The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

Lin Haoran's right eye flashed with silver light.

He felt very strange now. He could sense the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

It seemed that he and the space were one.

For example, the space was a sea, and he was a drop of water.

He could merge into the sea at any time, and he could appear anywhere in the sea.


A space ripple appeared on Lin Haoran's body instantly.

Just like a small drop of water falling into a calm lake, rippling a ripple of water.

Lin Haoran's body instantly disappeared from the spot.

In an instant,

Instantly appeared on the roof of his own palace.


Feeling the strong wind, Lin Haoran showed a hint of excitement on his face,

"Is this one of the supreme powers, the power of space!?"

"Time is supreme, space is king."

"Destiny is not out, cause and effect is king."

"Never-paralleled creation, infinite reincarnation."

"Five elements are the main, yin and yang are above."

"The power of the king of space is indeed one of the supreme powers."

"It's so powerful............."

Lin Haoran's figure seemed to move in an instant, shuttling through the space in the ghost island,

his eyes flashed with excitement, and he said to himself secretly.

Although he can only travel through space and long distance now,

he is confident that he can comprehend the power of space and develop other space-related skills,

such as the space blade skill of Zhongshan's Konglinggui,

the space seal of Xiaojinjiao and Yinjiao, and even open up a new space by himself,

when his strength becomes stronger, the space he opens up may be a new world,

he is the creator of this world!!

Lin Haoran thought excitedly in his heart.

"I must go to the secret realm of enlightenment as soon as possible, comprehend the elementalization, and now comprehend the power of space."

"Let myself master the mystery of space faster."

Lin Haoran thought secretly in his heart.

The power of space is too advanced, it cannot be comprehended in one or two days,

Now he just has a good foundation,

as for how to build a building on the foundation,

it depends on his own understanding and ideas.

Some people may focus on escaping, so they develop space skills for escaping. Some people like to be the sixth, so they develop ways to integrate all their aura and figure into the space, and become a transparent person. Some people like defense, so they may develop defensive skills such as space barriers. Some people like extreme output, so they will develop terrifying space attack skills such as space blades and space collapse. Anyway, there are all kinds of things. As long as you have a space foundation, it is up to you to build a building. That night, Lin Haoran held a simple celebration party on the ghost island to celebrate the birth of Jinjiao and Yinjiao. Red lanterns were hung high, and candles flickered red. Lin Haoran took out the food in his system backpack and had a barbecue party. Now Lin Haoran's palace is full of various furniture, basically Chinese-style furniture. Next to the boiling fireworks, Lin Haoran roasted chicken legs and wings, as well as various other meats, such as oysters, fish, etc. At the edge of the fireworks, the Ghost Emperor Yanhou and the Ghost Sword Immortal sat on the left and right of Lin Haoran,

Then Little Lei Ming, Little Xue, Little Ying, Silly Duck, Little Fish, and the two little guys, Jinjiao and Yinjiao,

all sat together,

Oh... and the Rat King, who jumped out of the ground happily when he smelled the fragrance.

Jinjiao and Yinjiao liked this fat chinchilla very much,

and immediately jumped onto the furry body of the Earth Spirit Rat King to play.

The Earth Spirit Rat King didn't know the identity of Jinjiao and Yinjiao, and thought they were ghosts caught by his master,

and was about to scold the two little brats in anger.

This rat is the Rat King after all,

How can I let you two little brats play! ?

"Rat King..........Let me introduce you, this is my youngest offspring, called Jinjiao and Yinjiao."

"Your little master will be in the future, understand!?"

Just then, Lin Haoran's voice slowly sounded,

directly letting the rat who was about to scold

Jinjiao and Yinjiao swallowed the words hard, and immediately showed a lewd and flattering smile on their faces, and said to Jinjiao and Yinjiao:

"Squeak squeak squeak..."

(Hello, little masters, come and play, Shushu is the most fun, come and play together.)

"Brother...don't pull the cat's whiskers, it hurts."

"Okay, okay...then don't pull the cat's tail, the tail is also very sensitive."

Jinjiao pulled the rat king's whiskers, and Yinjiao hugged the rat king's tail, making the rat king shed sad tears.

"Shushu, I...shouldn't come out."

"Congratulations on getting two little ancestors!!"


On the other side,

Hell Road has become the leader of the "Imperial Guard" of Lin Haoran's palace.

The powerful skeleton soldiers holding bone spears were like warriors,

standing on both sides of the hall, and there were teams of skeleton soldiers patrolling the entire Ghost Island,


In the sky,

powerful bone dragons were flying over the Ghost Island, guarding the Ghost Island,

Ghost Island has already taken shape as a ghost country.

A mysterious ghost empire is rising on the Ghost Continent,

when it is strong enough,

when it is born,

it will be the day when the Ghost Continent trembles!!


This night,

is the happiest night for Lin Haoran since he was reborn. He raised his glass to drink with his closest ghost,

and ate delicious barbecue,

but the taste was not very good, which made Lin Haoran determined to tie up a ghost who can cook.

All the ghosts were very happy this night.

Even the always cold-faced little Lei Ming,

seldom showed a smile on his face.

Drink the strongest wine, eat the spiciest meat, and then the Queen Ghost Emperor performed a beautiful dance in the center of the hall.

She said that this was a dance that only nobles could do when she was the king before.

The name is: Wang Ling Dance!!

A heart-breaking dance, dancing in the night dreams,

The Queen Ghost Emperor's beautiful appearance, matched with the bright red Hanfu, is like a fairy in the heavenly palace,

dancing an exquisite dance in the hall.

Lin Haoran couldn't help but stare in amazement,

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

He is bound to achieve new achievements tonight,

one gun and one horse, trample through the smoke,

attack the city and capture the stronghold, and kill her to the end.


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