The whole meeting room, all the bigwigs raised their hands, indicating their agreement with the plan. Only a few people in the military and Minister Zhong Shan did not express their opinions. At this time, Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen frowned, not agreeing with the plan. Zhang Zhen thought it was reasonable to let Lin Haoran return the Simuwu Ding. After all, it was originally a national property, but why should the ghosts on his body be handed over to us! ? Put yourself in his shoes. If you were Liudao, would you hand over the extremely precious high-level ghosts just because of a word from the country! ? Everyone is selfish. Besides, this is not a peaceful era. This is the doomsday era! ! Only being strong is the hard truth.

This kind of excuse of asking Lin Haoran to hand over the ghosts under the pretext of the country being in trouble,

isn't this moral kidnapping! ?

If Lin Haoran doesn't obey, use force! ?

What's the difference between this and robbery! ?

As a soldier, Zhang Zhen

can't really accept this.

So he fell into silence...

Han Lei on the side narrowed his eyes and glanced at Zhang Zhen, with a gleam in his eyes, and said to Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen:

"Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen...........what do you think!?"

Han Lei was actually very aggrieved in his heart, because although he seemed to be in a high position,

but he actually had a lot of real power to mobilize, and at most he could mobilize the troops in the police station.

The real power still belongs to the military,

Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen!!

Although electronic weapons cannot be used now,

but some guns, shells, bombs, rocket launchers, and even tanks can be used.

It’s just that electronic functions such as communication and radar functions cannot be used in tanks,

but they can still drive and fire normally.

They retreated from this military base under the attack of hot weapons such as tanks.

Those low-level ghosts can be dealt with by some assault rifles.

Elite ghosts can be killed with one rocket launcher.

For boss-level ghosts, a few more shells from tanks can also kill a boss ghost.

For elite boss ghosts, armor-piercing bullets and armor-piercing bullet sniper rifles are needed. The power of sniper rifles is still very strong against ghosts.

Of course...this is all relative.

When the level of ghosts is raised, hot weapons will not cause much damage to these ghosts.

Moreover, there are some special BOSS-level ghosts, which cannot be killed by hot weapons. For example, elemental ghosts, Xiaoying, hide in the shadows, how do you fight! ? Water ghosts, turn into water, how do you shoot bullets! ? There are also some rule-based ghosts, such as teleportation, space, physical immunity, etc. . ............................................ So, Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen's nod is still needed before troops can be dispatched. Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen frowned when he heard Han Lei's question, and thought about it for a while. He looked up at Zhong Shan, who was silent on the opposite side, and asked: "Minister Zhong Shan... What's your opinion!?" Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen is not a game player after all, and game players are more familiar with game players, so Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen still asked Zhong Shan's opinion. "My opinion is..."

"You can be soft, not hard!!"

A strange color flashed in Zhongshan's eyes,

He said lightly:

"This person could kill legendary BOSS alone before, and slaughtered tens of millions of ghosts. His strength is unfathomable."

"Now his strength must be even stronger, and he got an SSS-level ghost. We don't know what kind of amazing effect it has. If we really force it."

"The outcome is unknown, and there will be endless troubles!!"

Zhongshan said to Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen with a serious face.

This is also what he thought in his heart.

Seeing the video of Lin Haoran's amazing fighting power in the ghost attack village on the forum,

Zhongshan knew that this person must not be easily provoked,

otherwise he would die without knowing how,

This is his intuition, and his intuition has always been very accurate.

As soon as Zhong Shan said this,

some people's faces turned ugly instantly, especially those on the political side,

their faces turned gloomy instantly, and they smiled coldly and said to Zhong Shan:

"Minister Zhong are disturbing the morale of the army. No matter how strong his Six Paths is,

Can you ignore sniper shells! ? "

"What a shitty BOSS........wasn't it shot in the head by our sniper with an armor-piercing sniper bullet! ? "

"All ghosts died under the bullets of our army. If bullets don't work, then rocket launchers. If rocket launchers don't work, then tank guns and howitzers."

"I really don't see any ghosts that can withstand our artillery fire. Liudao is just one person. Why should we be afraid! ? "

"Minister Zhongshan... ghosts are not as scary as you say. No matter how strong the ghosts of Liudao are, I don't believe they can ignore our artillery fire. ”


These government officials have never experienced any battles,

nor have they seen the shock of Lin Haoran using the Eye of Heaven to kill the legendary BOSS,

nor have his ghosts and monsters been like ants, slaughtering tens of millions of ghosts and monsters with despairing combat power.

At this moment, in their hearts,

First, the SSS-level ghosts must be controlled by them and must be taken back,

Second, the six paths must obey their orders and be forcibly conscripted into the army. Refusing is treason and should be shot!!

As for the price to pay, it must be death. How many soldiers,

That's not their business,

Anyway, it's not their own death, right! ?

When Zhong Shan heard what these people said,

a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes, and he stopped talking, and looked at Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen,

He knew that the person with real power,

was Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen, the commander of the Magic City Military Base, who could command 200,000 troops in Magic City!!

Even if all the people in his Magic City Dragon Shield Division went together, they couldn't withstand a round of artillery bombardment from others.


"Okay, okay... stop arguing."

At this time, Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen slammed the table, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and said to everyone in a deep voice,

The conference room instantly became quiet.

Zhang Zhen looked around, and slowly said:

"Major Li Feng, Major Liu Shaohua. ”

“Go to...”

Two men stood up suddenly at the conference table.

One of them was Liu Shaohua, the vice president of the Dragon Shield branch of Magic City. During the special period, he had been promoted to the rank of major.

The other man was a serious major.

He was about 30 years old and named Li Feng.

He was the proud student of Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen. He was strong and muscular.

“Major Li Feng, you will lead 200 soldiers, wearing various weapons, and go out with Major Liu Shaohua to find the six paths with the game player team.”

“Then tell him that the country needs his help!”

“As long as he joins the country, as long as the conditions are not particularly excessive, agree to him.”

“Even if it is to give him the rank of lieutenant general, I can apply to the chairman! !”

“But the Simuwu Ding must be returned to the country.”


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