After a long time, the weather was very good.

Lin Haoran returned to the rental house at 9 o'clock.

After taking a hot bath,

Lin Haoran was no longer sleepy. He turned on the computer and logged into the official forum of the game.

Browsing the special things that happened in the game,

This was also a habit he developed in his previous life.

He would log into the forum to eat melons when he had nothing to do. This was also the reason why he could know so much information in this life.

Lin Haoran browsed the information in the forum, which were all advertisements for buying ghost crystals, ghosts, ghosts, etc.

There were also guilds recruiting people. Now many guilds have been established one after another.

The most popular guilds in China now are

The Emperor's Tianting Guild,

The Overlord Guild of his old enemy, the Overlord Guild,

The King of Hell's Hell Palace Guild, etc.

Lin Haoran looked at the information about the Overlord Guild recruiting members, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He murmured to himself:

"Li Shuai... cherish him well."

"Your death countdown is about to begin."

Lin Haoran smiled coldly,

Then he continued to slide the mouse down, and suddenly saw a post that made Lin Haoran's mouth curl up.

The title of the post was:

[An extremely perverted murderer appeared in the No. 4 Novice Village, the public enemy of all players! ! No. 4 Novice Village players, hurry in. 】

When Lin Haoran saw this title, he instantly felt that this matter was related to him.

Don't ask why, just ask a man's seventh sense.

Lin Haoran showed a faint smile on his face and clicked into the post.

Sure enough, the first photo in it was a photo of himself wearing evil ghost armor, with a blurry face, holding a reggae gun,

shooting a player in the head with one shot.

I have to say,

Lin Haoran was quite satisfied with this photo.

The head was exploded, blood and brains were splattered everywhere.

Lin Haoran was like a devil from hell, killing and abusing humans wantonly.

All the photos below the post were photos of Lin Haoran ruthlessly slaughtering players.

The corpses were piled up like a mountain, the blood was like a river,

It was like hell on earth.

Written below the photo was Lin Haoran's "crime".

[All players in the No. 4 Novice Village... Today, we are writing a blood letter to call on all the individual players to gather together and fight against this person. ]

[This person is murderous and abusive. If he disagrees with someone, he will pull out a gun and stab. He is so vicious that countless individual players have been persecuted by him...]

[We individual players must unite and fight against this demon together, otherwise we will be the next victim. 】

【Here.....we have 3,000 players gathered together to become the evil ghost crusade army.........】

【We hope that more players will join us to eliminate the evil for the people and bring light to the No. 4 Novice Village. 】


It has to be said that this has pictures and words, and it looks good, which has attracted the attention and resonance of many players.

Especially a group of players fanned the flames in the comment area, which brought the emotions of other individual players who followed suit to the peak.

"It was this beast... My girlfriend and I were swatting mosquitoes in the woods, and he shot me to death. This beast even pulled my girlfriend to swatting mosquitoes together."

"What happened next? Did we swatting mosquitoes together?"

"Brother, stop going off topic... Let's get down to business. I was also killed by this beast. I had no grudges against him. He just looked at me and killed me. He also scolded me: Where is your dad?"

"Fuck... This guy is so crazy, so scary, he is really hateful."

"That's right... Damn it, maybe he is a murderer in real life, call the police immediately ”

“Gather there to attack this person…..including me, this kind of person deserves to die.”

“Yes, yes, yes………let’s kill him out of the game together, this kind of person is not worthy of playing the game.”

“I join…................”

“I join too…”


The comment area has gone completely crazy, and more and more people are joining the army to attack Lin Haoran.

Even if some players don’t know Lin Haoran at all, they are also attracted by the comments area

The water army led them astray and joined in.

After reading this post, Lin Haoran showed a chill on his face.

"The King of Hell!"

"Or... the Free Ghost Group!"

"But no matter who it is..."

"If you dare to come, I will kill you."

"You are not afraid of killing me once, then kill me twice."

"You are not afraid of killing me twice... then kill me five times!!"

Lin Haoran said to himself word by word, coldly.

"Do you think I am afraid because you isolate me from the players?!"

"Hahaha... Unfortunately, you are wrong."

"I have never considered myself a human being!!"

Lin Haoran showed a perverted smile on his face, and his left eye suddenly opened,

like the ghost eyes of hell ghosts, circles of white circles like a life-claiming ring,

full of weird and mysterious atmosphere.

"Come on... I'll let you experience it."

"What is real hell!!!"

Lin Haoran grinned and showed a weird smile.


No words were spoken all night.

Early the next morning, Lin Haoran finished his breakfast and couldn't wait to enter the game.

Lin Haoran's figure quietly appeared on the Rhino Plain.

Lin Haoran opened the system backpack as soon as possible and checked the things dropped by the Rhino Ghost Leader BOSS yesterday.


PS: Thank you for the gifts, my dears! !

Next, we will enter the bloody climax! !

Please look forward to it~ Onii-chan~

Tomorrow during the day, I will add another chapter for you, thank you for your gifts! !


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