Chapter 345 : The entire Changhe City is disturbed! Are you bothered, the upper headquarters that holds meetings every three days! (2/3)

Next to the combat command room in charge of Zhou Jianjun, not far away, is another combat command room responsible for the situation in Changhe City.

More than 100 staff members are also busy trying to find ways to investigate the situation in Xishan City.

However, compared to Zhou Jianjun’s side, the atmosphere was obviously much more relaxed.

Although Zhou Jianjun is in charge of Xishan City, it does not mean that after such an incident, he is still solely responsible.

The military base is powerful and should not be underestimated, and the secrets in it are even more unimaginable.

Therefore, not only them, but also the people in charge of other cities, also undertake the task of investigating Xishan City, but they are only incidental.

To put it simply, if you want to make a contribution, then you should take this task and find a way to investigate.

What does this mean to other generals?

It is simply a meritorious opportunity that fell from the sky!

How could they not be sure?

What’s more, the situation is special this time. Once the results are investigated, it will not be as simple as meritorious deeds!

If the police don’t say it, just say the benefits, it will never be imagined!

So they are so busy, they are all rushing to make merits and take benefits, not to explain tasks.

“What’s wrong with 910? Are there any results for the people who sent it?”

“General, they did not approach Xishan City, but landed around it, so the progress is very slow, and there is no discovery yet.”

“It’s alright, anyway, Lao Zhou’s side is the same, don’t worry.” The person in charge of Changhe City, General Wu Kai, who is nearly fifty years old, waved his hand and didn’t care, “Continue to check! 99

For him, as long as he is fine in Changhe City, that’s fine. Investigating this is just an incidental opportunity for meritorious service. It’s natural to be able to detect it, but it’s normal to not be able to detect it.

He also witnessed the nuclear baptism in Xishan City. After the nuclear baptism, how could a fart be found in the bare city?

It’s just that his light-hearted appearance was quickly shattered by two consecutive phone calls.

“Report to General! Received a call from above, asking you to go to a meeting immediately!”

“Meeting again? Meeting every three days or two, is it annoying?

“General, according to what the above said, this meeting was held in response to the news about the military base that General Zhou had just detected.

“What?” When Wu Kai heard this, he couldn’t sit still. He stood up and stared, “Have they found it?”

“Yes, General. 19

“Quick! Immediately follow me to the conference room! 99

Wu Kai didn’t dare to be negligent, he immediately picked up his coat and prepared to crochet his hair.

“Wait, General, the news just came from Changhe City that ten transport planes are now over Changhe City, causing the occupation of several urban areas to rise rapidly, asking if it is one of your own.

“Ten transport planes?”

Wu Kai paused, but at this time he was eager to know what news Zhou Jianjun had found out, how could he care about them?

In his opinion, there are 31 urban districts in Changhe City, and it would be a great loss to lose a few. He immediately ordered, “Help them check, if it’s not your own, let them handle it.”

“Yes, General!”

After he finished speaking, he left the combat command room, took a few adjutants, and went straight to the conference room of another conference building.

At the same time, the civilian staff quickly probed for them, and as a result, the source of the grapes was quickly found.

In the military base in Honghu District, Changhe City.

“It’s not your own?

Li Shan, who had been in the office, waiting for a reply from above, was stunned when he heard the reply from his subordinates.

This is far from their guess.

What I thought was the most impossible possibility turned out to be true!

“No, it doesn’t rule out the possibility of interference from other countries! No matter which faction it is, and what it wants to do, just call it down and ask!

Li Shan thought so, and immediately called his subordinates, and immediately “send five fighter jets to intercept them! In addition, let the people from the aviation control department get in touch with the pilots of the ten transport planes as soon as possible!” (ajac)


The subordinates took orders and immediately went down and arranged.

A few minutes later, five fighter jets took off with a roar.

It’s just the result after takeoff, but it’s far beyond their imagination!

Five fighter jets suffered inexplicable electromagnetic interference and could not fly normally at all!

This is more alert to keep up with that group of people!

“What’s the matter, what’s going on? Why did electromagnetic interference suddenly appear? Li Shan was furious when he heard the news.

Immediately want to use missiles to shoot them down.

But this is a very scarce material, only one is used less, and Changhe City is so big, there is still a long way to go in the future, maybe they will be needed more at some time.

It is obviously unworthy and unwise to use them on these ten transport planes of unknown origin.

What’s more, if you want to use the missile, you need to hold a meeting to discuss it. After voting, you can continue to use it.


In the end, Li Shan could only sigh and give up.

Fortunately, according to the information from the people below, the ten transport planes raised their altitude and entered the clouds, and they did not continue to cause riots, which also gave him a little comfort.

But in the same way, he has also firmly remembered these ten transport planes.

At 8:30 in the morning, in Sanjiang District, Changhe City, at the gas station where the investigation team rested.

The captain of the reconnaissance team was awakened by the sound of a walkie-talkie.

Sleepily, he pressed the answer button.

“What? Let’s go search the farm first? To prevent unforeseen incidents, the police forces will take the lead? 99

As soon as Wang Qiang heard the words from the walkie-talkie, he lost all sleepiness.

When the call ended, the other members of the investigation team also woke up long ago, but they didn’t dare to ask him when they saw that he had a dark face and didn’t speak.

In the end, the subordinate who was close to Wang Qiang took a bottle of water and approached, “Brother Wang, how come you are so angry in the morning, why don’t you come and have a drink first.

“Damn, they don’t take us as human beings! They just finished exploring the resource points for them yesterday, and today they even let us go directly to search for supplies! Doesn’t that make it clear that they are using us as cannon fodder?

Wang Qiang took the water, rinsed his mouth, drank again, and cursed with a gloomy face.

“It turns out that this is the case, it really does not treat us as human beings! 59

“Mother Gante ridiculed, Brother Wang, we searched for supplies later, we just ate a big meal first, and then hid some of it. We can’t work for them for nothing, right?”

“Yes, anyway, they still have two hours to go around, and when we eat and wipe, they don’t know what’s going on.

– When the subordinates heard it, all of them immediately scolded and echoed.

This made Wang Qiang listen to it, and he felt a lot more comfortable, but he was still very clear about the rules above.

So, I listened to it for a while, and then without hesitation, “Pack up, let’s go to the farm!”

“Okay, Brother Wang!”

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