Chapter 909

at the same time.

Mingguang Base City, Coordinate Research Institute, new building complex.

It took only a few months for the research institute to go from aloft to being knocked out of the world.

However, it is impossible to be replaced among the three giants, and there is little difference.

——Of course, there is not much difference. This is in the eyes of those stupid mortals.

“Wealthy and self-willed” and “wealthy” are just missing two words, but the actual meaning is totally different.

Therefore, for the first time, the work of the research institute to repair its own base camp this time was completely completed by the institute independently, and it did not occupy a small amount of evolutionary resources in the base city.

The scientific research institute simply used the ring-shaped pipe-like building complex to enclose the super-pointed alienated *N and huge *N pitcher plants, making the whole look like some kind of insects. Cocoon, there is no sense of beauty at all.

Today, the new building complex of the research institute is still in the final stage, and there are still quite large underground parts constantly bursting with rumble and beautiful original glow.

At the foot of the building complex, the Jianfeng Team Bai Qiongshou and others stood silently.

There is a large unhealed scar on Bai Qiongshou’s face. It looks like it was stepped on the front by the claws of some huge beast. The other members of the Jianfeng team are not much better. Wounded with blood,

What is even more shocking is the hundreds of corpses on the ground. Four evolutionaries from the scientific research institute stood beside the corpses, their breath as deep as an abyss, hidden.

In the other direction, Lao Hu and other senior academicians patted Li Heigou on the shoulder one after another, vaguely speaking,

“That’s it, if there is anything… come to the department anytime…”

Lao Hu brought Li Heigou over, smiled at Bai Qiongshou, and asked,

“And that’s all?”

Bai Qiongshou narrowed his eyes slightly, then opened them quickly.

There were more than one hundred corpses on the ground, including men and women, old women with gray hair, and old men with a lot of beards. These corpses stabbed Bai Qiongshou’s eyes.

He nodded slowly, his tone of indescribable sadness,

“Aren’t these enough.”

Overnight, all those who could be involved in providing him with news about the corpse lair, the collection team, the hunting team, and the relatives and relatives of these people were personally “led” by the four scientific research institutes. The strong hand beheaded on the spot, except for babies and children.

Even the simplest interrogation torture didn’t have a sentence, only confirmed the name, and then the blood flowed all over the head.

The injuries of the Bai Qiongshou and Jianfeng team members were caused by those who had been frightened mad.

The most powerful of these people is a Tier 4 senior awakener, who can be transformed into a huge white wolf, is the direct parent of the news gathering team that provides the lair to the Jianfeng team, and the captain of a powerful hunting team.

This awakened person who didn’t even know what happened was turned into a lonely person within three seconds. He immediately squirted out a breath of blood and sent a fatal blow to the white dome head — he was casually taken by the four evolutionists of the scientific research institute. Blocked and smashed his spine.

However, Bai Qiongshou was still affected a bit. To be honest, Bai Qiongshou really wished that the guy would shoot himself to death more easily.

The four evolutionaries of the scientific research institute said nothing, but Lao Hu smiled again, his tone of voice faintly.

“At least they have blood offspring to stay.”

Bai Qiongshou looked at the sloppy and kind-looking old man in front of him in disbelief, trying to suppress the emotional component in his voice.

“But the parents and relatives of those offspring, they are even innocent at all!”

Lao Hu looked at Bai Qiongshou and said every word.

“At the beginning of the cataclysm, there were nearly tens of billions of living corpses. Did they deserve their sins?”

Bai Qiongshou laughed angrily at the words.

“These are two different things!”

Old Hu said,

“Mingguang can’t bear more betrayals. The hundred corpses alone are not enough to give the lives of five thousand evolutionaries and the pain they left to their relatives as an explanation.”

Bai Qiongshou was stunned and silent.

Old nonsense,

“We can’t deal with the enemies hidden in the darkness now. We can only stab ourselves and gouge our own flesh to make the memory more profound.”Bald Swallow and others stepped forward to persuade,

“Boss, let’s go.”

“Go back and drink two glasses…”

Yanzi said to Li Heigou,

“Uncle Black Dog, shall we go together?”

Li Heigou shook his head in despair.

“I… I still have something…”

Li Heigou didn’t care about other people, staggering out of the gate of the research institute.


A funny pink children’s tricycle stopped in front of him, and Bao Er patted the takeaway box.


Li Heigou opened his mouth and finally nodded.


Bo’er kept chattering all the way,

“Hey, Uncle Dog, I’m actually not very good at talking.”

“But we can actually understand your feelings, really.”

