The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried.

"The Institute of Science and Technology did ask us to collect some ancient relics with a long history as soon as possible."

"It has been found that... the older the history and the more people believe in the relics, the higher the probability of them becoming ghosts and the higher the level of ghosts."

"There is a 90% probability that this Simuwu Ding is the SSS-level Simuwu Ding, which ranks first in the ghost list!!"

Zhong Shan had no expression on his face, and his eyes did not fluctuate at all.

He continued to speak to the crowd indifferently,

his tone was very calm, as if he had no interest in this SSS-level Simuwu Ding.

"Great... This is really a blessing for our Dragon Country. An SSS-level ghost was born."

"Hahaha... With this ghost, we can definitely become stronger quickly. What are we afraid of ghosts?"

"This should be the only SSS-level ghost in the world. Hahaha, I didn't expect it to be born in our Magic City. It's really God's blessing."

"Hurry up and send someone to get it back. This is a national treasure and must not flow out."

"Yes, yes, yes... Minister Zhongshan, please send some more players over quickly. No, you should lead the team yourself. I will give you another company of troops. You must bring back the Simuwu Ding that belongs to the country."

"Okay, I agree!!"


The conference room instantly caused a fierce commotion.

Everyone was talking excitedly,

as if they had already regarded this ghost as their own.

A military leader even waved his hand and said to give Zhongshan a company of troops,

let him go and collect the Simuwu Ding.

Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen, who was sitting in the first seat, did not speak,

seemingly acquiesced.

Liu Shaohua, who was sitting next to Zhongshan, had his eyes lit up,

and hurriedly said:

"Why don't you give this task to me!?"

"I guarantee to complete the task............"

Zhongshan glanced at Liu Shaohua, then looked at everyone and said indifferently:

"Why don't you ask who got this SSS-level Simuwu Ding ghost thing now!?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then laughed,

and couldn't help showing a hint of disdain, and said:

"Hahaha.........It doesn't matter who got it, it's the country's thing, and he must return it."

"That's right... Such a national treasure, how can it be taken away by someone? ! ? "

"Whoever took it must give it back or I'll shoot him."

"Stealing national treasures... should be a capital crime, just shoot him."

"Minister Zhongshan... do you want us to teach you how to deal with this kind of thing? ? "


In the meeting room, the bigwigs didn't care and smiled.

They didn't care who got the Simuwu Ding,

because under the absolute power of the country,

personal strength is insignificant,

can't it be easily crushed!?

Before the end of the world, who dares to steal national treasures!?

Aren't you tired of living!?

Just send him to prison and step on the sewing machine until he dies.

Zhong Shan looked at the people who were smiling and indifferent, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

He said slowly again:

"What if this person........."

"It's Liu Dao!!!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and reacted instantly. Their pupils shrank slightly.

The smiles on their faces froze suddenly, and they blurted out:

"Liu Dao!?"

"The Liu Dao who is the first player in the game!?"

"The player that the chairman has been ordering to find!?"

"It's the player who killed millions of ghosts and killed the legendary BOSS alone!?"

"It's him............."


The big guys were shocked and asked Zhong Shan one after another.

And Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen and Han Lei, who were at the top, also had a slight change on their faces at this time.

"Minister Zhong Shan...are you serious?"

Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen asked Zhong Shan with a serious face


Because they are not game players, they can't see the ghost rankings in the game at all.

Others also looked at Zhongshan,

waiting for his answer.


Zhongshan said lightly, being frugal with words.

After everyone got Zhongshan's answer, their faces suddenly changed,

The whole meeting room became quiet.

At this time, Han Lei, who was sitting at the first position, narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at one of the officials from the political side.

The official understood and immediately stood up and said sternly to everyone:

"Even if it is Liu Dao, so what!?"

"The Simuwu Ding is a treasure of our Dragon Country. It was before, it is now, and it will be even more so in the future."

"Does Liu Dao think that he can ignore the laws of our Dragon Country after he has some power!?"

"Can he transcend the law!?"

"It's just a big joke!!"

"Our Dragon Country officials are still here. How can we let someone challenge our Dragon Country's bottom line!?"

The official spoke passionately and generously,

with reason and evidence, and with blood boiling.

It must be said that these politicians and officials,

who can climb to their current positions,

have no mouth that can't speak.

With his lead,

the others also responded one after another.

"I agree... No matter how great an individual is, he can never be greater than the country. Only with a country can there be a family. When necessary, it is natural to sacrifice a villain to build a great country!!"

"I agree too... And now the country is in crisis and urgently needs the help of these powerful ghosts. Liudao, as a citizen of the country, should hand over the Simuwu Ding to the country, not to mention the ghosts on his body."

"That makes sense... When the country is in crisis, every citizen has a responsibility. Liudao's ghosts should all be contributed to the country. We will award him a personal badge of honor."

"Send troops, find Liudao, and bring him back. I believe he is a person who understands justice and will definitely understand our good intentions."




PS: Woohoo~ Please give me a reward, any amount is a token of my appreciation.

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