man behind Kong, and that he himself might not be able to defeat Kong!

This matter can only be "enlightened" by Ma Hongjun himself! It would be so shameful for Flanders to say it himself!

"I see!"

Ma Hongjun "suddenly realized" and there was light in his eyes again, but his expression became extremely weird and a little sad.

Kong has already said the way to solve the evil fire, but if he uses this method, Ma Hongjun will have no future in this life!

"Teacher, I..."

Ma Hongjun hesitated. If he wanted to keep his cultivation and martial spirit, he would have to lose his life.

To save his life without losing his cultivation and martial spirit, his brother...

Flanders patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder and said: "With your talent, there is no problem reaching level 40 before the age of 20. Once you reach level 40, the evil fire will explode..."

Without going on, for Flanders, Ma Hongjun was not only his direct disciple, but also as a biological son.

"Before that, you can either stay..."

Before Flanders could finish speaking, Ma Hongjun gritted his teeth and his eyes became firm.

Because Kongyou told him before that once the evil fire problem is solved and he doesn't have to suppress the evil fire, his cultivation speed will be improved.

It goes without saying that Ma Hongjun and Flanders both know this. With Ma Hongjun’s innate soul power of level nine and a half, if he didn’t need to suppress the evil fire, he wouldn’t be twelve years old and only level twenty-six. strength.

"Teacher, I have decided to completely eliminate the hidden danger of evil fire!"

"I don't want to be like Dai Mubai, the only way to face a strong man is to kneel down. I want to become a strong man like Kong!"

"You have no hope of breaking through to a Titled Douluo in this life. If I solve the evil fire problem, it is very likely that I can accomplish what you cannot accomplish!"

After hearing this, Flender's face darkened. Once you decide, it's decided! What are you talking about?

No hope of breaking through to Titled Douluo? How many people in this world have broken through to the title of Douluo!

"Okay, then you have to work hard!"

Flanders said angrily with a dark face.

Even if he belittles Dai Mubai, this guy won't even let his teacher go!

Forget it, this is his direct disciple, the only direct disciple, and those who need him to support him in old age cannot be beaten!

Flanders muttered in his mind.

"Teacher, who is that Kong? Dai Mubai seems to be very afraid of him."

Ma Hongjun asked about the doubts in his heart. He was a little confused before, who was the young sect master, who was the elder, and so on.

After hearing this, Flanders looked serious.

"Kong, whose full name is Jade Sky, is the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. None of the people you saw before are simple."

"Dugu Yan, that is, the woman next to Kong, she is the granddaughter of Poison Douluo Dugu Bo."

"Ning Rongrong, the daughter of the head of the Qibao Glazed Sect and the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect."

"As for the others, the Imperial Battle Team is also not simple. The person called the captain should be a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. As for the specific identity, I don't know."

Ma Hongjun: "!!!"

Good guys, in the future of the three Sects, two appear here!

Even though the teaching at Shrek Academy is really not that good, the academy still teaches you about the understanding of the three upper sects. After all, this means you can't mess with him!

Those are the three most powerful sects in the world!

Each one represents the top power on Douluo Continent!

When talking about the young sect leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Flender's expression was actually a little weird. He could understand that Sora was made the young sect leader with such talent and talent, but he was not a beast spirit!

The best beast spirit sect in the world, their young master’s spirit is actually a weapon spirit. Isn’t this nonsense?

Come, come, I'll give you a seat in the Haotian Sect!

"The reason why Dai Mubai is afraid of Jade Sky is not because he is afraid of the power behind Jade Sky, but because this Kong is too evil."

Having said this, Flanders looked at Ma Hongjun and continued: "Old Zhao was injured by the air! Now you understand!"

Ma Hongjun still knew that Zhao Wuki was injured yesterday, but he thought that Zhao Wuki was injured while sparring with Flanders.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wuji was actually injured by the air!

"Teacher Zhao, he is a level 76 fighting soul saint! This Kong..."

Ma Hongjun was shocked. He suddenly understood why Dai Mubai knelt down! If he knew about this, he might kneel down faster than Dai Mubai!

"This kid is not simple. At the same age as you, he is already a Level 62 Battle Soul Emperor."

Ma Hongjun: "Hi~"

It took a breath of fresh air and made an outstanding contribution to the warming of the Far North.

After a long while, Ma Hongjun said to Flanders: "Teacher, it is urgent to solve the evil fire issue. I must practice hard! As for that matter, I will think of a solution after I reach the level of Titled Douluo..."

"Okay, I'll prepare a sharper knife for you, Master..."

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