“Don’t you flick if a man has tears–but you have to cry, Uncle Dog, when my back is wet, I’m really anxious to you!”

Li Heigou didn’t move. Bao Er glanced at the rearview mirror and found that the white dome-headed off-road vehicle had fallen behind the little sheep, and the window of the driver’s seat was open, so he slowed down slightly to let it catch up.

Li Heigou said to the real victim,

“Uncle Dog, shall we tell you a joke?”

Without waiting for Li Heigou to answer, he talked about it.

“Teacher: Who can describe what is lucky?

Xiao Ming: You fell from the top of the building and there is a haystack underneath.

Teacher: So what is misfortune?

Xiao Ming: There is a pitchfork on the haystack.

Teacher: So what is hope?

Xiaoming: You didn’t fall on the fork.

Teacher: So what is despair?

Xiaoming: You didn’t fall on the haystack either. ”

Li Heigou: “…”

Just like the off-road vehicle behind the little sheep was suddenly drunk and swayed, it drifted wildly in the middle of the road for three back and forth before it stabilized.

Bao Er laughed wildly, twisted the accelerator and honked the horn,

“Hey, blew, blew~!”

Out of the base city, many off-road vehicles came and went in groups along the way, and the directions were quite the same.

So slowing down, Bao Er knocked on the window of a familiar off-road vehicle.

The window of the car was rolled down, and the evolutionary inside had a rather brilliant smile-anyone who saw the weird posture of the child’s tricycle could not help it.

“Yeah, Erye Bao is blessed and lucky, congratulations, if you hold back and wait, you may be able to refresh Mingguang’s record of being the oldest evolutionary.”

Bao Er also laughed,

“Don’t talk, Liu Zi, why are you going, there is another big case?”

The evolutionary Qidao named Liu Zi by Bao Er,

“This is weird. On weekdays, your second master Bao knows Boss Lin’s market best. Why don’t you know Boss Lin’s unprecedented 20% off bargain today?”

Bao Er scratched his head,

“Twenty percent off? Are you sure? The temper of our Master Haihuang… not very likely…”

Liu Zizheng said,

“I really told you to be right. There is only one discount. It is Mr. Lin’s Jicong Harvest, and there are enough Jicong Oil Pasta Noodles. You can still buy canned chicken Cong Oil. Don’t you think about stocking it? That’s Ji Cong-who doesn’t have a ruined chef in the team? I just won’t be coming back tonight. I ate the steamed buns tomorrow morning. The big guys just went to the team and went away safely.”

“Yes, then I wish the big guy a full load in advance, and don’t forget to send a little red envelope to the little brother at that time-after all, this is a bonus blessing.”


“I don’t think our Bao Er’s blessing is effective, wait, I will let the Warlock Master give you a powerful shot when I get to the mountain!”

“The sack of the ball, Second Master Bao, what did you say in the last sentence, I didn’t catch it.”

“I wish you a happy return in advance. Don’t forget to send us a big red envelope or something. After all, this is a bonus blessing.”

“Receive the red envelope firmly!!”

As soon as we talked, we arrived at Yanhui Mountain. The mountain was noisy, and many evolutionists were already sitting on the roof of their cars and sucking noodles.

Some have their own tables, chairs and benches-these are very experienced.

On the contrary, there were no people in the shop. Bao Er and Li Heigou saw Lin Chou as soon as they entered the house.

Fortunately, this time Li Heigou didn’t have the weird smell of vomiting.

Lin Chou looked up and down,

“Huh? Is there any problem with your body?”

Li Heigou nodded.

Huang Dashan didn’t know where he got out, and rubbed Li Heigou’s newly born pectoralis muscle a few times.

“Damn, people who can see muscle lines through their clothes are all perverts-why didn’t the scientific research institute slice you directly.”

Li Heigou: “…”

Wei Qingyu leaned against the window and swayed her posture-it was really swaying her posture.

If it hadn’t been for Leng Han to support her all the time, Wei Big Sister would be swaying to take off.

“Hey, this person looks familiar, my God, will I become blind after drinking?”

Wei Qingyu sucked his nose vigorously.

“What smells, it smells so good…”

God, she actually remembered that she drank.

Li Heigou’s jade-white face showed a strange blush, and he looked a little handsome.

Lin Chou squeezed his chin and pondered. Don’t say he was drinking too much, Big Sister, even if he had to meet him once before he dared to recognize that the little butcher in front of him was actually the black and shiny bearded Li Hei dog.

Sure enough, it’s too modest to cover up the ugliness.

