Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 54 054: When you lower your head and cannot see your toes, you are the most beautiful person

"Some things really can't be said in person."

"You don't want the face, I still want it!"

Kong and Ma Hongjun thought to themselves.

Ning Rongrong was confused, and neither Kong nor Ma Hongjun said anything, which made her more curious.

"Thank you."

Zhu Zhuqing broke the silence at this time and spoke to the sky tenderly. Her voice was ethereal and had a hint of coolness.

Kong repeatedly emphasized that he was simply unhappy with Dai Mubai, but everything he did was seen by Zhu Zhuqing.

Why didn't he stand up, but he stood up when she was in the most critical moment? How could he just be unhappy with Dai Mubai!

Kong's words deeply touched Zhu Zhuqing's frozen heart.

"Then have you ever thought about it, she just wants to live!"

At that moment, Zhu Zhuqing felt like she had met her soulmate, and she was so moved!

It’s just a girl over eleven years old, who has never seen such a scene!

Dugu Yan: "I haven't seen it either!"

Everyone present could see the loving look in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes. Even Ning Rongrong, who had no emotional intelligence, could see it now.

This Zhu Zhuqing is interesting to Kong!

"Yo yo yo!"


"The hero saves the beauty and pledges himself to her. Your empty eyes almost melt!"

Ning Rongrong didn't have much emotional intelligence. At this time, she just said whatever she had and didn't have so many ideas.

Hadn't she imagined such a thing before?

After saying this, Ning Rongrong's face turned slightly red, while Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red!

The girl's thoughts were exposed in front of her, and her iceberg beauty persona collapsed instantly.


"I, I just, just thank Sora."

Zhu Zhuqing said with some lack of confidence.

After saying this, he lowered his head, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Girl, if you lower your head and don't see your toes, you will be the most beautiful in the world!"

"No matter how you understand it, you fit it in!"

"Practice hard!"

Sora smiled and said.

Whether it was the literal meaning or the deeper meaning, Zhu Zhuqing perfectly fit this sentence at this time, and Sora also said it smoothly.

Being admired by a beautiful woman, isn’t this a kind of happiness?

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned, and Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan were also stunned.

Kong completely forgot about soul masters. Almost all the knowledge he learned was related to the soul master profession.

Reading comprehension is not what soul masters are good at!

If they can understand the surface meaning, it is already very touching.

Zhu Zhuqing's face turned crimson, and he lowered his head. Sure enough, he couldn't see his toes! too rogue!

However, if he likes it, it's not impossible.

Stunning beauty in the world! He is praising her!

Zhu Zhuqing is very lucky that his genes are strong!

After glancing at Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan, who had their heads lowered, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but straighten his back, with a hint of disdain and contempt in his eyes.

Humph, vulnerable!

"I will practice hard!"

Zhu Zhuqing said firmly.

She has understood since she was a child that if she wants to control her own destiny, she must practice hard and work hard to become stronger.

Kong is only a few months older than her, but his soul power level is beyond her reach. She will definitely work hard to practice and try to narrow the gap between them.

"Team, captain... your young sect leader is really good at flirting!"

Yufeng said with an envious look on his face, he was already very old and still single, but where was the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect? I heard Yu Tianheng say before that if you calculate his age, he is only twelve years old this year.

He is really good at it!

Shi Mo, the two brothers Shi Mo and Osluo nodded, with admiration written all over their faces.

Yu Tianheng was numb. He finally understood why the girl he had a crush on didn't like him.

Compared with Kong, Yu Tianheng can't even speak!

Young Sect Master, I want to learn this! !

Yu Tianheng shouted in his heart.

The smile on Ning Rongrong's face froze, gradually disappeared, and finally she looked at Kong with a sad face.

If you flirt with girls, just flirt with girls, why would you hurt other people?

Is it great to be big?


The smile on Dugu Yan's face also froze, but she had been hit several times, so she quickly calmed down and decided to ask Zhu Zhuqing for advice if she had time.

Seeing this, Sora was slightly startled, a little confused.

What do these guys look like? Wouldn't they not understand the meaning of this?

Or did they just take it literally?

Thinking of this, Kong was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig out three rooms and one living room on the ground with his toes.

Forget it, I don’t have the same experience as these guys!

"Ahem, it's getting late. Let's say goodbye and see you all again!"

After Sora said this, he ignored everyone and walked towards the Rose Hotel.

After walking a few steps, he found those scorching eyes still staring at him. Sora no longer cared about his image and just ran...

Wait, I seem to have forgotten something!

Sora, who had just run out a few steps, ran back again, placed a gold soul coin on the table, and then ran to the Rose Hotel without looking back.

Everyone: "..."

Dugu Yan: You have forgotten me!

Dugu Yan stood up quickly, without saying hello to everyone, and ran in the direction of Kong's "escape".

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were the first to react. They looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

"Yu Tianheng, we are leaving too."

Ning Rongrong said to Yu Tianheng that she was not familiar with the other people, so she didn't say hello.

Before Yu Tianheng could come to his senses, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing had already walked away.

After a while, Yufeng patted Yu Tianheng's shoulder and said, "Boss, why don't we leave too?"

Everyone you know has run away, so why are you still here? Late night snack?

"Let's go."

Yu Tianheng waved his hand and left with the Huang Dou team.

Ma Hongjun, who was kneeling, was a little confused. He wanted to ask if there were any other ways to deal with the evil fire!

Everyone left, and Ma Hongjun also stood up from the ground, his mind filled with Kong's previous words.

He didn't even pay attention to the interaction between Zhu Zhuqing and Kong.

At this moment, a figure appeared next to Ma Hongjun. This figure was none other than Flanders, the dean of Shrek Academy.

The academy suddenly lost four...three students. How could he not worry about their safety.

He did not expect that Zhu Zhuqing would leave with Ning Rongrong. But Flanders didn't really care, so he just left.

Flender said that he would have the first class tomorrow. Firstly, he was mentally depressed, and secondly, he wanted to give the students some time to choose whether to stay or go.

Those who want to stay will stay, and those who want to leave cannot be stopped.

When Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun met Kong and the others, Flanders was already in the dark, but he never appeared.

Flanders didn't know the matter between Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing before, but he didn't expect it to be so complicated!

These are beyond the control of a teacher like him...

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