Chapter 344: What kind of technology do you want to have, so you can do this? ((13)

On Youyuan Island, compared to more than a week ago, not much has changed.

In addition to the increase in the number of people, it is the second-generation exoskeleton armor placed on the open space of the headquarters of the Liange.

They have different shapes, some look very simple, and some of them compete with the first generation, and some are like Iron Man’s steel armor, and their body coverage has reached more than 95%.

There are some, it seems that the steel bones of the limbs are obviously different, and there are also differences in the weapons.

Obviously, each has its own uniqueness!

It stands to reason that the development of these second-generation exoskeleton armors is a very happy thing, but in the combat building, there is a tense atmosphere!

There is no atmosphere of joy at all!

Especially in Zhou Jianjun’s combat command room, it was even more depressed!

Everyone’s face is obviously full of exhaustion, and even their hair has long been caught into a bird’s nest!

Looking at Zhou Jianjun again, he looks completely different from a week ago!

Not only did his face lose a lot of weight, but his body was even more swollen, as if he hadn’t showered for many days.

Look at his feet and the ashtray on the table in front of him, cigarette butts! All are cigarette butts!

Obviously exhausted, he was relying on these cigarettes to support himself.

“Reporting General, the information on the survivors has really been collected. Now that Xishan City has been nuclear baptized again, all traces of their actions these days have disappeared and can’t be found!”

Zhou Jianjun, who didn’t have much hope for this, looked even more haggard, “What about the people who sent over? How is it? Have you contacted them?

“Report. Report to General, the people sent this time… have not been spared. They have been damaged by nuclear radiation and can’t come back.”


Zhou Jianjun immediately grabbed the ashtray and fell down.

wow la la-

The ashtray shattered at the sound, startling the tired and nervous civilian staff around.

This is already the fourth wave of teams they have sent out!

One hundred people per wave, that is to say, in this short week, they sacrificed four hundred elite warriors, and in the end they got nothing!

Even in the last meeting held against the military base in Xishan City, which was not destroyed by nuclear baptism, the Eight Great Commanders delegated power and gave him the authority to dispatch personnel at will.

But I can’t stand such a win!

If this consumption continues, who will bear the responsibility and loss?

If there is any result of the inquiries, it’s okay to say, but now, four hundred elite soldiers have been sacrificed and spent a lot of money, and they have been carefully cultivated, and there are no results of the inquiry. How should he explain it to the top?

Of course, if you don’t investigate, there will be no such thing, but can we continue to investigate?

That is a military base that can even block a nuclear baptism intact!

What kind of technology do you need to have to be able to do this?

After the analysis of their relevant scientific research personnel, this military base does not say anything about the police, but about defense, at least it has mastered a technology far beyond the modern century!

According to satellite observations, it not only blocked the impact of nuclear baptism, but also blocked the high temperature and nuclear radiation it carried!

How scary is this?

Let’s not talk about how strong the impact of the nuclear explosion is, let’s talk about the high temperature, how can it be blocked by ordinary things?

It is no exaggeration to say that anything in existence will inevitably be melted and burned to ashes under that high temperature.

The result is it?

Not only was there no sign of melting, it was as if nothing had happened!

The most outrageous thing is that even the green plants in the base are not damaged at all! How powerful is this? What does it mean?

This means that not only those walls, but also the sky above the military base, there is an invisible layer of defense!

how did you do that?

They can’t imagine!

Thinking about how easy it is to block nuclear baptism, wouldn’t the zombies be even more trivial?

And if they successfully master this technology, wouldn’t there be hope for the Dragon Kingdom?

At that time, start from the bases in each city, build an unbreakable fortress, and then gradually clean up the zombies around, wouldn’t it be possible to clean up all the zombies soon?

Zhou Jianjun can think of it, and the boss can think of it even more. This is one of the reasons why the boss has not come to investigate him after causing such a huge loss.

But he knew in his heart that if he had to continue to consume without results, what awaited him must be the judgment of the art of war! This is beyond doubt!

Fortunately, Emperor Tian paid off. Just when he was about to despair, a staff member whose eye sockets were deeply sunken and extremely haggard took a flat and wide, and walked over quickly.

|Report to the general and find out the origins of the suspected survivors

As he spoke, he directly played a video on Pingkuo.

Find “their origins?”

Zhou Jianjun looked happy, and immediately took the tablet over.

In the picture, there is a convoy of armored vehicles, of which five infantry fighting vehicles are particularly obvious in shape, followed by the armored RV, as for the last armored transport vehicle, it is very ordinary, and it has almost nothing to do with them. two.

Zhou Jianjun glanced at it, and immediately regained his energy. Holding Ping Kuo, he stood up excitedly, “That’s right! Although the number of armored vehicles is much smaller than what we have seen before, this is definitely the group of people!

After confirming, I looked at the reputation of the civilian staff, “Where are they? When was this video? Where did you get it?

(Nord’s) “General, they are on National Road 303, the video is about 20 days ago, the source is through the second team, cut into the roadside surveillance, collected the surveillance video of all difficulties, and found it out. of.”


“National Road 303? Isn’t the other end Donghai City? Did they come from there? Or twenty days ago?” Zhou Jianjun’s eyes narrowed, as if he had caught some clues.

Although this clue is not very useful, it is undoubtedly exciting for them who have not achieved anything for so many days!

He didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately picked up the phone on the desk, connected it, and asked for a meeting.

In this regard, the superiors naturally agreed immediately. After all, after waiting for so many days, they finally ushered in the first harvest. How could they not agree?

It’s just that, by coincidence, it was just at this moment that the official phone from Changhe City called.

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