At the same time, in the novice village No. 4, a high-level leveling area, five players wearing black windbreakers and devil masks on their faces were commanding ghosts to kill wild ghosts. The corpses of wild ghosts at level 8 were all over the ground. The black blood stained the ground, and it was like a large slaughterhouse. "Boss... Snow White was killed, and the shadow black ghost was also dead." One of the players wearing a white devil mask said with a man's voice to the leading player wearing a black devil mask. "Hmm!?"

"Who killed her!?"

"With her ghost power, few people should kill her."

The leading player with a black evil ghost mask said in a hoarse and low voice.

"She said she was killed by a player named Liudao, the same player who destroyed the Yama Palace Guild and killed Xiaoyaoyou."

"He is also the person we are looking for, but he seems to be mysterious and doesn't reply to friend requests."

"I didn't expect to run into Bai Xue and kill her."

The player with a white evil ghost mask continued to speak.

"Is it him!?"

"He is quite strong... and now he has killed Bai Xue, which is enough to prove his strength."

"He is qualified to join us!!"

"Go... take Bai Xue with you and let him join us if he has a grudge against Bai Xue."

"Then you can hand Bai Xue over to him to kill. As long as he joins us, everything will be fine."

The man with the black devil mask pondered for a moment, and said to the man with the white devil mask in a hoarse voice:

"If he doesn't join, then you know what to do."

"Yes... Boss!!"

The man with the white devil mask nodded respectfully, and then left.

"Hehehe... The boss is really cruel, treating a little girl so cruelly."

A player wearing a silver devil mask said with a charming woman's voice, smiling,

"But... I like it!!"

The man with the black devil mask, his eyes were like a dead water,

said coldly:

"The weak have no rights..."

Then he took the other three people to enter the more advanced map.

Poor Bai Xue, at this moment, she didn't know that she had been abandoned by this mysterious organization.

At this time, she was resurrecting the stone, looking at the player with the white devil mask and said wait for him, come over soon,

Bai Xue's face suddenly showed a trace of excitement, and she opened her mouth with a face full of resentment and said:

"Liu Dao... You are dead."


She laughed happily, and her laughter was also creepy.


In the real world,

Lin Haoran took off his gaming helmet. It was already 8:30 in the evening.


The stomach had protested to Lin Haoran,

making a gurgling sound.

Lin Haoran went to the toilet, put on his coat and went out to eat, still at the same place.

The boss saw Lin Haoran and smiled and greeted Lin Haoran:

"Young man... are you here!?"

"What do you want to eat today........."

The boss was an old man with gray hair, but he still refused to admit his age and opened his own restaurant.

"One serving of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, one serving of boiled beef, one Anhui fish, and one serving of cauliflower and meat."

Lin Haoran looked at the menu and said to the boss.

"Okay... Wait a minute, it will be ready soon."

The old man smiled at Lin Haoran and said to Lin Haoran with a smile,

Then he went into the kitchen to work.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

There was a cold wind outside the restaurant. Lin Haoran glanced at the temperature on his phone.

It was already 19 degrees Celsius. This was very strange.

It shouldn't be so cold in this season.

Lin Haoran couldn't help but frowned, thinking strangely in his heart:

"I remember that two weeks before the apocalyptic weird game merged with the earth in the last life, it seemed

The global temperature continued to drop. On the day of fusion, the temperature even reached 0 degrees Celsius. This is in the south, and it is even lower in the north. "

"This is because the doomsday weird game began to try to merge the earth, which would produce a space-time crack. The ghost energy in the weird game merged into the earth in advance, causing the world to cool down."

"But there is still more than a month now..."

Lin Haoran's heart sank slightly, his brows knitted, and he guessed in his heart:

"Could it be that because I was reborn, the world has undergone unknown changes! ? "

"Or is this just an ordinary unexpected temperature drop! ? "

Lin Haoran was not sure, but he kept a secret in his mind.

If the temperature continued to drop every day, Lin Haoran would be sure that

the Doomsday Weird Game might have merged into the earth in advance for some reason.

"The food is here..."

The old man brought the food and put it on Lin Haoran's table with a smile.

Lin Haoran suppressed all kinds of speculations in his heart. Now he had to eat first.

The rest should be put in the back.

Lin Haoran picked up the chopsticks and ate big mouthfuls After eating, I have to say,

One of the reasons why I often come to this restaurant is because the boss's cooking skills are really good,

which suits my appetite, otherwise I would not come to this restaurant often.

It was already 9 o'clock when Lin Haoran finished his meal. Because of the sudden drop in temperature, there were few customers in the restaurant,

and there were not many pedestrians on the street,

all wearing coats and walking hurriedly.

On the way back, Lin Haoran was talking to passers-by around him:

"What kind of weather is this... Why did it suddenly drop in temperature? Isn't it just spring?!"

"That's right... The temperature dropped several degrees overnight. This is so strange. I was wearing short sleeves yesterday."

"It's better to be a little colder, otherwise it's hot every day."

"That's the truth... But I always feel that something is wrong with this, it's a bit weird."

"Hahaha... Don't be funny, it's just a sudden drop in temperature. Look how scared you are. If you don't know, you would think it's the end of the world." "


Lin Haoran tightened his coat and glanced at the dark sky. It was dark,

with no stars or moon.

A strange light flashed in Lin Haoran's eyes, and he muttered to himself:

"It's the end of the world............."

A faint voice sounded slowly,

"For makes no difference."

The cold wind blew the leaves, making a rustling sound.

Under the light,

a thin figure took firm steps,

step by step towards the darkness,

the shadow of the figure became longer and longer, and seemed to carry a trace of vicissitudes and loneliness,

but he walked very firmly and decisively!!

"If the world kisses me with pain,

then I will destroy this world! ! "


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