Meng Yuan couldn't figure out for the time being what kind of medicine this direct descendant of Qianjia was selling in the gourd, and wanted to change the topic.

For example, let’s talk about Xing Luo…

"With the Star Luo Empire here, there won't be much friction between the Spirit Hall and the empire."

"Xing Luo is the biggest enemy."

The Star Luo threat theory is now the most famous theory on the mainland. In this generation of the Xingluo royal family, the emperor and the queen are both titled Douluo, and their martial soul fusion skills can even suppress Yu Yuanzhen head-on.

Moreover, the law of the jungle respected in the country also attracted many powerful soul masters.

There are no legal constraints on the strong there. As long as your strength can support you, there is nothing you can't do.

The entire country, from top to bottom, is filled with a strong expansionist mindset.

The most important thing is that in Wuhun Palace, many talented soul masters who have emerged like to run to Xingluo.

This has led to the fact that over the past hundreds of years, even if Wuhun Palace wanted to go astray, it had to reconsider its internal thinking.

The basic base of the Pope Sect is these soul masters who went to Star Luo to develop.

Among the nine elders, Ghost Leopard and Demon Bear are the great nobles from Xingluo.

Especially more than ten years ago, after the Haotian Sect, the head of the three upper sects' weapon souls, was poached by Xingluo, this had a greater impact on Tiandou.

The reason why Tiandou's sect power is so strong has a lot to do with Xingluo's external threats.

If the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect also fall to Xing Luo, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

This is also the reason why the Tiandou royal family urgently needs a titled Douluo who can be used.

"Brother Xue, the Star Luo Empire is getting stronger and stronger now."

"Not even the Spirit Hall found any trace of Dark Crow Douluo, who was named a national master not long ago."

And Xue Qinghe's eyes also flashed with a solemn look. This sudden appearance of the titled Douluo was indeed not part of the plan.

Meng Yuan continued: "It is rumored that the Xingluo royal family also secretly cultivated a powerful titled Douluo."

Although Dai Tianjiao couldn't defeat Yu Yuanzhen, he didn't have much pressure to hold him back.

The remaining three can also delay Tiandou's title ban for a while.

If they only relied on fighting above Soul Douluo, unless the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect were fully involved, the nobles of Xingluo would be able to easily destroy Tiandou's army of soul masters.

Now that the situation is over, the best outcome for the Tiandou royal family may be to surrender. After all, managing a country requires enough manpower.

"On the bright side, there are four titled Douluo in Xingluo. We can't expect the Wuhun Palace, especially the current Pope, to have no interest in balancing the balance between the various forces in the mainland."

Mengyuan was telling the truth.

But now that Bibi Dong is in seclusion, Hu Liena should take the initiative to intervene in this dispute. After all, Tiandou's collapse was an absolutely unacceptable loss to Wuhun Palace.

Xue Qinghe stood up: "Brother Meng, come with me for a walk."

She doesn't like to sit still when she's upset.

When Wuhundian couldn't take action openly, she hated this kind of relationship that was responsible for the safety and interests of a country.

After wearing the mask on the face for a long time, the person will be assimilated. Qian Renxue has become immersed in the role of Xue Qinghe. She really thinks of herself as a prince.

"Xing Luo is indeed the biggest cancer threatening the mainland."

Speaking of this, Xue Qinghe's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Xing Luo's expansion policy and the jungle laws it abides by domestically are not consistent with the teachings of Wuhun Palace.

The Wuhun Palace's influence in Xingluo is quite limited, and most of the people who join Xingluo are ambitious people. These people basically help whoever is stronger.

The base of the papists is these people.

"In the past few years, Dai Tianjiao has been recuperating and recuperating, and has continued to expand his soul master army. He is likely to make a comeback. I hope His Highness the Crown Prince will take precautions."

Here, Meng Yuan changed his title to show the seriousness of the current situation.

According to the current level of collapse of the Tiandou Army, if the Star Luo Empire does not prepare in advance, once the Star Luo Empire plans to expand its military results... it will really be out of control.

Now that the Holy Spirit Church has not developed, we must control the intensity of the war and grasp the direction of the war.

Mengyuan also reminded Prince Bubu to activate the secrets in the Xingluo Temple to obtain information in advance to prepare.

Xue Qinghe frowned and said, "It's been a troubled time. Now that the peace has lasted for a long time, the empire's military force has relaxed. Moreover, my father's continuous disarmament in recent years has the intention of weakening the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, but he has ignored the changes in the situation in recent years."

Mengyuan nodded and continued to promote his theory of Xingluo threat.

Including, but not limited to, Xingluo may use beheading operations, or make some spirit masters from small countries disappear as a diplomatic deterrent, or it may take over several small countries and expand its territory by gradually encroaching.

The disappearance of the soul master was to provide a cover for the Holy Spirit Cult's subsequent actions. At least the first thing that made Xue Qinghe think was why did Xing Luo do this? What is the purpose.

As long as the fake prince has no intention of delving deeper, the activities of the Holy Spirit Sect can be guaranteed to be absolutely secretive.

Soldiers are valuable and quick, but information is also delayed.

The two people who were still chatting in the garden did not know that the war had quietly started.

The Principality of Salk is a vassal state of the Tiandou Empire.

Star Luo General Zhao Xin used the excuse that "the third prince was missing in the territory" and asked Salk to open the city and let him lead an army to search for him.

Grand Duke Salk's attitude was also quite tough. While asking for help from Tiandou, he closed the city to resist.

It's a pity that in front of the Xingluo army with abundant military virtue, a mere principality was captured in the blink of an eye.

The Star Luo Empire quickly sealed off the entire city and carried out a round of cleaning and recruitment of the soul masters in the city... This scene was repeated in more than a dozen principalities and princes.

Of course, Xing Luo did not wield the butcher's knife cruelly against the local leader.

They came under the banner of looking for someone, and they have innate "righteousness". Now they are just blocking the city for a while. After finding the person, they will return the city to the original owner.

Dai Tianjiao was now fully convinced that Emperor Xue Ye did not dare to fall out, and would definitely adopt an appeasement policy when faced with this situation of not breaking up.

But now, it's just preparations for the war.

Although these principalities and princes are small, their land is extremely fertile. The food grown here will be the logistical support for the Star Luo Empire's next attack. This is just an appetizer before the war officially begins.

But the more you are afraid of something, the more it will come.

After all, there are so many nobles who are eager to make achievements. It is quite common for minor accidents to occur during the execution of military orders, leading to intensification and escalation of conflicts.

What's more, behind this there is the Holy Spirit Cult adding fuel to the flames.

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