Chapter 910

If you don’t consider the two pairs of B cups that suddenly appear, Li Heigou’s encounter can only be regarded as a tragicomic dragon set-level basic plot, but if you add these four Naoko, you will be completely aspiring horror film. Possibility of supporting roles.

As for what the hell is Yanfu–

It can be posted just by smelling it, and it is too late for such a woman Li Heigou to hide.

Huang Dashan groaned, then sighed,

“It’s a model of a dad who was born with a holy light. Why should those scum who only have two Naoko compete with you?”

As a result, Li Heigou’s willingness to kill Prince Huang on the spot was even more cracked.

Everyone didn’t understand how long Prince Huang’s brain circuit was–or why we all were poor people became Prince Huang, even the shape of the brain circuit is probably a neatly arranged “show” character.

Under the troubles of Lord Shan, Li Heigou’s freshness was completely taken away without wandering around in everyone’s mouth.

emmmmmm, the major cataclysm is not surprising in these years. Even if Li Heigou came to the mountain with a fox head and a wolf head, he would definitely not XXX to turn over a rare animal and sell it for tens of thousands of circulation points. The topic has attracted a lot of attention.

Speaking of topics, wine, women and circulation points are the eternal theme of hunters.

Of course, all the evolutionaries who came to Yanhui Mountain would voluntarily omit the middle one in front of Prince Huang.

No matter how experienced you are, you can’t make a woman who can stabilize the Queen of Luan Mountain, so why bother looking for it.

“One more bowl!” The prince put the bowl on the table firmly, his sleeves acted as a towel and wiped the corner of his mouth. Big yellow croaker-it’s the big yellow flower, old and beautiful.”

Huang Dashan’s nostalgia to his mouth,

“Fry some scallions in the oil, and the boiled lasagna will let people eat their tongues.”

Bao Er also mixed a large old bowl of chicken cong oil noodles. First he took a sip of hazel chicken chicken cong fresh soup, and then mixed the noodles in the bowl vigorously.

“No, no, no, you have to eat dry noodles. The hand-rolled soda noodles are very chewy and shining brightly. You must use chopsticks to pick them up high and mix well, even the simplest scallion noodles. It can also greedy others for good or bad.”

Bao Er took a sip, which had to be half a bowl, and then his expression was quite sullen, “wide-eyed.”

Shan Ye said,

“You know what a fart, noodle soup is the kingly way, the original soup becomes the original food, the ancestors must have told us it is correct.”

“Hey, Lord Shan, how many bowls are you now?”


Su Yourong showed a pair of bright eyes from behind the bowl that was bigger than her head, and stared at Huang Dashan enthusiastically.

A group of Huang Dashan panicked–this is the so-called short-mouthed people who have to pick it up and say it nicely.

If you dared to make half a word in your mouth, I am afraid that Su Yourong’s collection of pan molds will be richer.

There was a shout from outside,

“Boss Lin, add some dishes! Braised beef intestines, radish side dishes, big stews, and delicacies!”

Lin Chou agreed,


The evolvers are of course not satisfied with eating noodles and a few bowls of soup. The people outside said in a negotiating tone,

“Boss Lin, I will pack a few more steamed buns tomorrow morning. Everyone is going to have breakfast and take a stroll in the wilderness. They want to go far and try their luck.”

Lin Chou pondered,

“No problem, if you guys can make me sleep well at night~”

A large group of evolving people suddenly laughed out of their hearts–

“Look, okay, you don’t want to sleep anymore tonight, which dog said that he panted louder and daddy snored him? It doesn’t exist at all!”

“Yes, yes, that’s the truth.”

“Hey, when did I start to book breakfast with our Master Haihuang, full of happiness.”

While they were talking, several groups of people followed and ordered dishes. Naturally, the so-called big stew, which is stewed black mountain wild pork in a big pot, was indispensable.Big stew has become the most popular dish besides pig blood soup and beef offal soup on Yanhui Mountain. Hunters almost use big stew as “meal” to fill their stomachs.

The taste of the stew and the side dishes are randomly matched according to Lin’s mood, but most of them will be maitake mushrooms, potatoes, pucai, etc. The taste is mainly spicy, and a big pot is basically half a black mountain wild boar. The quantity is available at any time without waiting, the price is close to the people, and it is so cheap that it is suffocating.