According to Li Heigou’s situation, white = plastic surgery.

After Huang Dashan squeezed Li Heigou’s pectoralis major, he kept looking at his own hand, looking over and over, as if he wanted to see a flower.

It feels as if his hand had pinched the breast of a peerless beauty, wishing he could not wash his hands every day for 30 years, or use it to perform the ultimate horror-Five Dragons Holding Pillar Technique?

As a result, everyone in the room once again recalled the fear of being dominated by Shan Ye’s phrase “This ass is so familiar”, and all took a step back.

Huang Dashan’s big evil hand stretched out to the poor Li Heigou again,

“This doesn’t feel right!”

Li Heigou was struck again, and he was squeezed with goose bumps all over his body.

“Master Shan…If you let go now, I might consider not working hard with you, really.”

Shan Ye smiled sneakily,

“Xiao Zha, you are not Li Hei dog, show daddy the real body~”

“Sizzle~”The clothes of Li Heigou’s upper body were exploded by Huang Dashan.

Li Heigou was dumbfounded.

“Fuck Shanye, what are you doing…”

A group of people sucked in cold air, seeming to vacuum the shop.

Li Heigou’s upper body is neat and red, and the angular muscles are clearly organized, as if he had been treated by a stylist calmly-except for the really tender and white ones that are unacceptable.

Of course, this is not the point.

There are so many muscles in Mingguang. Nine out of ten people who stand on three walls and throw a brick and hit it have eight-pack abs.

The point is that Li Heigou is very symmetrical from the chest to the belly, juxtaposed one, two, three… a full three pairs of beautiful Nako with at least B cups.

The initiator Huang Dashan began to sniff, feeling that he might shed two catties of nosebleeds at any time.

“It’s… so fucking exciting…”

An evolutionary: “No, I can’t stand this grievance, why do my wife only have two??”

When Bai Qiong and the others came in, they just saw this scene, and they couldn’t say anything in shock.

Li Heigou directly covered his face, “I know…”

His fateful explanation,

“The ghost knows what the group of rebels did to me. There are weird toxins hidden in the dead corpse…or it can’t be said to be a toxin. That thing is destined to not survive. It is just a drug. It is a choice. A suitable evolutionary injects poison-of course, I am the hapless guy.”

“Living corpse stillbirth is a product of the rebellious party’s’synthesis’. After research, people in the research institute believe that its toxin can greatly improve the physical fitness of the evolutionary-it seems to be incorporated in a strange way with messy genes, making the infected The evolutionary temporarily possesses some alien beasts, living corpses, and even non-existent bloodline abilities, such as the flying ability you see, the recovery ability, etc., but the duration is only one day and night.”

“I survived. The side effect is that all my abilities have disappeared. I am no longer an evolver, or even a ‘human’. Instead, I’m a variant mixed with the genes of alien animals and living corpses.”

“The rest is mainly the wolf and fox, as well as the self-healing power of the blood corpse, castrated version.”

Speaking of this, Li Heigou seemed a little confused.

“To be honest, I couldn’t believe it myself that the research institute released me intact.”

Huang Dashan went straight to the most critical issue,

“So what’s the matter with your plump and matte Rokinoko?”

Li Heigou looked desperately.

“If I say I have become a werewolf, uh, or a wolf corpse, do you believe it…”

Everyone: “…”

I’m so little studying, don’t you bluff me, a werewolf of six naokos? !

Huang Dashan muttered,

“You have impure blood, where’s your tail?”

Li Heigou swears that if he couldn’t beat him, he would surely make this guy full of flowers.

“Also, what the hell is your ability to make everyone amnesia?”

Li Heigou groaned,

“I… not sure, my remaining memory is very limited, but… there is a certain’feel’ that tells me that that ability seems to be borrowed from’others’, um,’borrowed’ things It’s the alien animal gene in the toxin. It seems to be an ability to alienate the blood of the fox, called the’Fake Huwei’.”

“Can it still be used?”

Li Heigou shook his head.

“Now there is only one passive thing about the ability of alienating foxes…”

He glanced at Wei Qingyu, very embarrassed.

“Charm, which produces a strange attraction to women, spreads in the form of fragrance-cough, but it becomes an unbearable smell in the male’s sense of smell.”

The eyes of a group of men suddenly became hot, dragging their voices,


Prince Huang, smack, smack, smack,

“Black dog, God can’t see what happened to your single dog. Sure enough, what the ancestors said makes sense. Don’t you mean’If you die in a disaster, you will have a beautiful blessing’?”

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