The next day, at noon, Lin Haoran walked out of the palace holding his waist. The battle last night was really crazy. One wave was higher than the other. The waves were surging. In the middle of the night, Lin Haoran had to transform into the reincarnation ghost master to continue fighting. It was not until the early morning that it calmed down. "Sure enough, there are only tired cows, but no plowed land. My cow is really too tired." Lin Haoran said while breathing cold air and touching his old waist. Lin Haoran walked out of the palace gate. There was a skeleton soldier wearing hard bone armor on each side of the gate. Seeing Lin Haoran coming out, he immediately bowed his head and saluted Lin Haoran. Lin Haoran's palace is located at a higher position, so he can see the royal area below at a glance.

Teams of skeleton soldiers are really patrolling the streets.

There are bone dragons flying in the sky.

Lin Haoran has a smile on his face. Although the ghost island is a wasteland,

the plants are all withered trees,

but the prototype of the ghost country has taken shape. The next step is to subdue the Azure Dragon King and add vitality to the ghost island.

Then subdue more and more ghosts and let them join their ghost country.

Then their own strength will be strong.

"Azure Dragon King.........It's time to find you."

Lin Haoran's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a smile.

Then a space wave ripples,

Lin Haoran's figure disappears on the spot.


Longling County, Longling Mountain,

This place was a forest before the end of the world, with many wild animals and precious medicinal materials.

It attracts many herbal farmers to go up the mountain to find these precious medicinal materials, which can often be sold at a good price.

After the doomsday,

few people came here, because the ghost energy had a great impact on plants and animals.

The animals all turned into ghost beasts,

and the plants were also growing wildly. Some plants also turned into ghosts and turned into ghost plants.

But the probability of the birth of ghost plants was very low,

lower than the probability of ancient objects turning into ghosts.

But once plants mutate, they are often extremely powerful.

At this time,

In Longling Mountain,

a team of game players were fighting.

There were five people in total, and all of them were game players.

They released ghosts to fight against the ghost animals. These ghost beasts were a group of monkeys.

These ghost monkeys had long teeth and grinned, and their bodies were more than twice as large as before.

The level reached 8, which should not be underestimated.

After the ghost beasts were ghosted to a certain extent,

they would completely turn into ghosts, and the game system could also detect the attributes of these ghost beasts.

"Captain Liming... your ghost is too strong."

"It's worthy of being a B-level ghost."

In the five-man team, a woman with heavy makeup looked at the leading man with admiration and said in a tender voice,

The voice was so charming that it could make a man's bones soft,

I don't know if it was intentional.

The other four men couldn't help but stand up and show respect.

The leading man was about 28 years old and had a short haircut. When he heard the woman's words,

the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a hint of pride flashed in his eyes, but he said modestly:

"It's just B-level qualification... Look at those perverts on the list, they can't be on the list without S-level."

"The top fifteen are all SS-level ghosts, and my B-level ghost is not up to the standard."

Liming looked at his ghost suppressing these monkeys, and he was secretly proud in his heart.

He contracted three ghosts There are two B-level ghosts and one C-level ghost.

They are a skeleton swordsman and a skeleton archer.

These two ghosts are B-level ghosts.

They are skeleton ghosts, wearing ancient armor, one holding a big sword, and the other holding a bow and arrow.

One of the two ghosts is close combat and the other is long-range attack.

In addition, he also contracted a C-level ghost.

It is called the Wood Demon Ghost, which can absorb the energy of plants and help himself and ghosts to heal.

This is an auxiliary ghost.

Melee, long-range, auxiliary blood, this is a standard ghost system.

Dawn is very satisfied with his ghost.

"Captain Dawn is too modest..."

"That's right, those are too far away from us, and we don't know if they are real people."


Yes... Hahaha, maybe they are all robots. Didn't our chicken-eating game before the end of the world have robots? ? "

"Anyway, I absolutely believe that the captain's ghost is the best... I won't accept any rebuttal."

"That's right........."

After hearing what Liming said, the other teammates immediately flattered Liming.

These people originally knew each other in the game at the beginning of the game, and then they teamed up for a long time to level up.

Then after the ghost world rift incident broke out,

At Liming's suggestion,

they met in reality, because there is strength in numbers. If the ghost world rift broke out on them,

then the five of them together would at least have the strength to fight.

In this way, they broke out at the end of the world,

and they have been together, relying on the advantages of players to kill many ghosts and survive.


"Meiling..........You said that the mutant green snake you saw last time was really an S-level ghost beast! ? "

Liming turned to look at the woman, a gleam in his eyes, and asked her.

"Captain.........I am absolutely right, it is an S-level ghost beast, and its level is still very low now, maybe we can really catch it."

"Liming, you have contracted it, and you will definitely be able to greatly improve your strength."

Lin Meiling was immediately excited when she heard Liming's words, and hurriedly said to Liming.

She saw a strange green snake in this forest by chance.

She used the system's detection function and found that it was actually an S-level ghost beast.

This immediately made her scream and

scare away the green snake.

So this is what happened now, because she told Liming and others the news.


PS: Thank you for the gifts from my family.

Love you guys.


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