A big stew delivered to the evolvers is ten to twenty catties, and the price is only one hundred circulation points-even salt-baked chicken is two hundred and five. What’s the difference between this and free delivery?

This is the reason why Lin Chou has this abnormal operation. The most representative ones are the “offcuts” products of all parts of the cow except for the Tomahawk steak: beef offal soup, braised beef intestines, salty stone fried Meat…

Don’t even think about it in other places, the hairs on the high-rank alien beasts can’t wait to sell them one by one.

Lin Chou’s helpless “blood and tears” turned into huge “shining spots” in the eyes of the hunters, so these guys were clamoring “Black Heart Forest” and “Iron Rooster” and so on, the number of times they came here. Not only do they see less, they become more frequent.

Until five o’clock in the afternoon, the talents from the base city came to an end. In addition to a feast of chicken and fir oil noodles, each team packed at least N bottles of chicken and fir oil for emergency needs.

Hunters will not easily light a fire in the wilderness, lest they attract hordes of strange beasts, unless they have a certain degree of confidence or find a suitable, hidden place.

If you can’t spend the night in the wilderness, apart from the dry barbecue, there will only be all kinds of dry food brought from the base city-just pick one from the hunter and ask him what is the most unbearable when he goes out on the mission. In all likelihood, the answer will be about three meals in the wilderness.

The last meal of barbecue and next meal of dry food, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, it’s all this stuff when you’re on a mission. There are not a few people who have a psychological shadow. The barbecue is much stronger.

Lin Chou’s price for a half-liter canned chicken fir oil is 600 circulation points, which is very cheap, with a limit of one can per person per day.

Even so, the chicken fir oil boiled in the afternoon still brought him an income of 970,000 circulation points.

Huang Dashan couldn’t say anything about it.

“Linzi, you are ruining the market. You are not afraid of buying it at other restaurants for a cabbage price and using it as you like?”

Lin Chou shrugged,

“I have Ji Cong here, and Mingguang is so big. If they can lose this person, I don’t care at all.”

Huang Dashan is right to think about it, I am afraid that starting from today, the whole-bright chicken fir, whether it is produced here by Lin Chou or not, will be labeled as Yanhuishan, and it will not be wiped off.

“Besides, the output of this thing is so large, it can’t be rotten in the ground-Bao Eryi will return to the base city to bring some points to the alley.”

“Okay,” Bao Er agreed, and suddenly patted his forehead, “It’s broken, that bowl of coconut milk jelly is still in the car!”

Bao Erhuo ran out scorchingly, but the thing was hundreds of thousands of circulation points, and it might have been tossed in the box.

After a while, Bao Er came in with a weird face holding a white porcelain bowl that was still braving for a while.

“Brother Sorrow, I think you must go to the scientific research institute to do research more reliable than the old guys who can’t eat nothing. This box is not a black technology…”

The coconut milk jelly in the white porcelain bowl was intact except for a few cracks on the surface, and it was basically the same as the one Lin Chou had just taken out.


“Di, as judged by this system, this test completely meets the standard and slightly exceeds the standard, and the takeaway business can enter the trial operation stage.

Dishes can be delivered at present: except for pork blood soup, fire tomahawk steak, dragon tiger fight.

The current scope of delivery: Mingguang.

Delivery person: Bao Er.

Other terms: to be added.

Note: It is recommended that the host be compassionate, and please be sure not to have the idea of ​​defaulting on the salary of the new employee, which will make the system feel very losing face. ”

Lin Chou: “…”

Dog beep system, tell daddy clearly, hello, when have we been in arrears with employees…

Sack of balls?

Looks like, seems, probably really owed arrears–


Lin Chou glanced at Chi only, who seemed to be aware of it.

It is impossible to have a salary, and it is impossible to have a salary in this life. The hard work of sweating like rain while eating is the water that entered the mind of your blood god tribe…

It’s not good to worship, but I chose such a sketchy foodie.

Lin Chou said to Bao Er,

“You should be familiar with this business? Do you need me to make some banner ads?”

Bao Er laughed,

“Leave it to me, forget what we do? I, Bao Er, is a news seller. You don’t need to worry about this kind of thing-ah, by the way, it’s best to have a radio in the store. Otherwise I can’t contact you to prepare food.”

“Okay, leave it to you.”

Lin Chou really didn’t think that there would be too much business in the base city, and his attitude was rather casual-it was better to make money from the evolutionary, and it was faster than the robbery.

