Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 482 Powerful Space Ability

"Crackle, crackle", although Xiao Qiang's psychics blocked a lot of projectiles, there were still a lot of objects thrown at others. In an instant, those objects hit Xiao Qiang and his team. When stones and other objects hit the car, they smashed the glass and collided with the iron sheet, making a crisp "dangdang" sound, and the car was dented.

Although everyone was fully armed and wrapped their bodies with armor made by Yang Xue, there were inevitably some strong zombies in the opposite group. They hit the bodies of those who had no time to dodge, knocking them down, and a large piece of black bruises appeared on their bodies, which was also very painful.

Among them, a level 4 zombie threw out an iron rod, which penetrated the iron sheet of the car, and then "banged" and pierced the tire of the car, puncturing the tire of the car. Another level 4 zombie threw out a handful of iron-like substances. These iron pieces spun quickly, and most of them hit the truck, but there was still a piece of iron that hit one of them. The strong impact also caused the man to fly out of the truck.

"Hurry up and save people, protect the members of the medical team." Jiang Kai saw that many people were injured on his side. The medical team, led by Sister Rourou, also hurried to treat them, while manipulating the supernatural power and commanding loudly.

"Sister Rourou, there is a person over there who is seriously injured, and the iron piece has hit his body." A little nurse next to her ran to Sister Rourou and said to her hurriedly.

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look. I'll leave this person to you." Sister Rourou handed the injured person next to her to others and said.

"Sister Rourou, this person is a bit seriously injured, and the iron piece has hit his body, but now there is no way to perform surgery immediately under the current conditions. What should we do?" The little nurse hugged the injured person and said to Sister Rourou anxiously.

"Remember, we are doctors. In the future, even if you encounter a difficult situation, you must stay calm. If even the doctor starts to panic, what will you do with the patient?" Sister Rourou said while checking the patient's condition.

"Bandage, gauze, and the hemostatic agent given by Xiao Qiang, get it ready." Sister Rourou took a general look at the situation and made a decision.

As she spoke, Sister Rourou put the man on the ground and then crossed her hands.


A pale yellow light circle appeared beside Sister Rourou's hand. Sister Rourou slowly put her hand into the light circle, and then gently pinched a piece of iron with blood in her hand, and slowly pulled her hand out of the light circle. As Sister Rourou's hand was pulled out, the light circle disappeared.

And this is also Sister Rourou's use of her own ability. Sister Rourou's ability is a space-type ability. After using it, she can travel to another space through the created space. Before, Sister Rourou also used this ability to help Xiao Qiang's parents avoid the search of M Company.

"The iron piece has been taken out. Hurry up and bandage him, give him a hemostatic agent, and take him aside to rest." Sister Rourou saw that the nurse next to her was a little stunned, and hurriedly reminded her.

"This ability is quite interesting. It seems that I will have to help Sister Rourou to upgrade in the future." Xiao Qiang, who was blocking on the side, saw the movement here and was also impressed by the special ability of Sister Rourou, thinking in his heart.

At this time, after the zombies threw the items in their hands, they rushed towards Xiao Qiang and his team one by one, led by two level 4 zombies, howling.

Xiao Qiang glanced at the side. The people in the team were disrupted by the zombies' throwing objects, and some people were injured. At this moment, they could not immediately counterattack the zombies. Under Jiang Kai's organization, they climbed onto the truck and prepared to counterattack the zombies.

Looking at the zombies that were about to rush to the front, Xiao Qiang took a step forward and was about to go forward to kill the zombies. A man rushed out from beside him, holding two knives in his hands, and rushed out from beside him, slashing at the zombies in front of him. The man had a tall body, broad shoulders, and a handsome face. If there were any girls here, they would definitely be fascinated by him. This man was Lin Fei.

"Double knife flow!"

Lin Fei rushed to the front of the zombies, and used his skills with two knives. For a moment, a gust of knife wind blew, and on the straight line that Lin Fei chopped forward, a distance of more than 30 meters was chopped. Those zombies were chopped and killed, and some zombies were even carried by the knife wind and blown into the air.

"This Lin Fei is really powerful. If you get good things from the system in the future, you can train Lin Fei more." Xiao Qiang was also surprised by Lin Fei's strength and said with some emotion.

"Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix!"

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 20/100."

After seeing Lin Fei's performance, Xiao Qiang followed closely and killed more than 2,000 zombies that rushed to the front with a Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix, buying time for the Longshan Legion to block the attack.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience +2, exchange points +2."

... . . . . .

"Wang Peng, shoot!" Seeing that the Longshan Legion climbed onto the truck again under the command of Jiang Kai and started shooting at the zombies, Xiao Qiang also shouted to Wang Peng who was flying in the air, ready to rush into the zombie group to kill the level 5 zombies.

Wang Peng, who was in the air, was ready after hearing Xiao Qiang's words. He pulled the bowstring back hard, and a smoke arrow was shot into the zombie group that was preparing to retreat. After shooting one, Wang Peng's movements became faster and faster. Then, the second and third arrows were shot at different positions in the zombie group.

For a while, under the smoke arrows specially developed by Yang Xue, the retreating zombie group was instantly covered by a large area of ​​smoke. The zombies were blocked by the smoke, not only making random howling sounds, but also their movements became chaotic, and the zombies bumped into each other.

But soon, a sharp zombie howl sounded in the zombie group.


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