Not long after Mengyuan returned to Tiandou Imperial City.

Kirkela sent a secret message.

Dai Mubai, the third prince of the Star Luo Empire, successfully escaped from Star Luo and went to the Balak Kingdom.

The Emperor of Star Luo, Dai Tianjiao, was trying to make a big deal out of the disappearance of the third prince.

The instructions given by Meng Yuan were to guide Dai Tianjiao to prepare for the war, and at the same time let Prince Xue Yue start to stir up relations with some small countries around Xing Luo.

Once the war starts, it's not Xing Luo's decision to decide when to stop.

Let his loyal subordinates do things in the Star Luo Empire, and Mengyuan, the leader, will naturally not be idle.

What he has to do now is to find a way to involve Tiandou in this war.

All plans are now proceeding in an orderly manner.

Tiandou Empire, Prince's East Palace.

Now Emperor Xueye has gained his second youth because of the strong platform of Meng Shenji.

Many matters that were usually handled by the Prince's Mansion are now handled by His Majesty the Emperor himself.

The fake prince naturally enjoys his leisure time. In the past, he had wasted too much time practicing because of these complicated things.

However, she will soon be able to make up for the missing levels.

Seraphim can use people's faith to increase the speed of their own cultivation.

Xue Qinghe's sagacity has allowed Qian Renxue to accumulate considerable power of faith, and now she only needs to convert these into her own soul power.

Of course, Meng Yuan's visit today broke her habitual routine.

"Brother Meng is a rare visitor. If you don't go to the Royal Library today, why do you have time to come to my East Palace Prince's Mansion?"

The reason why Meng Yuan stayed in Tiandou Imperial City was also related to the unique collection of books in the Royal Library.

The Tiandou royal family is the oldest family on the continent.

The three upper sects have changed one after another in these thousands of years, but only the royal family has always been named Xue.

There are more important materials recorded in this library than in the enshrinement hall.

Meng Yuan mainly inquired about those soul master families that were once powerful but have now begun to decline in the past thousands of years.

With the help of this war to obtain enough soul masters, in addition to creating a life-saving blood pool, Meng Yuan also had his own ideas.

For example, to verify whether the essence of these soul masters above soul saints is really the same as soul beasts.

Let's see if their blood can promote the evolution of the soul master's martial soul like some soul beasts.

If these theories are confirmed, it will definitely have a huge impact on the concept of soul masters.

And this can also make the disciples of Mengyuan Holy Spirit Cult strengthen their beliefs.

Only common beliefs and concepts can make a team survive forever.

Meng Yuan is an extremely responsible person. Once he founded the Holy Spirit Religion, he would not let it grow barbarically.

He wants to build this church into a super powerful force like Wuhun Palace.

And relying on the current method of using force to exert absolute control over high-level officials is definitely not long-term.

Once something unexpected happens to the leader during the inheritance process, the entire Holy Spirit Religion will be destroyed.

What we need to do is to rely on our ideals to make these disciples serve this group willingly, just like Qianjia.

Of course, it's still early to say this.

The top priority now is to quickly put up the big framework of the Holy Spirit Sect.

Although there are many things on my mind, everything is in the blink of an eye.

Faced with the doubts of the fake prince, Meng Yuan smiled and said: "There are times when I can't stand the book, just like Brother Xue reviewing those boring documents. Why, could it be that Brother Xue doesn't welcome the younger brother?"

Xue Qinghe raised his eyebrows: "How could it be? It's not too late for me to welcome you! Sit down quickly."

For Mengyuan, the fake prince is more inclined to win over.

She also fully investigated the embarrassing position of this would-be "brother-in-law" in Wuhun Palace.

She was very sympathetic to Mengyuan's current situation, and she also saw her own reflection in it.

He was sent to Xue Qinghe when he was nine years old, and then spent three years replacing him.

Finally, it became the new Xueqing River.

During this period, she also supported those who supported her and suppressed those who opposed her through fighting.

By worshiping Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, as his disciple, he then established an alliance to check and balance the aggressive Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

After recalling the past experiences, a soft color flashed in Xue Qinghe's eyes, and at the same time, he tested Meng Yuan's attitude.

"Brother Meng, what do you think of the current Wuhun Palace?"

"Martial Soul Palace... I think the current Spirit Palace is quite good. It actively strengthens cooperation with the empire, balances the relationship between all parties in the mainland, and suppresses Xingluo to prevent it from continuing to grow and develop."

"The Peace of the Mainland, Wuhun Palace has played a great role in it."

Xue Qinghe nodded: "Yes, to be honest, the empire and Wuhun Palace have not been happy with each other in recent years."

"However, as Pope Bibi Dong retreats, Wuhun Palace has changed its previous strength and returned to its original path."

Qian Renxue was very tired of Bibi Dong who kept causing trouble to her.

Then Qian Renxue suddenly changed the topic: "I heard that Meng Meng's third soul ring was snatched from the hands of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect?"

After Meng Yuan intercepted the Qibao Glazed Sect trio, they went to Ning Fengzhi to sue Meng Yuan severely after they returned to the sect. Ning Fengzhi could only express his helplessness, while Gu Rong severely reprimanded the three of them.

Even though he had an advantage in level, it was still three against two, and he was directly killed by the opponent. This is simply outrageous. Bone Douluo didn't even know how these three people had the nerve to say it!

After the three people left, Ning Fengzhi became even more worried about the future of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

No matter how talented her daughter is, it will be difficult to stop the decline of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect if there are no suitable fighting spirit masters to train her.

For the sake of the sect's future, Ning Fengzhi was completely ruthless, putting an end to the Qibao Glazed Sect and helping Xue Qinghe check and balance the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

In the "vacuum period" when there is a lack of fighting spirit masters, the Qibao Glazed Sect needs sufficient support and protection from Xue Qinghe so that it can maintain its current glory and wealth.

Mengyuan and Tianyue's actions actually did Prince Bubu a favor.

Hearing Xue Qinghe take the initiative to mention this matter, Meng Yuan raised his eyebrows: "What does Brother Xue mean?"

Xue Qinghe chuckled: "It's nothing, I just feel that the Qibao Glazed Sect has no successor, unlike the Spirit Hall."

Qian Renxue's own thoughts are relatively pure.

She personally believed that the role of Wuhun Palace was to maintain the order of the soul master world, rather than to manage the world.

Letting soul masters manage the world must be a huge disaster.

Years of experience in politics have made Xue Qinghe understand the weight of the word management. Any decision is related to the fate of thousands of people.

Xue Qinghe believed that the mainland would fall into chaos sooner or later if the reckless men of Wuhun Palace were managing the mainland.

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