Huang Dashan let out a cry and said nothing.

(This kid is not a material for business)

Tiankeng, the land of returning to one’s ancestors.

The entire crystal dome shrouded in a vast expanse, and heavy snow was flying.

Ji Tang was facing the sky, staring at the top with dull eyes. The snow flakes melted into water droplets on his face and then flowed to the ground. After a few seconds, it condensed into hard ice crystals.

There seemed to be some kind of weird flash in Ji Tang’s eyes, murmured,

“It’s so warm… It’s like returning home… Huh… this is the first few days…”

The condensed ice after the snow flakes melted on his body has completely frozen his clothes and hair on the ground. It can be seen that this man has not moved for at least several days.

There was a woman’s voice nearby,

“Three days? Five days… It feels like watching the snow while soaking in a hot spring, so beautiful…”

Another man said,

“Snow? It’s sweet! Boss…Aren’t you hungry…”

Ji Tang was confused for a while,

“Hungry? Why are you hungry? Oh, it seems that I haven’t eaten for a long time, right…”


“I’ll lie down for a while, five minutes, and after five minutes I’ll catch a strange animal and roast it to eat.”

“Strange, I always feel that I have forgotten something.”

Mingyue said,

“Boss… I seem to smell the scent of barbecue…”

“Me too.”


Ji Tang: “I will lie down for another five minutes… five minutes will be fine…”

Not far from this team, the super-giant chicken cubs burst into flames from their mouths, burning a 100-meter-long half-crocodile dragon to only charred bones, and happily picked up the bones.” “Roll” into a nest constructed entirely of various bones.

After some pieces of work, the giant chicken cub was finally satisfied, twisted his hips to shake off the snowflakes on his body, and sat down.


The chicken cub looked up to the dome, tilted his head and waited.

Outside the “wall” of the ancestral home, Niu Lanshan finally got rid of the tarsus-like maggot-like yellow flame and recovered part of his physical strength recently.

His body was covered with the footprints of all kinds of strange animals, countless large and small wounds, and his clothes were completely rags, exuding a foul smell of feces.

Lying here for so many days, all kinds of strange beasts often patronize his business.

Niu Lanshan leaned against that invisible “air wall”,

“Niang Xipi, no matter what you are, Daddy has already fucked with you!”

He had tried various methods just now, and he couldn’t pass through this “wall”.

“I still don’t believe it…”

Niu Lanshan easily touched a stone from the ground,


The stone swished and disappeared, as if it had traveled to another space.

Niu Lanshan’s eyes widened suddenly.

“Where did you go?”

“Like those strange beasts, did you really go to another world?”

“It’s not right, it’s definitely not the case.”

“Could it be that this area has some connection with the virtual beast? It’s strange, then why is it blocking me out-this wall still has fingerprint recognition?”

While thinking, Niu Lanshan threw various things to the wall and lost his mind.

The stones and branches around him were quickly thrown away. Niu Lanshan, who couldn’t find anything, picked up an object from his body, swish~

“Fuck!” Niu Lanshan instantly realized that something was wrong, “What did I do, my unlimited walkie-talkie…”


A dark thing suddenly hit Ji Tang’s face, and Ji Tang didn’t bother to move, slanting his eyes and glanced at Niu Lan Mountain across the wall.

“Hehe, fool.”


“What’s wrong?”


Ji Tang said lazily,

“A walkie talkie or something? The guy outside, he hasn’t left yet.”



There was a long silence.

Under the dome, another weird dialogue as mentally retarded began:

“Why do you want to go, how nice it is and the scenery is also beautiful.”

“No task, no work, no need to think about anything, I can watch this snow scene for ten years.”

“At that time you were starving to death.”

“Hungry? I never feel hungry…”

“Wait a minute, boss, did you just say what he threw in?”

“Did I say that… I think about it… The shape should be a walkie-talkie…”

“Oh… it turned out to be a walkie-talkie…”

“We seemed to have brought an intercom before, but then?”

“… was eaten by the half crocodile dragon.”

“What is the use of the walkie-talkie?”

“Stupid, of course it is used to talk to the base city.”

“That thing in the haze area is just a brick.”

“Can you guys be quiet, the snow is so beautiful~”

“Yeah, so beautiful.”

“Shhh, don’t talk.”

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